
HP: The Magical Gamer

A 10 year old Harry Potter was sleeping soundly in his house when something extraordinary miracle happens to him. He is Chosen to be the first gamer of his world by someone called Creator, and there are no conditions on how he should use it. And after discovering this he decided to become the strongest one in the world.

Kitamari · 書籍·文学
165 Chs

Chapter 99: World!

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"Whoa! Who is the Red Grim and Black Grim?" Tracey enquired, as the pictures of two masked kids garbed in white and black overalls flashed on the screen.

"They are very infamous serial killers. It is said that the whole criminal world is terrified of them since the Grims only go after bad people. These two Grims have killed more than a thousand people combined. Actually, the Black Grim is a new one, started being active approximately half a year ago. Red Grim on the other hand has been there for a couple of years. He is almost like a strange celebrity." Hermione informed them, perking up as she looked at the TV.

Neville frowned and added. "But by the size of them, they barely look older than 12 or at max 13."

"Yes. That's the major reason why there are only few vocal supporters for their work even when many people agree with their methods. No one wants to see children going on a mass killing spree. The police and all the special forces are trying to catch them but none are successful. The Grims are very elusive. They have superpowers and can teleport and fly whenever they want. I would have thought that they were from the Wizarding World but they don't use wands." Hermione said absent-mindedly, looking at a low resolution footage of the Grims disappearing in thin air.

"Isn't that bad? Killing so many people so callously?" Tracey said, scratching her cheek, feeling uncomfortable, bamboozled by the revelation that those two children had kill counts in 4 digits.

Daphne surprisingly spoke up in their defence. "Not really. They are just going after the evil ones. They are only doing cleansing. I for one admire their power and resolve. They must be tremendously powerful and resourceful, I am impressed. I wish there was someone like them in the Wizarding World so the Death Eaters who are roaming carefree now could be taken care of too."

Hermione and Neville looked at her horrified while Tracey just glanced at her knowingly, she hadn't forgotten how Daphne had cowed the entire Slytherin house. Harry and Iris were unnaturally silent, just eyeing them blankly.

"Rationally thinking, I can see how you got to that conclusion, Daphne. But it is hardly right for two overpowered kids to decide what is right and what is wrong. Honestly, I am quite ambivalent about these two. On one hand, looking at it clinically, I agree that they are doing a brilliant job in curbing crime and saving the innocents, but on the other hand, it is quite scary how unburdened and unconcerned they are after taking so many lives. That is just inhumane." Hermione threw her own two cents.

"Exactly!" Tracey joined in, looking quite sombre, as if she was speaking from personal experience. "Killing is bad no matter what. When you kill someone you lose a little of yourself. It takes a toll on your body and soul. Killing is a severe problem because on top of hurting someone it hurts the killer themselves."

Daphne chuckled darkly and shook her head. "That's just cowardice. Tell me, Tracey, my life is in danger and the only way to save me is to kill the bad man first, or else I would die. Would you bloody your hand to save me or would you let me die to save yourself from the 'hurt' of taking a life? Would you be a killer or a coward?"

A creepy silence surrounded them as the others saw a different version of Daphne. Unlike her usual placid face, her current expression was full of a morbid passion. The two girls who were sitting together had turned sideways so they were facing each other.

Tracey threw up her hands angrily. "That's unfair. You are putting me in a no-win position. Anyways, unlike me, these two serial killers aren't on the defensive, they are going out of their way to kill. They are the assaulters, not defenders. They could be sickos who only enjoyed inflicting pain, and the welfare of others might just be the byproduct."

"Maybe. Or they are just being proactive. How many lives they must have saved because they killed the men and women who would in the future have hurt someone innocent? A lot I reckon. And if they were just sickos having fun then they wouldn't have gone after only bad people, they wouldn't have the conscience to spare the innocents." Daphne fired back.

It was a rare thing seeing Daphne being so talkative and opinionated.

"You are too pessimistic, Daphne. Killing isn't the only solution. People may change. Nothing is fixed in this world. Good people become evil and evil people become good too." Tracey argued fiercely.

"And you are too optimistic and naive, Tracey. Why should it matter whether a bad person becomes good after he or she already has snuffed out innocent lives? Why should we take risks when we can just put him or her to rest? Who will take responsibility for the lost innocent lives when your supposedly redeemed criminal tries to go back for good ole days?" Daphne contended with a snarl.

Before the two best friends could go back and forth again, the sound of the main door opening took their attention.

"My parents are home! I will go get them." Hermione cheered in a fake happy voice and quickly fled from the strained environment.

"What do you think, Harry? You are unusually silent." Tracey prompted, setting everyone's focus on him.

"You both may be right and wrong. The world isn't divided in black and white. It is spread in various shades of grey. It's up to you how dark or light grey you want your morals and code to be. The people aren't pure evil or pure good. It's up to you if you decide to condemn them for their darkness or risk others for their light. Both ways are correct and wrong. And just like good and evil, there is no objective right and wrong. It is subjective. It is more about what feels right for you." Harry shrugged with an anxious smile, trying to spout something coherent.


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