
HP: The Magical Gamer

A 10 year old Harry Potter was sleeping soundly in his house when something extraordinary miracle happens to him. He is Chosen to be the first gamer of his world by someone called Creator, and there are no conditions on how he should use it. And after discovering this he decided to become the strongest one in the world.

Kitamari · 書籍·文学
165 Chs

Chapter 96: Ranking & ? !

Hey guys if u like the fanfic and want to read 40+ chapters ahead or just want to support take a visit on my patreon.




Daphne's face turned bright red as the realisation that he had been watching her sunk in.

"Good morning, Daphne. Didn't know you were such a good singer and dancer."

"Good morning, Harry. What are you doing here at this time?" She asked in a high pitched voice, trying to hide her embarrassment in vain.

"I can ask you the same question." He chuckled, approaching her and standing before her.

"Then let's not ask each other questions and forget that this ever happened. Got it?" She suggested, picking up her school robe from the floor and putting it on.

"Fine. Don't tell me why you are singing and dancing at this time. You can keep your secrets. As for me, I was just going for a morning jog." Harry huffed.

Daphne shot him an impressed look and said, "Oh, that's good. I had already done my morning exercise or else I would have joined you."

"Really? When do you even wake up to do all of this?"

"3 am."

"Merlin! Are you even a human?"

"As far as I know, I am. A greater human of course." She grinned superiorly at his flabbergasted look.

"Whatever. I am going now. Be careful on your way back to the Slytherin House." He cautioned, squeezing her shoulder as they parted after exiting the room.

"I will. I have been following this same routine since the first week. I should be the one warning you." She said with a smile, waving her hand as he disappeared back under his Invisibility Cloak.

Just before he went away, Harry used [Observe] on his friend.

[Name: Daphne Greengrass

Race: Human

Class: Mage

Lvl: 21

HP: 1050

MP: 2100

Affection: 50

Obedience: 25

Thoughts about you: Fondness, ?]

During his run on the castle grounds, Daphne's song played in a loop inside his mind. He wasn't complaining.

Her voice was just so soothing and melodic. It was a crime that he had never heard her sing before when she was able to sing so beautifully.

He only wished that he could have heard the full song. Although curious, he wasn't going to pry in her matters, not wanting to be pushy and fearing angering her.

She would tell him when she was able to or wanted to.

'Hey, Isis. What was the question mark in her stat? I had seen that before but forgot to ask you.'

[It's simple. She is still undecided or unaware about one emotion regarding you. When that confusion disappears so will the question mark.]

'Thanks. Though I wished that [Observe] was more powerful. That I could see people's secrets and know more about them.' He mused, thinking how cool and convenient it would be if [Observe] was a little stronger.

[I guess. Maybe I will create a quest for you in future to upgrade that perk. That's a nice idea.]

'Thanks, Isis. You are the best.'

[Yup and you better remember that forever.]

'Yes, yes. I also wanted to ask you how I will gain the XP and rewards of the pending Mage quests when I already have hit the level cap.'

[I shouldn't probably reveal it since it's a spoiler but who cares. Listen, when you earn the [Immortality] perk after completing that quest, the system will change drastically. The system simply will upgrade since that will be the first milestone of your overarching quest to become as powerful as the Creator. Many changes will take place once you get that perk. And breaking the level cap of any Class is one of those changes.]

'Oh. I see. I am both excited and anxious after knowing this.'

[Just ignore it and go forward as you are going. You are doing great. I suggest you choose the next Class instead of just lazing around. If you work hard then you will reach level 100 of this new Class before Halloween comes and will be able to switch back to [Mage] for fighting against Voldemort. I advise you not to waste your time and fall behind.]

Harry grimaced. He actually was considering not choosing the next Class until after Halloween when he needed to answer the Dark Lord's challenge.

He was in a mood to just kick back and relax for the next half a year. But Isis' words rang true and he heeded her suggestion.

The system UI sprang up before his eyes as he leaned against the trunk of a tree. He checked which Classes were available for him.

Many new Classes had appeared, but his eyes lingered on these three.




Harry really was tempted to choose between Rogue and Summoner. Both of them seemed interesting and powerful.

But his current situation demanded he choose [Enchanter] now. This class would give him the best ways to protect his family even in his absence.

He could enchant various things to provide more safety for them. The first idea that came to him was some kind of mind protection which would stop them from getting possessed.

He still remembered how Voldemort had taken over Iris' body and it would be mightily stupid of him to ignore that weakness.

'You are right. But I still need some time before I start grinding again in a new Class. Lately, I have been feeling burned out. I will pick up the next Class in the summer vacation after I tell mum everything. Until then I am taking a break.'

[Sure. If that's what you want to do.]

'That's exactly what I want and need to do.'



1. Harry Potter

2. Daphne Greengrass

3. Hermione Granger

4. Padma Patil

5. Susan Bones

6. Sue Li

7. Terry Boot

8. Iris Potter

9. Neville Longbottom

10. Draco Malfoy-

"I still can't believe I am not first. It's just not fair." Hermione grumbled as they sat in the Hogwarts Express, heading back to London.

"Drop it, Hermione. That parchment and your sad mood too. Who cares if you are not first! I am not even in the list and I am absolutely fine." Tracey giggled, hugging her from the side and rubbing her head in consolation.

"I am not sure if that comparison should make me happier or not." Hermione sighed but leaned into her friend, folding the parchment neatly and putting it in her pocket.


Hey guys if u like the fanfic and want to read 40+ chapters ahead or just want to support take a visit on my patreon.

