
HP: The Magical Gamer with Pheonix

With his life turned into a Game, Harry now has to raise a Phoenix, uncover the Founders' darkest secrets, deal with political manipulations and live through Hogwarts all while trying desperately to not swear too much.

vilan864 · 書籍·文学
115 Chs

Chapter 110: Legilimens

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"Oh shit!" another, a deeper voice said, panic evident in his voice, "Oh no no no! He's bleeding Richard! Is he dead? Please tell me he's not dead!"

"Shut up and check his pulse Rudy!" another panicky voice snapped at the first.

There was a small silence before either of them spoke.

"He's alive. Knocked out I think. But this is it, Richard. You wanted to rough the kid up, you roughed him up.

I'm out now. I can't be tied back to this. My mum would kill me. I'm leaving, whether you're coming or not."

Footsteps started towards the door. Harry quickly pulled out his Invisibility Cloak from his inventory and covered himself, pressing himself against the wall just as a seventh year Gryffindor slammed the door open and ran off in the direction of the Gryffindor tower. The second one soon followed.

"Stop! Wait for me!"

Harry debated for a second between following the Gryffindors and checking on whoever had been injured, before he promptly stuffed his Cloak into the Inventory and headed into the classroom, stopping short as soon as he realized who it was.

The prone body of Theodore Nott lay against the wall, a trail of blood from his head dripping onto the floor.

His legs were bent at an odd angle, and bruises and scratches were littered all over him. From the looks of it, this was another one of those Slytherin bullying events.

Harry started forward to heal him before he stopped himself.

This was someone who was actually likely of being the heir. Every single person that had gotten petrified had pissed Nott off before they were attacked.

Even if Except this time the bullies had somehow gotten someone that was actually likely of being the Heir

Harry looked at the prone form of the Nott heir lying on the floor. He doubted that his Observe could give him enough information to know whether or not Nott was the Heir, but he could just use that Legilimency spell.

There was only a moment's hesitation before he pulled out Riddle's wand. " Legilimens! "


Error: Target has a higher Mind Arts skill level {Level 8} than User. Legilimency attack failed!

' What! ' Harry was shell-shocked. It took him a while to think of anything other than the fact that there was an actual person in his own year that had better Mind Arts skill than he did.

Trying to not directly jump to the conclusion that Nott was actually the heir, Harry instead came up with a different plan.

He'd just heal his head injury and stop his bleeding, and then he'd leave it up to Madam Pomfrey to heal his legs and other injuries.

That would take at least a couple of days to heal, during which he could practice and level up his Mind Arts skill in the Restriction Dungeon, after which, he'd sneak into the Hospital Wing, and read Nott's mind about whether or not he was the Heir.

Yes. That could work.

Resolving to work with that plan, Harry dropped to his knees beside the unconscious boy, pulled up his healing ability and quickly used it to remove the Bleeding and Unconsciousness ailments.

Nott woke up with a groan just as Harry was about to prop him up against the wall. As soon as he saw who was helping him, his face curled into a sneer, "What the fuck are you doing Potter!? Let go of me!"

"Stop being difficult Nott. I'm trying to help you," Harry said, propping him up properly against the wall before pulling out his handkerchief out to wipe the blood off of Nott's face.

"I don't want your help!" Nott said aggressively, pus Leave me the fuck alone!"


"Just get lost, Potter!" Nott snapped, "I don't want your help!"

Harry was getting seriously annoyed now, "What is your problem !? I'm trying to help you, and you're going and acting like a complete dickhead!"

And Nott seemed to snap.

"My problem!" Nott snarled, "You want to know my problem ! You! You're my problem! You are the reason my mother is dead you bastard!"

"What are you even talking about Nott!"

But Nott wasn't listening to him anymore. With a crazed look in his eyes, he kept talking on, "She had done nothing wrong, and you and your Light side killed her! You will die too you bastard! You and your mudblooded friends.

One day the Dark Lord will rise again, and when he does, I will be there by his side, avenging my mother's death.

And you will beg for mercy on your knees before me, just like your mother groveled in front of the Dark Lord!"

Harry had had enough. Quick as a snake, his hand darted out, grabbed Nott's head and slammed it into the wall, knocking him unconscious again. With a frown, Harry cast an observe on him.

Theodore Nott (Status: Unconscious, Concussion)

(Relationship Meter - 0%)











Theodore Nott is a half-blood wizard, though only he and his father know it. His father lied about his wife being a pureblood so that he could marry her. Theo is the only heir of the Nott family.

He was trained in Occlumency to hide his blood status and act just like a pureblood. His mother was killed in an Auror raid months after his birth, which is why he hates the 'Light' side with a burning passion.

He has masqueraded for his whole life as a pureblood and is scared that the Heir of Slytherin will find out about his ancestry and come for him. He hates Harry.

Harry's eyes widened as he looked at the prone form of the boy and the Observe screen. Nott was a half-blood! And he was definitely not the heir of Slytherin! The reason his mind arts level was higher than him was that he he'd been learning it his whole life.

Feeling a small surge of guilt, Harry quickly used his healing ability a few times to heal all of Nott's injuries other than his Unconsciousness.


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