
HP: The Gray Sorcerer

Arthur finds himself reincarnated into the world of Harry Potter and awakens a powerful Gacha System. He begins his new life by acquiring a phoenix as his pet and spending time playing Quidditch with his girlfriend Cho Chang, reading books in the library with Hermione, or searching for the rare Crumple-Horned Snorkack with Luna. -------------------------------------------- patreon.com/Abyssuit You can find up to 35 advanced chapters at my patreon

Abyssuit · アニメ·コミックス
237 Chs

Chapter 65: In-Laws

'What should I prepare for your first time going to your girlfriend's house for dinner?'

Never had Arthur experienced such a situation in his life before. But today, Arthur is about to experience it for the first time.

After leaving Diagon Alley, Arthur hurriedly returned home and picked a bottle of Rhône Valley red wine as a gift.

Cho had mentioned that her father enjoys drinking, whether it's Eastern or Western wines, He knows a lot about this area.

The bottle of Rhône Valley red wine was given to Arthur by a shareholder of a company he invested in. It is said to be a limited edition and quite valuable.

After changing into a different outfit, Arthur took the packaged wine and arrived at the location agreed with Cho.

Soon, Cho arrived as well.

Seeing Arthur in front of her, dressed totally different from his usual style, Cho's eyes sparkled. With his elegant black suit and gentle smile, he resembled a young nobleman from an ancient family.

The two of them talked and laughed along the way, but when they were close to the front door, Arthur suddenly felt a bit nervous.

Cho saw that Arthur was nervous and held his hand gently to tell him not to worry. Arthur smiled at Cho to let her know he was fine, and the two of them went in.

Cho's home was located in the suburbs of London. It wasn't a large house, just a normal isolated house. No one would think that a whole family of wizards lived here.

"Mom! Dad! We're back," Cho shouted as soon as they entered.

Cho's mother was cooking in the kitchen while her father was sitting on the couch, holding a copy of the Daily Prophet newspaper.

When hearing her daughter's voice, Cho's mother, Helen Zhang, came out of the kitchen, greeted them, and quickly returned.

However, Arthur felt that she didn't need to stay in the kitchen at all. All the kitchen utensils were magically prepared and cooked without any need for magic.

Cho's father smiled as he watched his daughter return. But as soon as he turned his gaze to Arthur, his expression instantly turned serious.

Arthur felt quite speechless. He didn't expect Cho's father to have a tendency to be protective of his daughter.

It seemed that this problem would be a bit challenging.

However, Cho was very excited after returning home. She pulled Arthur upstairs and took him to her bedroom.

Stepping into Cho's room, Arthur curiously looked around.

It was his first time entering a girl's room.

The room wasn't very big. It only had a single bed, a desk, and a closet.

The walls were covered with posters of the Tutshill Tornados Quidditch team, and by the desk, there was Arthur's gift to Cho, a Nimbus 2001 broomstick.

It was obvious that the girl had a great passion for Quidditch.

However, the two dolls on the bed also revealed the girlish side of the girl.

Seeing Arthur looking so curious in her room, Cho felt a bit embarrassed and covered his eyes with her hands.

"Don't look around randomly, okay?"

Arthur nodded and smiled. He playfully tackled the girl onto the single bed, and the two of them started to play around.

They only stood up when they heard Helen calling them downstairs. Arthur and Cho tidied up their slightly messy clothes due to their energetic play before heading downstairs.

"Come, Arthur, may I call you that? Don't be nervous, just treat it like your own home. Eat whatever you want," Helen Zhang said with a smile, sitting at the dining table.

Arthur sat on the chair, looking at the table full of delicious dishes, unable to resist praising, "Auntie, your cooking is excellent. These dishes look very good."

"Then have some more," Helen replied, delighted to hear Arthur's kind words. She kept serving him food, completely ignoring Cho and Cho's father.

Arthur didn't hold back either. Enjoying the food is the greatest compliment to the cook. As he ate, he praised every dish, speaking clearly.

Suddenly, Cho's father turned and walked to the cupboard, fetching a bottle of wine. "I didn't expect you to know so much about Oriental cuisine. I have a bottle of wine here. Let's drink and chat."

Cho's father was quite playful. Although he had some generosity towards Arthur, he still wanted to teach this young man who took his daughter away a lesson.

His plan was to get him drunk by drinking together.

"Sirius! What are you up to? Arthur is still so young," Helen exclaimed.

Arthur finally learned Cho's father's name, Sirius Zhang.

"It's fine. We're having a family dinner. A couple of drinks will spice things up," Sirius quickly waved his hand to show that everything was fine.

"It's alright, Auntie. I'll accompany Uncle if it makes him happy and has a few drinks," Arthur smiled, persuading Helen, who was about to intervene.

Cho, who was watching with a smile, remained silent. She knew Arthur's alcohol tolerance from secretly drinking butterbeer brought by Fred and George last semester.

Seeing her father's intention to get Arthur drunk, Cho knew that he was in trouble today.

Seeing Arthur being so cooperative and nodding with a smile, Sirius had no idea that his kind little daughter had turned into a rebellious one.



You can find up to 35 advance chapters at my patreon.