
HP: The Alchemist [DROPPED]

THIS NOVEL IS FROM MTL. I AM NOW USING THE ORIGINAL NOVEL AS THE FRAMEWORK FOR THIS. The plot events remain unchanged, but I am revising and enhancing the narrative for better flow and readability. I will also remove any references related to patriotism and geopolitics. This story is very slow paced, so be warned. Please feel free to point out any spelling, grammar, or plot errors in the comments below. I'll make efforts to rectify them promptly. It's important to note that I do not own the rights to Harry Potter or the original novel. Chapter Updates: Expect new chapters approximately 1-3 times a week.

BoOk_LoV3r_429 · 書籍·文学
108 Chs

Chapter 9

I wasn't sure how Luke comforted Nina or how he managed to improve her mood, but I was glad that he was able to do so. In the following days, Herb and Daisy returned to work, while Albert and Nina remained with their grandparents for the summer holidays.

Albert spent his time sharing the history of magic and other books with the others, and he even performed magic tricks for them. He also spent a fortune on a wizarding chess board and pieces, along with a guide on how to play the game.

At first, Nina disliked Wizarding Chess but soon came to appreciate the game.

As expected, no one wants to play chess with Albert since his chess skills are far superior to everyone else's. Wizarding chess is essentially the same as regular chess, except that the pieces have a limited degree of sentience. Players usually need to use a password to command the pieces, which is similar to commanding an army. If you try to touch one of the pieces without the password, it will attack you with a weapon.

Ordinary people can also play wizarding chess, but they are unable to see the magical elements of the game. The chess pieces seem to have their own personalities, often complaining and saying things like, "Will you play chess with me?" "Don't send me there; send a pawn instead," and "Your sacrifice is insignificant in the grand scheme of the game."

During this time, Albert made rapid progress in his studies. He also completed the [Luke's Regret] task and gained 1500 experience points, bringing his total experience point count to 30,000. Although the experience pool may seem large, it is ultimately useless.

The higher the skill level, the more difficult it is to improve it. Later, one can only consume experience from the experience pool or use skill points to upgrade.

"Albert, are you sure this leaf will float?" Nina kept looking at the leaf, but it never responded. "I think the gesture is wrong." Albert was a little depressed.

When casting a spell, his wrist movement is also very important. Sometimes a wrong movement or non-standard recitation of the spell may cause the magic to fail. This is an easy way for beginners to make mistakes. Without a teacher, he can only slowly explore magic or use the experience points in the experience pool to upgrade the skill and improve his mastery over it.

If Albert had to choose, he would prefer to slowly explore magic and only consider using experience points if he was really struggling. He didn't care much about mastering the Levitation Charm and didn't find it too difficult to learn.

"It turns out that magic is really not that easy to learn." Nina admired Albert's patience, as she didn't have as much patience herself.

"Of course, it's like learning mathematics. It needs to be done step by step with a clear order and neat working outs," Albert said as he pushed his sister on a swing, casually comforting her. "Don't give up until the end."

"I hate it. I'm tired of comforting words." Nina curled her lips, but she was still very happy.

Actually, Nina guessed that she might not really have the talent to be a witch. After talking to her grandfather last time, she didn't care about it as much anymore.

When there were no people in the park, Albert tried another floating spell. This time, he succeeded. After chanting {Wingardium Leviosa}, the leaves successfully floated in the air.

At this time, Albert noticed someone looking at him and put away his wand. He followed the gaze and saw a teenager slightly older than him.

"Do you need anything?" Albert raised his eyebrows and asked the boy Albert is not at all afraid of the other person's choice.

Albert started learning karate at the age of eight. He was once caught fighting with other students at school. For this reason, Daisy was called to the school to discuss his possible expulsion, but she stood firm by Albert's side and called her husband over.

The husband and wife gave full display to their talents as lawyers, leaving everyone speechless. The three people he fought were older than him and were embarrassed to have lost to him, so they tried to find a teacher. At that time, Albert accepted his new family.

"You're a first-year at Hogwarts, right? You shouldn't perform magic in public. The ministry can find out if you do," the boy said, looking at the leaves floating in the sky with surprise. He didn't expect to see a first-year who was just about to attend Hogwarts perform magic.

"Thank you; I'll pay attention." Albert felt that the other party was not malicious and said thank you. He then took his sister and left.

"I'm Truman, Gabriel Truman. A Hufflepuff and I live nearby," Gabriel Truman said kindly, shaking hands with Albertdly, shaking hands with Albert. "You're a first-year student, right? I hope you can join Hufflepuff."

"Hufflepuff?" Albert asked questioningly.

"Oh yeah, you haven't started yet. Hogwarts has four houses, and you are placed in a house during the sorting ceremony." Truman was about to say something more when he saw an owl flying towards them and threw a letter at his feet.

"Why are there owls now?" Truman picked up the letter questioningly and opened it in front of Albert. His expression froze, and his face suddenly became distressed. Nina also noticed the change in atmosphere and quickly hid behind Albert.

"What's wrong?" Albert also felt something was wrong and asked tentatively.

"I was expelled; why is this happening?" Truman's face was full of doubt and anger, and he seemed to be going crazy at any moment. He didn't understand why the Ministry of Magic would send a letter saying that he had been expelled for using the Levitation Charm in front of Muggles.

"That's right, it's you; it must be you." Truman saw Albert and suddenly figured out what was going on. He rushed madly at the new student in front of him but suddenly felt the world spinning. The next moment, Truman felt a pain in his wrist and couldn't help screaming in pain.

"Calm down; things aren't as bad as they seem." Albert had guessed the reason from Truman's words, and the hapless guy had been expelled from Hogwarts.

"I didn't use the Levitation Charm," Truman roared very angrily. "I don't have my wand on me."

"I know, I used that spell," Albert reminded him calmly. "Maybe we should write to the school and explain the situation. If necessary, I can testify for you. Don't worry, they won't expel you. We'd better write a letter now and explain the situation to the headmaster. Do you have an owl?"

"No," Truman said. He was a little depressed and found that he was not calm at all.

"Brother, it's Snow." Nina pointed to the owl flying towards them.

"It seems that Snow knows we need her. Owls are really magical creatures after all," Albert couldn't help but sigh.