

A man is transmigrated into Harry Potter universe and becomes.... Harry Potter. With the help of a system, which named itself Wizard Academic System, he starts his journey towards his destiny. This is the story of his adventure, his triumphs, his defeats, his RISE.

NascentOxygen_25 · 書籍·文学
18 Chs

Chapter 7: End of Summer

A/N: Occlumency at the Novice and Apprentice level is easier to level up then others. That is why MC was able to level it up so quickly and he is a genius.


27th August 1996

The last few days were quite enjoyable and tiring for Harry as he continued with his difficult but extremely fulfilling schedule, which was showing its result, gone was the scrawny boy replaced by a much healthier and more fit Harry. His muscles were not bulky but compact giving him a lean physique and start of an 8-pack abs.

On the magic part he read and practiced a lot with and without wand. He was nearing his completion for the third-year syllabus in the wanded subjects and halfway done for non-wanded ones.

Harry also found out that once he applies himself, he was like a fish in water when he learned magic. He also found magic fascinating as it can literally alter reality with the wave of a wand.

Speaking of wands, his new wand is quite moody and competitive as it refuses to work until he is giving it his best because of which he had to push himself to his highest capacity. This resulted in him improving leaps and bound in all his magic capabilities.

During his stay he decided to look into the mind arts which was quite difficult as it was a heavily regulated subject by the Ministry of Magic. Of course, they don't want occlumens to emerge as they can literally hide any information that they want from the ministry. A master occlumens can even lie after taking Veritaserum.

I was able to get a book on Occlumency from the Knockturn alley after spending days looking for it. According to the book,

Occlumency is the act of magically closing one's mind against Legilimency. It can prevent a Legilimens from accessing one's thoughts and feelings or influencing them. A person who practices this art is known as an Occlumens.

The most basic form of Occlumency involves clearing one's mind — making it "blank and empty" — in order to prevent a Legilimens from perceiving one's emotions and thoughts. More advanced Occlumency involves suppressing only the thoughts, emotions, and memories that would contradict whatever it is an Occlumens wishes a Legilimens to believe; hence, it is not obvious that Occlumency is being used even if the person is lying. It requires a great deal of will power, as with resisting the Imperius Curse, as well as a high degree of mental and emotional discipline. It is also one method of resisting the influence of Veritaserum.

After practicing for a few days Harry was able to clear his mind and sort through his memories. What the book didn't tell me was occlumency not only helps you defend against a Legilimens but also helps in developing your mind. At Harry's level while he can detect a Legilimency probe he has no chance to defend himself from it. He can only hold on for enough time to remove eye contact with the Legilimens, if he fails in doing so there is no defense for him.

Today is 27th of August which means Hermione and the Weasleys will come to Leaky Cauldron in 4 days.

After completing today's workout Harry decided to take some rest as he has been working nonstop for nearly a month with only 6-hour sleep per day.

As he is resting on his bed he calls out in his mind 'Status'


-Name: Harry Potter-

-Stats (Free Stat Points:0)-

--Body: 5--

--Magic: 9--

--Mind: 7--

----Occlumency(Novice): 7----

----Legilimency(Novice): 1---- [A/N: After Marge incident]

----Obliviate(Novice): 0----

-Skills (Free Skill Points:0; Free Experience Points:0)-

--Transfiguration(Novice): 10--

--Charms(Novice): 10--

--Defense Against the Dark Arts(Apprentice): 1--

--Healing(Novice): 3--

--Divination(Novice): 0--

--Alchemy(Novice): 0--

--Potions(Novice): 9--

--Herbology(Novice): 9--

--Magizoology (Care of Magical Creatures)(Novice): 5--

--Runes(Novice): 5--

--Arithmancy(Novice): 4--

--Flying[Broom](Expert): 10--

--Wandlore(Novice): 4--

--Illusion Magic(Novice): 0--

--Appartion(Novice): 0--

--Wandless Magic(Novice): 4--

--Parseltongue(Journeyman): 10--

--Dark Arts(Novice): 5--

--Elemental Magic: --

----Fire: 5%----

----Water: 4%----

----Earth: 3%----

----Wind: 3%----

----Lightning: 2%----

After resting for a few hours Harry decided to go for a stroll in Diagon Alley. He saw many of his classmates and professors but none of them were able to recognize which was he was quite happy about. Even his dormmates Dean, Seamus and Neville could not recognize him without his famous scar which has now faded out.

Harry was brought out of his stupor as he crashed into someone, acting on pure instincts he grabbed the person and pulled them into his arms before they could fall.

Looking down he recognized the girl he crashed into, "I am so sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going." the young redheaded girl apologized.

"It's not a problem Susan" Harry replied while waving off her apology.

"Um, who are you? I don't recall ever meeting you. Are you by chance in senior years?" the girl asked narrowing her eyes.

"You wound me, Susan. It is I, Harry potter, destroyer of dark lords, survivor of killing curse and the most handsome boy at Hogwarts." Harry pompously stated giving his best Lockhart smile, as he remembered Susan was one of the girls who had a huge crush on Lockhart.

"Please don't remind of Lockhart I just want to forget that phase of my life completely." she replied hotly before exclaiming in surprise, "Is that really you Harry? You look really different, and you are not wearing those rags..... I am sorry I didn't mean it like that."

"Hey, it's alright and they were rags. I was tired of wearing my cousins hand me downs and decided to shop for my own clothes"

"Now I understand why you wore those atrocities, earlier I thought it was some kind of a fashion statement." she replied with a chuckle.

"Susan, hurry we have to go home you can talk to your boyfriend later." Susan's aunt called out from a distance to which Susan blushed.

Mumbling to herself she bid Harry farewell and went towards the floo with her aunt.

"So, who was the boy, Susie?" Amelia Bones, Head of DMLE (Department of Magical Law Enforcement) asked her niece in a teasing tone.

"It was Harry Potter" Susan replied with a blush. Amelia kept teasing Susan as the made their way towards the floo connection and went home.