
HP: Magic Beasts and how to tame them

Cancer is shit. So after Nicholas died, R.O.B. send him in the magical world of Harry Potter to live a new life. A few request later, he is on his way. To tame all magical beasts. Or that's what he would, if the plot wouldn't come in his way. _____________________________________________________ As you have seen in the title and synopsis, this is a HarryPotter fanfiction. I made a mistake when choosing the genre, because it was my first time and the Support couldn't help. The universe belongs to J.K.Rowling.

1st_Planewalker · ファンタジー
43 Chs

Uncles common sense

The rest of the schoolyear was fun but calm.

And in a short amount of time, the exams were held.

For Transfiguration a simple porcupine to pin cushion was made.

Charms required to first use the shrinking charm and then the engorgement charm on a clock.

In Potions Snape had them make a fire protection potion after identifying all ingredients. 

They needed to defeat slugs and help the affected magical plant regain its health in their Herbology exam.

History of Magic was again some boring test, but this year even DADA had only a written exam in which they needed to write about one dark creature and one spell, but everyone had different combintions to discourage cheating, because the teacher was to lazy.

Astronomy was a little bit more fun as it was a moral exam to describe the effect of a constellation one found in the sky.

All in all still easy for me and I shouldn't have scored a single test lower than EE (Exeded Expectations).

So a week later we made our way back home in the train, but this year would be different as uncle Sirius talked with our parents to make a little holiday trip with him and us four to different houses of the Black family. So 2 weeks in a France villa and another 2 in Japan waited on us.

My best friend Cedric would accompany us to France after asking his father and Sirius for permission. 

I didn't know if I was fate or I got lucky that uncle wanted to visit Japan, as my request had something to do with it. Or better said a magical creature there, but as it was difficult to acquire I had an easier option for him.


A surprise was, that he waited at our home.

"Hey there kids. Hope you had a fun time."

"Sure uncle. But why are you here?", sis asks him directly.

"Well I still owe you each a wish, so I came to hear it and maybe fullfill it till we start our first trip in next week. But we should talk under four eyes, so we don't surprise the others. Ladies first, so after going to your rooms, I first come to your room, Nymph before I visit the lad under the roof.", he explains.

So everything goes according to plan, even if mom just shakes her head at this process of her cousin.

I don't know what sis wished for, but after 10 minutes Sirius visits me upstairs.

"Hey there. So what can your uncle get you? Nothing is of the table.", he says. 

"Good to know. I have 2 options for you as I think the first is difficult to get. As you might know, I love magical beasts and animals, so I would wish for a new one. Which one do you want to hear first?"

"A friend told me to take the best for last, so the easy one first."

"A breeding pair of north american Jackalopes. Easy procedure with little paperwork as they aren't that rare or dangerous."

"Should be easy enough so what's the second option?"

I smile at him. "Oh no, I know that grin. Either Prongs had a brilliant idea that was impossible or a crazy idea that was nearly impossible.", he groans.

"Didn't you say, nothing is of the table? It is simpler than I thought as we visit the country it lives in."

"French Abraxans?", he hopefully asks.

"No. A japanese Hoo-Hoo. A firebird related to a phoenix. It is a little bit more dangerous than Jackalopes, but you need connections more than money, as they are rare.", I tell him.

"It is a good challenge for me. If I can't get one then you get your Jackalops."

"Thanks uncle Sirius. By the way as you mentioned a friend, how comes your search for Lupin along?"

"I have finally a clue, but he really had to go till the end of the world, where nobody wouldn't even want to search for him."

"Hope you find him soon. And your godson?"

"I asked Dumbledore, but he wouldn't tell me, so I have to wait till his first year. Hope you can keep an eye on him when the time comes."

"Sure. He's now like family, so no worries, uncle."

"Thanks, kid."


The weeks passed. Nymph told me she has to think of a new gift as her wish doesn't count in Sirius eyes. What she wished for? His collection of prank knowledge, but he said he would be glad if she made a prank on his foundation. It would feel as if he was pranking the school.

So she asked me for my opinion. I say to wish for something she needs for the future.

She already wishes to be an auror so some special or practical training would help or good defensive equipment. 

France was a nice time to relax at the finca at the beach. The whole group had a lot of fun at playing beachvolleyball, going for a swim or visiting the Mercat de la Boqueria, the most wonderful market in europe. What I didn't know was that the magical community had an area to have their version. It looked like an oriental part of Diagon Alley.

We had a great time and returned for one week home to prepare for the next trip. Cedric was sad he couldn't come along, but was excited his father has some time to spend with him.

Tokio was a chaos of a metropolis, my way to Londons Kings Cross was the most traffic I've seen till now. But here it was an endless stream of people and cars even at late hours. We visited a temple and a neighborhood festival as well as a lot of entertainment spots like hotsprings and karaoke bars.

I don't know if Sitius had success as I would only know later.

It was a fascinating experience with a lot of new and delicious food. Maybe I should get some recipes to the house elves at Hogwarts? That is a great idea. As much as I like the scottish cuisine after two years I had the idea of gifting the chefs a few recipes from other countries.

Italian pasta and pizza, spanish tapas, american barbecue and japanese seafood should enrich the foodplate.

Just at the thought, I have hunger again, so I got a cup of ramen from a nearby stall.

You could say I've become a foodie, but my family and pets also like the new food or treats of other countries. 

So rather than me alone, we are now a foodie family. Mom also had a few recipes she wants to try out at home.


But every good time has to come to an end and so we finally return home. Sirius says he has some things to do, but I don't know if it is about my wish or finding Lupin.

I got my answer 2 weeks later.

"So boy, I have bad news and good news. Which one do you want to hear first?", he asks while impersonating me as I've asked him something similar at the start of summer.

"Like you, I heard one should end the day on a high, so bad news first.", I answer.

"In our time in Japan I couldn't make a deal about a Hoo-Hoo, so I got you a pair of Jackalopes."

As I thought before, it really was too hard of a task, but I still like the two creatures he gave me in a cage.

"Thanks uncle Sirius. I really appreciate it."

"Then you will appreciate the good news even more."

"Wait. Wasn't you getting the Jackalopes the good news?", I ask confused.

"Nope. You see the good news is that after acquiring those two, I got a message from my japanese information gatherer, that I could buy a Hoo-Hoo. So here is the little fellow.", he says nonchalantly while giving me another cage while smiling from ear to ear.

Nothing. That was my first expression because of the great shock. Then I was so happy that I got some tears in my eyes. "Thanks Sirius. Your the greatest uncle I have!"

"Isn't that because I am the only uncle?", he replys, but grins even wider.

"Damn right you are.", I say jokingly and give him a hug.

That's the common sense of him. Why getting one if you can have both?

Now I need to contract my new friends and name them.

My family of familiars will double just like that.