
HP: Magic Beasts and how to tame them

Cancer is shit. So after Nicholas died, R.O.B. send him in the magical world of Harry Potter to live a new life. A few request later, he is on his way. To tame all magical beasts. Or that's what he would, if the plot wouldn't come in his way. _____________________________________________________ As you have seen in the title and synopsis, this is a HarryPotter fanfiction. I made a mistake when choosing the genre, because it was my first time and the Support couldn't help. The universe belongs to J.K.Rowling.

1st_Planewalker · ファンタジー
43 Chs

Birthday Surprise

On the day of my 3rd birthday I wake up around 7am. A heavenly smell is filling the house from downstairs,

but first I go to the bathroom. Under the sink is a small step stool, so I and before me Nymph could reach the sink. While I'm washing my hands, I see my reflection in the mirror.

I have the light brown hair of my mother Andi and my fathers green eyes. My round face is called cute by the female residents and I don't care if it's biased. My height is just a little short of a meter.

As I'm going out of the bathroom sis is rubbing her eyes before the door, but as soon as she saw me, a big smile appears on her face.

"Nici, happy birthday"

"Thanks sis"

Although I'm the only one aside from mom who can call her Nymph, I know for a fact she likes "sis" a hundred times more. And yes her nickname for me is "Nici" and mom is the only other person who uses that.

It isn't that dad doesn't like it, but he prefers "son" a lot more. Maybe because it reminds him, that he ain't the only male in the house anymore.

Some would think I should have some difficulties with a new family, but to be honest I couldn't build up a great relationship with my past parents, because even though they paid my medical bills, which I appreciate, they didn't spend much time with me. I still don't know if they didn't have the time or couldn't see their only child in that state.

However now, I found a happy little family and I already made a promise in my heart, that I save them.

As I'm thinking about this I made it downstairs in the living room, while pulling a sleepy sister behind me.

She really isn't a morning person.

Mom is making her heavenly pancakes, which we only see on special days, in the kitchen, while there's already a good mountain of it on the table. Ted is glancing to it above the newspaper and I think he's drooling a little, but I understand him. Bad for him is that nobody eats, before all are present and she would hang him upside down if he tries. This ain't exaggerated, but a nice view, I only saw once and I think it was Nymphs first prank to make me laugh, because she gave dad the first one on her birthday and while he's thanking her lovingly, she goes to mom and whines about how dad steals her pancakes.

Let's say he has a little trust problem with her since then.

And it's good he has, because he's the only victim of her pranks. She doesn't want me sad or mom angry, so dad's the only solution. Smart girl I must say.

Back to present and my pancakes.

"Happy birthday, son"

"Thanks dad"

As mom hears that, she's coming out of the kitchen with a fresh pancake that lands right on my plate, accompanied with a kiss on the cheek.

"Morning and happy birthday. And here I thought I wake you up. Too bad"

"Too late mom, but thanks"

So while we devour our pancakes a harmonic morning passed.

Mom goes to work at St. Mungo's Hospital, but promised to come back at noon so we could have a family afternoon, where I'll receive my presents. Dad goes to the study to take care of some paperwork, so Nymp and I are left unsupervised.

When there's good weather, we would explore the surroundings of our house, but good weather in England is scare, so most of the times we would either read, what entails that Nymph would read for me, because who would belief a three-year-old kid could read. The magic books aren't available for us unsupervised, so I let her be the good big sister and praise her for her reading skills.

Aside from reading we play a lot of games and because dad is muggleborn our household has both wizard and muggle games, which I appreciate. Honestly how many wizard games are there in Britain? 3!!!

And Quidditch is to dangerous for us, because we can't fly brooms with our underdeveloped/not awakened magic. Gobstones smell horrible so no thanks and mom won't buy us exploding snaps, because we could hurt ourselves and even if she could heal us in a second, she doesn't like the idea of us in pain.

So the only playable game is wizard chess and do you know how boring it is for children to only play one game? No? Then thank heaven and I thank dad. Because of him we have a good amount of muggle games.

I even had the idea to invent some, but I don't even have magic, so I put it in the back of my head for now.

So we played a few games and after 2 hours dad comes out of the study and joins us.

At noon mom comes back, makes us lunch sandwiches before we play with all of us together.

Then comes the presents. Mom gave me a pendant that she made with Nymph and the stone in the middle had a healing effect. Because it's a stone and not a gem the effect is only minor, but I like their effort nonetheless. Dad bought me a D&D boardcampaign, which I think he only gave me to play it himself.

Mom was against it, but he told her it's a good game.

So we played a round and had great fun and even mom said it's a great way to educate us on magical beasts, choose magic spells for the right situations and play together, but I think that were reasons to justify her fun.

Mom: "What do you want to do now? We still got a half a hour before dinner, so you get to choose."

"We just learned about magic beasts, so can you tell us something about magic?"

I naturally had the opportunity, so I choose to use it.

Nymph: " Oh yes please, mom."

"I don't think it's bad, so why not?", my dad comes to aid.

"Fine.", she gave in.


Mom: "So what do you want to learn?"

"What's magic and how can we use it?", I ask innocently.

Then she starts to explain: "Magic is allsurrounding and free. There are some places it likes to go and some it avoids. It goes to everything, but some special things and persons can hold it within.

Those people are called wizards and witches. They can use the magic that flows through them akin to blood like it belongs to them. They can also make objects that encloses the magic in it, but that's something you learn in school.

To make it easier for those new to magic, there are researched wand movements and incantations that let's us use magic easier."

"Is there a feeling when you use magic?", Nymph asks, because although she had accidentally used it, she's just becomes 7 in a few months and wasn't trained yet.

"Like your mother said, it's like a bloodstream in your body, but instead of warm blood it transports the magic energy you want to use to the wand, our focus.", added Dad.

"Now it's time I prepare dinner, so why don't you just play something till I'm finished?"

Under moms advice we play some cards and the evening flew by.

That evening after I've gone to bed, I'm thinking about their words.

'Allsurrounding' like air

'Energy' like electricity

'Free' like ... like what? The wind. No close the window and he doesn't come in even if he wants.

What's truly free?

A little voice in the back of my mind whispers: "Magic!"

'But what's like magic? Wait why do I try to compare? In my old world there wasn't magic,

so why do I try to compare it to something that wasn't there?'

'Free like ... magic'

I don't know or care if you call it enlightenment, magic will or gods gift,

but as I had this thought I'd feel the air around me move.

No it wasn't air. It feels cold, but different. Is that what magic is?

I heard footsteps coming to my room, but I left my eyes closed.

"Does he have accidental magic?", I hear my father whisper.

"I think, but what does it do? Normally it saves from harm or make it convenient, but the magic feels more like a gathering of magical energy", answers my mother.

But the phenomenon soon ended and because I pretended to sleep they left downstairs again.

Oh how I would love to hear their conversation now.

"Well now both our children have magic, Dromeda."

"Yeah. I wonder if Nicholas also has the metamorphagus ability like Nymphedora."

"We'll see in the future."

"Your right."


I used magic.

I mean even though the phenomenon happened, I didn't use magic, so now I'm hipped

Was it accidental ot through my wish?

I heard them like they were beside me.

After I hear Nymph come from the bath and goes to bed.

I think dad was thinking of making the attic her room, so we don't have to share one,

but I still don't know if that happens anytime soon.

With all of that happening, I'm getting tired.

Or maybe it's because I used magic and am drained.

But I sleeped really good that night.


Sorry, didn't find the time yesterday, but I'll try to upload one chapter every day.

I know it's a long chapter this time and I thought about cutting it in two,

but because I think the last one was a little short, I see it as equalizing.

Hope you like it.

If something is false or you want to share your opinion you can comment.

A few nice words wouldn't hurt.

Till then.