
HP: Heir of Morgana Le Fay

A man from the 21th century gets reincarnated as Orion Le Fay, the son of the legendary dark witch Morgana Le Fay. In Order to survive the persecution of Merlin, Morgana sacrificed herself and froze him in unbreakable ice for a thousand years. When he woke up again he was in the timeline of the Harry Potter stories.

DaoistvKcdRe · 都市
24 Chs

Potions class

Arriving in the great hall Orion quickly spotted Pike eating with another boy Orion didn't recognise from the movies. Pike quickly spotted Orion and waved to him. Orion sat down next to him and started to pile a mountain of food on his plate. After all he needed a lot of energy for his aura-training. "Why did you need to stay behind? Did something happen?" Pike asked him while munching on a sausage.

"Well there are problems with my family name and there will be a trial in the Wizengamot to determine if I can keep my name, my wealth and privileges..." Orion said defeated. With Slytherins Intelligence network it would only be a matter of time until they knew. He might as well just tell them.

"Huh don't they have birth records of you? That should be proof enough..." The other boy butted in. "I'm Blaise Zabini by the way..." he introduced him and shook Orions hand. "Orion LeFay, a pleasure to meet you" he said upholding the necessairy ettiquette. "Well this story is rather unbelievable but there are no birth records of me because I was frozen in ice for a long time...I am tecnically over 1000 years old..."Orion said not expecting anyone to believe what he said.

"You're kidding right now right? How the hell could someone even survive in ice for that long?" Blaise said and looked at him.

"I honestly don't know what you are so suprised about...I mean there's Nicolas Flamel who could survive for 600 years with his stone..." Pike said but not believing what Orion said either.

"Well my mother is Morgana...you know the Morgana LeFay from legends who battled with Merlin" Orion said.

"I swear on my honour that this ridiculus story is the truth" Orion said. Pike and Blaise just looked at each other a bit confused. Blaise looked at him and said "you are mad" before bursting out laughing. "I am the son of Morgana...Hahahah, you should have heard you haha" he continued laughing. Orion really didn't know what he was supposed to do at this point in time. He knew his story was ridiculus but was it that ridiculus?

Pike also looked at him and said "mate just say when you don't want to tell us" and continued eating without paying him any further attention. Orion just quickly finished eating and went to the room of requirements again. He needed to prepare his set of potions and rituals to restore his magic power. And as easy as that sounded at first, it was extremely complicated. The process included 3 advanced ritual corcles that needed to be individually adjusted to not interfere with each other and the potions where 3 extremely complicated potions. He at least had all the necessairy ingredients to make the potions. He quickly arrived in front of the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy and wished for the same ritual room he had last time with a professional potion brewing table and equipment.

He made his way over to the equipment that included a lot of specific glass bottles and cauldrons of different sizes. The potion he needed to make first was moonlight poison. This poison is made from various venomus plants that combine under the influence of a full moon. The potion looks like liquid silver when it is completed. Another potion he needed to brew was an incredibly potent healing potion to keep him alive. This potion could fortunately be replaced with a bottle of phoenix tears as they had the same effect. The last potion is a magic potion full of magic power. This potion is challenging to make because it would explode at the slightest mistake. So he decided to get done with the hardest part first and began to brew the magic potion. This potion basically consists of water, grinded unicorn horn as a catalyst and a massive amount of mana. He really thanked his mother for teaching him ancient potion brewing. With this technique he meticulously controlled the temperature and let the unicorn horn powder dissolve in the water till it turned milky. Then he started to slowly and carefully pour mana inside the potion. After 15 minutes he had emptied his whole mana reserves and took the potion of the fire. He then let it slowly cool down and smiled at his sucess. The potion glowed in a faint blue light because of the stored magical energy. His first potion for his ritual set was completed. Only two more potions and three adjusted ritual circles to go.

He packed everything up and stored the potion inside his ring and hurried to potions class that would start in 5 minutes.

If a Slytherin came to late to his first class even Snape would skin him alive. Running down to the dungeons he barely arrived on time and took his seat next to Pike. "Oi where the fuck have you been? At least you made it on time" Pike said and just after that Snape came storming into the classroom his robe fluttering becase of his fast steps. The doors crashed into the wall and everyone stopped whispering to each other.

"In my class there will be no stupid wand waving or childish witchcraft..."

Snape arrived at the podium and turned around.

"I expect from the least of you ethusiasm for the difficult and exact art of potion brewing, but the few of you who have the necessairy talent, those I will teach how you mess with the mind, brew glory or fame and even cheat death..." Snape began with his ominous introduction of his subject. He saw Harry writing down unnecessairy notes of what he just said and even he couldn't hide the faint traces of a malicious smile on his face.

"On the other hand are there always some people who don't consider it necessairy to pay attention to class...Harry Potter, our new...celebrity" Snape said mockingly already targetieng Harry. This guy was really unfortunate to have such a mean father...

"Potter! What would I get if I added powdered root of asphodel to an infusion of wormwood?" Snape said.

Harry just shook his head.

"No clue? Next try, where would you look when I ask you to bring me a bezoar?"

Snape asked gloating while humiliating him. Everyone could now see the sadistic smile Snape had on his face.

"I don't know professor..." Harry said. Next to him was Hermoine practically begging to show her textbook knowlege.

"And what is the difference between moonkshood and wolfsbane?" Snape asked.

"I don't know Sir" Harry said frustrated.

"There you have it, fame is not everything right Potter?" Snape said with his venomous tongue.

"For your information, Potter, asphodel and wormwood make a sleeping potion so powerful it is known as the Draught of Living Death. A bezoar is a stone taken from the stomach of a goat and it will save you from most poisons. As for monkshood and wolfsbane, they are the same plant, which also goes by the name of aconite. Well?... Why aren't you all copying that down?" Snape belled to the rest of the class. Everyone scribbled down everything he said.

"Okay, today I will teach you how to brew a boils curing potion. The formular stands on the blackboard and the ingredients are on the shelf. First copy down the formular and then start with the preparation. If I see any of you wasting these precious potion ingredients he will get points deducted! Now begin" Snape instructed and sat looked at the students to ensure that they completed their assignment. Orion was the first to complete copying down the formular and began to arrange his desk. He put all his parchment away to not accidentially burn it and began heating his cauldron. He quickly collected the ingridients from the shelf and began to put dried nettles and horned slugs into the potion. He then grinded the snake fangs to let them easier dissolve and added them to the potion. He then turned of the heat and added the porcupine quills. The potion started to emmit a pink smoke as in the formular described. He then stirred clockwise 5 times and then waved his wand to complete the potion. He filled it inside a vial and put it on Snapes desk. "Good, a perfect potion...Slytherin plus 10 points" Snape said statisfied.

"What how are you already finished, I barley began to brew my potion" Pike protested.

From one of the Griffindors came an explosion and green acid smoke started to fill the room. Seamus and Neville had burnt skin and injured hands.

Neville somhow managed to melt his whole cauldron and produced a toxic smoking green mass that somehow exploded.

"Idiot, how is it even possible to be so incompetent...Griffindor minus 15 points and bring him to madam Pomfrey" Snape shouted and sent them out.

He then looked at Harrys and Rons potion "Mr. Weasley and Potter do you want to poison someone with your brew? You are supposed to add snake fangs! Griffindor minus another 5 points!" Snape said in a festive mood.

Soon everyone finished his potions and the class ended.

"I hate that guy" Orion heard Harry mutter to Ron but he just left them alone.Today he was finished with his classes so he vanished to his ritual room.