
HP: Heir of Morgana Le Fay

A man from the 21th century gets reincarnated as Orion Le Fay, the son of the legendary dark witch Morgana Le Fay. In Order to survive the persecution of Merlin, Morgana sacrificed herself and froze him in unbreakable ice for a thousand years. When he woke up again he was in the timeline of the Harry Potter stories.

DaoistvKcdRe · 都市
24 Chs

First Day

He quickly got out of his bed, let Nyx turn into the snake tatoo on his left arm and started to look for places where he could work out. There was the black lake, the forbidden forest and the room of requirements. He decided to first run laps around the black lake and then go into the room of requirements to practice his spells and rituals. It was clear to him, that after practicing for 4 years that he wouldn't be able to do wandless magic without a ritual to fuse with his wand. He was just very hesistant to do it because the released dark magic would alert the ministry. The ritual involved to extract the whole magic energy of his wand and inject it into his bones. It was a long, complicated and extremely painful process.

That was his goal for the first year, to achieve flawless wandless magic and of course to get the philosopher's stone.

But he first had to complete his daily training. He picked up a training suit with a cooling enchantment and made his way to the black lake. When he walked out of the common room there were only one girl reading a book on the couch. She eyed him curiously because of his attire. Normaly everyone would wear school robes during the whole day. He didn't mind her and just walked out of the common room. He quickly made his way down to the black lake. The black surface of the water seemed to absorb all the sunlight that shined on it. He ran one lap around the lake. When he was done he walked up to the castle. He then toured the 8th floor of the castle trying to find a particular portrait. It was harder than you would imagine, the whole wall on the corridor was plastered with hundreds of portraits and paintings. But after a while he still managed to find it. He walked back and forth in front of the painting while imagining a room where he can exercise and prepare his ritual. The room was plain but big and to his suprise magically isolated from Hogwarts. That meant, that even Dumbledore wouldn't find out what he did in here as long as he doesn't enter himself. In the room there was a big free field, where he could draw his ritual circle. There were also suprisingly a few books on ritual magic in a bookshelf on the side. There was a small table with basic ritual ingridients such as chalk. On the other side where a few training puppets with wands in their hands. He started again with basic exercises, such as situps and pushups. When he was done he took out the wand of his mother. After all his wand still had a trace and he didn't want the ministry to know, that there was an 11-year old in Hogwarts who performed the most terrifying dark magic. Because of his black magic talent the uncontrollabe fiendfyre curse was as tame as a candlelight. Under the influence of his miasma energy the cursed fire turned into a dark lilac colour wich is almost black. He also practiced useful spells like the forgetting charm Lockhard is so fond of or other spells like the cutting charm, an ancient poisoning spell, the exploding charm and the most brutal transmogrification curse. This was basically the combination of the killing and torturing curse combined and granted the victkm a very painful death. Still to his regret, he still doesn't know the three unforgivables as they were invented after he was frozen in ice. He really wondered where he would get that knowlege as even in knockturn alley they wouldn't sell it. He contemplated if he should just ask Quirellmort but the chances of getting killed during the process were far greater. He would learn them in his fourth year the latest, when the false mad-eyed moody would demonstrate all three curses in front of the whole class. With his terrifying talent, that was more than enough.

He shook his head and fokused on the book he took out from his ring. It showed the details to the ritual for wandless magic. Even his mother didn't accure all necessairy ingridients, because of their rairity. The ritual required phoenix tears, the feather of a thunderbird and the scales of a basilisk. Luckily he just had a basilisk sleeping in the chamber of secrets. He didn't want to die no, he just wanted to take the shredded skin in front of the chamber while the basilisk is sleeping. With that he started all his preparations and started to draw the complicated ritual circle with absolute precision. He didn't want any accidents occuring during the ritual. When he had everything set up he grew hungry. Looking at the time it was already afternoon. He missed lunch and altrough he was tempted to use the time turner, he would not use it fkr something so trival. After all he wasn't immortal and he would age faster when he used it on a regular basis. He would only use it to get out of trouble and to always have an alibi. Looking at his quest, he would need to visit the kitchen anyways. So he spent nearly two hours trying to find the kitchen. In the end he decided to ask a Hufflepuf student. "Sorry do you know where the kitchen is? I missed lunch" Orion said to the brunette who looks like his age. "Sure I'll show you" she said and led him under the great hall. Orion really found that Hufflepufs were really selfless. She didn't even ask anything in return. "I'm Susan by the way" she said and looked at him. "I'm Orion, nice to meet you Susan" Orion said and smiled "it's really nice of you to show me the way".

The kitchen was near the Hufflepuf common room. There was a painting where you had to scatch the pear to let the door appear. Susan was suprised when he already knew how to get into the kitchen. "How did you know?" she asked him while entering behind him.

"An older student told me, I just couldn't find the painting..." Orion lied and looked around. It really was a unique sight. There where at least one hundred house elfs working here which had their own little homes in wine barrels. There was also a big pile of dirty plates piled to the cieling.

"Ohhh students came to visit us" an elf said when they noticed the two "can we do something for you?" another elf ethusiastically asked. Other house elfs also came to them eager to work for them.

"Well he said he missed lunch and is hungry" Susan said.

"Oh nooo how horrible. Pimpsy will immediately make something for the young student, is there anything you want?" the house elf asked and looked at him with eyes the size of dinner plates. "Could I please have a steak with noodles and a few vegetables?" Orion asked.

The house elf immediately started crying. Orion looked at Susan "did I do something wrong?".

"No Sir, Pimpsy is just so happy that the student said please. No one is so polite to us house elfs...I will immediately make you a steak" Pimpsy declared and ran off to somewhere. Orion really hadn't expected that house elfs would be like this because his house elf, his old and new one didn't act like that. After Susan also ordered a snack they waited on a table. A bit later, Pimpsy returned with Orions dish and Susan's 'snack' wich consisted of fourteen pancakes and a few sausages. Susan who noticed his gaze put her hand over her food protectingly "don't look at my food that way, I am not giving you any..." she said and started devouring her food as to state her point. "No, I was just suprised that this is a 'snack' for you" Orion joked wich earned him a glare.

Not minding her he ate his own food. When he was finished he didn't even need to wait for Susan as she had finished ages ago.

"Say Pimpsy, would you and other house elfs be interested to work for me?" Orion asked.

"It would be an honour Sir, we don't have much to do here anyways" Pimpsy said. In the end 26 house elfs decided to work for him. He decided to first let them continue their work at Hogwarts and then taking them to Camelot on Christmas break.

Quest completed: poach house elfs

REWARD: Mind curing potion recipe

Immediately the knowlege of the potion appeared in his mind. Orion grinned. He didn't expect the quest to be so easy.

"Thank you Susan, I have something else to do. See you in class" Orion said and walked out of the kitchen.

"Yeah, bye" Susan said and walked to the hufflepuf common room.

Orion then made his way towards the girls bathroom on the second floor.