

not my creation i just copied and pasted here ALL CREDIT BELONGS TO RESPECTIVE PERSON AUTHOR:Fairywm VOLUME 1 : ONE-SHOTS VOLUME 2 ONWARDS each volume is a different story

arhan_malik · 書籍·文学
213 Chs

Chapter 5: Sirius Gets Serious

When they finished breakfast, they went to post the letters. Harry was curious as to who Sirius was writing to, but he was a good kid and didn't read the addresses. He just handed them to the postmaster, as well as the note to Hermione he had written while eating. They went back to the Leaky and back to the room to discuss what they were going to do for the day.

"What are we going to do for the rest of my summer vacation?" Harry asked, not sure what to do with himself. He did need to finish his homework, but it was his vacation time. Who, besides Hermione, wanted to do homework.

"We could continue to explore London. However, I know you have homework to do," Sirius said, trying to be the adult. "That and I want to teach you a bit about your family." He sat in the chair by the window, while Harry took the one at the desk.

"Do I have to?" the teen whined, knowing he did, but he wanted to see how far he could push the man.

"Not all day, every day, but yes at least an hour or two a day," his godfather said, pointing to the desk, where Harry had stored his books.

"What? Right now?" Harry asked, looking at the books with disdain, he really would prefer to be out and about in the sun.

"You can do it when we get back, but you'll be tired then. Remember how tired you were last night? You didn't even want to talk about Voldy, as you call him," Sirius said, still concerned about that.

"I know. You're right. I'll do my Charms homework now. What will you be doing?" he asked, pulling the book towards him. He liked Charms and the homework was easy, unlike Potions.

"Meditating," Sirius said, then added at the confused look, "My mind is a mess. I need to get it straightened out. My occlumency shields are weak. They wouldn't hold out a ghost." He settled in the corner of the room and folded his legs in a crisscross manner. "You just work on your homework, and I'll see if I can't clear out the cobwebs that is my mind," he said, closing his eyes and concentrating.

"Right," was all Harry said as he watched the man relax and breathe. He had no idea what occlumency was, but it seemed to be important to Sirius. He then turned back to his studies and worked for a few hours. When they were both done, they went and explored the big city for a few hours and then just hung out and talked about Sirius's days in school and his time with Harry's family. He told him all he knew about the Potters.

This was the pattern that they had for a few days, only interrupted by a few owls that came for Sirius and Hedwig's arrival with a letter for Harry. Hermione's letter was long, and she alluded to the missing person's report that made the news about his relatives. She wanted to know if he was okay and where he was staying, because the police were looking for him as well. It was very clear that she was worried about him.

He wrote her right away and let her know that he was fine, and in the magical world, which is why the cops couldn't find him. He didn't tell her where, and he was sure no one could find him.

Sirius was angry by whatever was written to him. He paced a lot and growled under his breath and wrote more letters with an angry hand. He didn't tell Harry what he was so mad about, only that he was trying to tie up some loose ends, and that it wasn't going the way he wanted.

The news broke that he was a free man and that he had been sent to prison as an innocent. It took a week of stories in the paper for people to believe that, but they posted a full confession from the real criminal, Peter Pettigrew, and that got everyone believing. Sirius still wore his female form when going around because he didn't trust anyone not to fire spells first and ask questions later.

It was finally Harry's birthday, and they were going to celebrate by going into Diagon Alley and have a spending spree as themselves. Harry wanted to get a whole new wardrobe and so did Sirius. They couldn't do that if they were female. Harry also wanted to get a new trunk and some books that he had never been allowed to get, either due to time constraints, or the adult with him thought he was too young.

"Why do you want a new wardrobe when you can magic up a new one?" Sirius asked as Harry waved a hand to change their clothes for the day.

"Where do you think I get these clothes?" the teen asked, looking at his opened trunk, which he had turned back that first day.

"Oh, I thought you were conjuring them," the dogman said, putting his hand on his neck.

"I am in a way. I mean, they are real clothes, but they're transfigured. They're Dudley's old clothes made to look new and fit us. It would be easier to have stuff that fit," Harry said, adjusting his shirt. "Are you sure you're ready to go out as yourself? I can continue to adjust clothes for you," he said, not wanting to make the man uncomfortable.

"Yeah, I'm sure," Sirius said, wanting to get it over with. It had been almost a week since the story broke and the newspaper had been running with it that whole time.

"Okay, I'm going to put us outside the pub," Harry said, putting his hand on his godfather's shoulder and winking. They appeared outside the Leaky Cauldron, making a few people jump back at their sudden appearance. "Sorry," he said, waving his hand, making them forget they saw them.

"Have to be a bit more careful," Sirius said with a wink. He went to the door and sighed, then he opened it and entered. "Hey, Tom," he called out, seeing the bartender/owner.

Harry followed and waved to the same man. He looked around and noted that everyone had turned their way. He braced himself since both he and Sirius were the two most popular people in the wizarding world right now. For different reasons, sure, but they were on everyone's lips. He subtly waved his hand and an invisible bubble erected around them. It would bounce anything away from them. Be they friendly or not.

"As I live and breathe, Sirius Black and Harry Potter," Tom said, dropping the glass he had been carrying.

The crowd surged. Many headed to the duo, only to bounce back and land on their backsides. There were many complaints and they landed in a tangle of limbs and on top of one another.

Many had their clothes change to that of a clown, though they didn't get the significance. Not many in the magical world knew what a clown was. A few others had theirs change to that of a hobo, depending on what their intentions were in trying to reach Harry and Sirius. If they were looking for favors, then they were hobos, if they were just trying to reach their heroes, then they were just clowns. The spell would last an hour.

"Back off, you lot," Sirius said, laughing his arse off, but displaying his wand. "We're only here to do a bit of shopping, not to be mobbed by the likes of you," he added, nodding to Harry who waved his hand behind Sirius's back and dismissed the bubble.

Everyone took it as one of Sirius's jokes and chuckled, and didn't surge forward again, but they did call out greetings and well wishes.

"Come on, pup, let's go," Sirius said, keeping his wand at his side he led the way to the back. they made it through the pub without incident.

"That was harmless fun," Harry said, though he was a bit upset over how many turned into bums. He didn't think there were that many that would curry favors from him. He was just a kid. Sirius, maybe, but him, he didn't think so.

"Yeah, I like the joke clothes. That was a nice touch," Sirius said, not understanding the difference between the two changes.

"Yeah," Harry said, keeping it to himself. "Let's get to the bank." He started walking that way.

"If you see that git Malfoy do me a favor and turn him into a philanthropist," Sirius said, thinking that would teach the man a lesson or two.

"What's a philanthropist?" Harry asked, not knowing the word.

"Someone who gives money to others and expects nothing in return. Like a humanitarian, and such," the dogman explained as best he could.

"Oh, I think I can do that," the teen said, wondering if that would turn the man into a good man, or just make him give up his money and still have a dark side. He was still having a moral dilemma over mind controlling people, but if it hurt Voldy, it might be worth it.

They got to the bank and the guards bowed to Sirius, who nodded back to them. Harry followed his godfather into the bank, nodding to the two goblins as well. They nodded back. Sirius went to a teller and did a blood test to get into his vault since the ministry still had his key.

"When are you going to go and get your stuff?" Harry asked, wondering if they had his wand and key.

"They snapped my wand, and I can get a new key. They don't have anything I need. I want to put off going to that place as long as I can. I've got Andi, my cousin, working on suing the hell out of them and a few other people for me. So, the less contact I have, the better," Sirius said as he got into the cart.

"You're going to sue?" Harry said, completely floored over that news.

"Of course, I am. They threw me in prison without a trial. That is illegal," the angry man said, gripping the edge of the cart with white knuckles. "We're not talking about this now. It's your birthday, so only good topics." He turned his head away to get control of his emotions.

"Alright," Harry said, searching for a safe topic to talk about. They rode in silence.

When they got to Sirius's vault Harry stayed behind and when no one was looking he put his hand on the tracks and pushed his magic into the metal. Now the goblins would be treated as they were treated. If they were cordial, then they would be treated in kind. If they were rude, then others would be rude back. No matter how much they tried to sugarcoat it, their true feelings would be reflected back to them.

"I'm done," Sirius said, hefting a bag of gold.

"Sirius, are you the Head of your House?" Harry wanted to know. He knew he was the Head of his, or he would be when he was of age.

"Yeah, I'm the last male of my line. Why do you ask?" the man said as he climbed back in the cart.

"Can you tell me more about it?" the teen asked, getting in behind him.

"Sure, we've got all summer," Sirius said, putting an arm around his shoulders and squeezing. He then dropped his arm and held on to the cart.

"Thanks. I don't know squat," Harry said, holding on as well. They rode to the top and went shopping. It was a fun time, there were very few shenanigans to be had. Sirius even bought him a Firebolt for his birthday. He was glad for it. It was the best broom on the market.

When they were going back to the Leaky, Sirius spotted someone looking for him. He dragged Harry off to the side.

"Turn us into our female forms," he said in a hushed tone, shrinking their bags and shoving them in his pocket.

"Why?" Harry asked in a whisper but waved his hand and did it anyway.

"Remus is here," Sirius said, pointing to a sandy/gray-haired man dressed in worn robes.

"Who?" Harry asked, looking at the man with numerous scars on his face.

"He's someone I want to prank so very badly. I'm mad at him," the dogman said, wiggling a bit to get himself used to his female form.

"Why?" came the question again.

"He was supposed to take care of you if I couldn't, but he didn't," Sirius said, glaring at the man. "Let's go," he said, straightening up and heading the man's way. He strutted over and settled in a sexy pose. "Hello, stranger," he said in his best sultry voice. "I'm new here, care to show me around?"

"I'm sorry, miss, I'm waiting on someone," Remus said, looking the woman up and down.

Harry stayed off to the side, not sure whether to laugh or not.

"I'm sure I'm who you are waiting on," Sirius said, completely truthful. He cocked his hip to one side and put his hand on the opposite one. "I can show you a good time," he offered, batting his eyelashes.

"I'm going to have to turn you down," Remus tried again, only to be pushed against the wall by the aggressive woman.

"Are you sure?" Sirius asked, applying pressure with her leg.

"Yes," Remus squeaked, having never been approached by someone so forceful.

"Pity," Sirius said, letting the man go. "Come, Harriet," he said, waving for the girl to follow her.

"What would you have done if he had said yes?" Harry asked when they were far enough away.

"Slapped him for being a perv," Sirius said, leading them to an alley so they could change back, which they did. Then they moved out of the alley and headed straight back.

Remus was shocked that a mother would do that in front of her daughter. He looked around for Sirius again and was glad when he saw him coming his way. "Sirius, am I glad to see you," he said as the man came closer. "I was just accosted," he explained, grabbing the man's arm, and dragging him away from the area.

"Here? In Diagon Alley?" Sirius said with a great deal of disbelief.

"I couldn't believe it myself," the anxious man said, still dragging his friend away.

"Sorry I wasn't there for you," Sirius said, 'Like you weren't there for Harry,' he thinks, pulling his arm out of Remus's grip and waiting for Harry to catch up. "Where do you want to eat for you birthday, Harry? By the way, this nervous guy is Remus Lupin. He was a friend of your parents," he stated, pointing to the werewolf.

"Can we have pizza?" the teen asked, never having had much of it in the past. "Mr. Lupin," he nodded to the man.

"Harry," Remus nodded to the teen. "Happy birthday."

"Thanks," Harry said, turning back to Sirius with a hopeful look.

"Anything you want," Sirius said, heading to the Leaky so they could go to London. "Afterwards we'll go see that movie we talked about a few days ago. My treat," he added, ruffling the teen's hair.

"You're going to the muggle world?" the aghast Remus asked, not believing the pureblood like Sirius would do that.

"It's Harry's birthday. We're going for him," the man pointed out. He'd do anything for Harry at this point. He messed up once, he wasn't going to again.

"Yay," Harry said, hurrying through the pub and heading to the joint they passed a few days ago.

"Happy Birthday, Harry," Sirius said, following along.

Remus wasn't sure what was happening, but he too followed.