
HP: Dark Lord Potter

Harry Potter comes to Hogwarts, Dumbledore expects a heroic Gryffindor, he get a Slytherin instead. Multi-Harry, harem, select Weasley bashing, Hermione bashing. OP Harry, dark Harry. I don't own Harry Potter. This story does not belong to me. The original can be found by name in the search engine

0DarkWolf0 · 書籍·文学
17 Chs

Chapter 11

"Gather around." Harry said as he stood in the centre of the common room, he briefly thought about how Bellatrix was probably either still asleep or awake now and torturing her husband and brother-in-law, but he quickly shot that out of his mind. He'd find out later tonight. He watched as all the Slytherin's gathered around, the Slytherin's all gathered around. He briefly noticed how Isabella looked like a good little school girl.

"Good." Harry continued. "Now we need to talk. I've been in Hogwarts for a short amount of time and I've already learnt a lot of stuff that I don't like. First of all, this was supposed to be the house of cunning, yet the rest of the school hates us."

"B...but my lord..." One Slytherin stuttered out. "...s...surely it doesn't matter what other think of you. I m...mean, we don't need them."

"Alright first of all, quit your stuttering, you sound like Quirrell." Harry replied "Second of all, do you have any plans for outside of school?"


"Do you have any plans for outside of school? What do you plan to do when you graduate from this school?"

"I...I'm going to work at the ministry."

"Work at the ministry," Harry said with an approving nod. "that's very good. A nice choice. Do you know who also works at the ministry?"


"People from different houses. And any enemies you make here will last even when you leave. And what if you end up working under someone from a different house? Huh? The current minister of magic was a Hufflepuff. Have you considered that any enemies and friends you make now will affect your future?"

"Uh...no" The Slytherin lowered his head in embarrassment.

"From now on there will be no more openly bullying other students." Harry declared. "From now on, if people are to suffer then it will be in ways that nobody can tie to us. If that's too difficult for you and you all prefer to act like a bunch of barbarians then transfer to the Gryffindor house. If openly picking fights and making enemies is what you desire then you'll fit there. We will strike in the shadows, when we strike it will be in a way where the teachers can't blame us.

From now on Slytherin will be known as the best house, the house which everyone will want to come to. The teachers will love us, the other houses will envy us. We will make as much allies as possible, if that's too complicated for you all then I will sum it up. Allies and friends are good, enemies are bad. Understand?"

"M...my lord." One second year raised his hand. "I..I understand but surely it doesn't matter to you, I mean you can just destroy them."

"True but if I wanted to rule the country by force I would've done it by now. If people want something then they are far less likely to object. Voldemort..." Harry ignored their flinching. "understood this. He forced your fathers and grandfathers to throw away their pride and kneel before him and they did so because he offered them something they wanted and because they wanted to be associated with his power. I could force the world to bend my will, or I could do what Dumbledore has done and make people want to bend to my will. Do you understand?"

"Y...yes my lord." The second year quickly nodded.

"Good, look at myself. I have been here for the same amount of time as any other first year, and I've spent my time making connections in all of the houses. Actually...no...no that's wrong."

"Harry?" Isabella asked.

"I have got connections in Slytherin and Hufflepuff and have started in Ravenclaw, I suppose I need to start working on Gryffindor as well."

"Do you have to?" Tracy sighed.

"Unfortunately." Harry nodded.

"You're not talking about Weasley are you?" Daphne asked, hoping he wasn't.

"Hell no." Harry replied, looking at her like she was an idiot. "I don't know much about Gryffindor's, I don't know any besides Weasley and I will not be friends with him."

"So you will have to go and hang out with them before you decide which one you want to befriend?" Isabella frowned.

"Not necessarily," Harry smirked "there are plenty of ways to get information." Harry raised his right hand with his palm facing up to the ceiling.

The Slytherin's wondered what would happen next when a small screechy sound was heard, causing those nearby to jump back, a second later the palm of Harry's hand opened up. A small, thin and pointy black stick appeared to come out, it was soon followed by another. It was then that they realised they were not actually sticks, but in fact legs. A few moments later and a black spider stood on Harry's hand while his palm closed up.

The spider was all black, besides the eight red eyes. It was wasn't quite as large as his hand but it was still pretty big.

"Go and find me someone." Harry ordered. The Slytherin's watched as the spider actually nodded. it then aimed up into the sky and a web shot out from it and latched onto the ceiling. It ascended into the sky with an incredible speed and seconds later the Slytherin's could no longer see it. "So that's the spy in Gryffindor sorted out," Harry spoke like it was merely a normal thing to create a spider and send it off to spy "a few other things. First of all, quidditch, who is the captain?"

"I...I am." Marcus Flint raised his hand.

"The next person who stutters will have my hand reaching into their mouth and ripping out their throat. Now, all of the other quidditch teams have female members and yearly try outs, why doesn't Slytherin have that?"

"Well," Flint coughed, making sure not to stutter as he was rather attached to his throat. "we don't need to have try outs, we already have a full team. As for the girls, well...they're girls. They're not as good as a boy." He finished, earning himself many glares from the girls in the common room.

"I had no idea that having tits would somehow affect your skill on a broom." Harry said in a voice with mock surprise. "Perhaps I should place some on you and see if your ability to fly has been affected. Would you like that?"

"No" Flint said in a quiet voice as he shook his head, he briefly wondered if Potter was actually capable of that but decided it was better not to risk that.

"The team represents the house and it represents us." Harry said. "The team should be made of our best Slytherin's, you will arrange a try out. The team should be made up of the best of Slytherin, I don't care if they are male or female. As for the current member of the team, you should be able to keep your spot if you're indeed the best. Any objections?" Harry paused, when no objections were voiced he decided that the topic was finished. "Is there anything else that needs to be discussed? No...good. Now...go and...do whatever the fuck you lot do."

"So Harry," Tonks said as she and Harry met up in an abandoned classroom. "what's this I hear about you fighting off a troll?" She asked as the two at on the teacher desk of the classroom.

"Wasn't really a fight." He shrugged. "It didn't even see me, I just levitated its club into the air and dropped it on its head. Knocked it out cold."

"Still, pretty heroic, after all everyone is talking about how the 'great Harry Potter saved two girls from the evil troll'. Have you heard?"

"You mean all the rumours spreading about me?" Harry said with a small laugh. "Oh yes, one rumour said that I had fought off the troll with an advanced spell that was lost to mankind. If you believe the rumour then apparently Dumbledore was the one who taught it to me." Harry had a feeling that Dumbledore was the one responsible for spreading that particular rumour. It may have been ridiculous and unbelievable but it still got people to associate himself with Dumbledore.

"Well, from what I've hard you are pretty smart. Make sense for you to know some advanced magic, don't really know about spell forgotten to mankind but at least some spells that are more advanced than your year."

"Careful Tonks, if you keep complimenting me then I might blush." Harry joked.

"No you wouldn't, you'd just change your face to hide it."

"True." Harry conceded. "Speaking from experience? Do you blush often because of me?"

"Hey! I am the one who is supposed to do the teasing." Tonks protested as she gave him a playful shove.

"Oh, would you prefer if I blush and stutter as you stun me with your beauty and erotic smile?"

"Well..." Tonks paused. "...yes...now that you mention it, yes."

"I am not that good of an actor, if you want to make my face red then you'd better put a lot of effort into it." He grinned with a suggestive look on his face.

"Oh?" She raised an eyebrow as she grabbed him by the shirt. "Is that a challenge? Are you challenging me Potter?"

"What if I am Nymphadora?" He raised an eyebrow in return. "Do you think you can handle it?"

"Don't call me Nymphadora." She said in a low voice, but there wasn't any anger in it. In fact she found that she rather liked the way he said it, which was odd. Something about it was so playful and...exciting.

"And what if I don't?" Harry asked with a grin. "What if I decide that I like it?"

"Then you had better make sure that nobody else hears you say it." She said in a low and threatening voice, though it sounded more seductive than anything. "And you had better make sure to remember that you're the only one allowed to call me that."

"Deal." He said as he placed his lips against hers and the two engaged in some very passionate snogging. Tonk's hands went through Harry's hair, messing it up even more while Harry had decided to place his hands on her chest and began squeezing. Their tongues battled for domination a they continued for several minutes before stopping.

"Harry," She whispered. "stay there." She said as she got up, she placed a hand on his thigh just as he stood in front of him and placed her other hand on his other thigh. She smirked just as she lowered herself down to her knees, her hands slid up to his belt buckle. "I still can't believe I'm doing this, with you, I wouldn't have believed this could happen a few months ago."

"You didn't believe to be on your knees for me or you didn't believe that you would enjoy it?" Harry grinned.

"Oh shut it." She rolled her eye as she pulled his pants down. "Are you ready? Perhaps I can try out a new trick for you?" She opened her mouth and stuck her tongue out, she extended it using her metamorphamaugus powers and it's tip now reached the middle of her neck.

"Not bad." Harry shrugged.

"Huh?" She said as she brought her tongue back to it's natural length. "What do you mean not bad?"

"Could be better."

"Let's see you do it then." She challenged.

"If you insist." He smiled as he opened his mouth, Tonks found herself to be undeniably surprised when Harry's tongue extended out of his mouth and looked about as long as a snake. She wasn't given much time to think about it, the tongue moved towards her, the tip touched her cheek and slowly went down before it reached her chin, it climbed up and licked her lips before it entered her mouth.

Tonks really couldn't believe what was happening right now, sure metamorphamaugus's can stretch and change parts of their body but this was ridiculous. She briefly wondered if it was only his tongue that he could make this long.

Tonk's head was pulled towards Harry's just as the length of his tongue decreased until they had locked lips again, after some more brief snogging Harry stopped and looked at her with bright green eyes that sent shivers down her spine.

"I believe you were about to do something very pleasurable with your tongue." He said gesturing with his head to exactly where he was referring to.

"Oh...yeah." She blinked and shook the cobwebs out of her head, as she lowered her head down to between his legs.

Dumbledore sat in his office, thinking as he usually did, his thoughts were currently on Harry Potter. He had become aware of Quirrell's plan to sneak the troll into the castle, it was hard not to seeing as the man had to physically talk to Voldemort and didn't notice the listening charms that Dumbledore had placed in his office and on his turban. Where some saw a problem, Dumbledore saw an opportunity, another test for Harry.

He had sent Granger up to attract the troll while subtly making sure that the rumours of her crying in the bathroom had reached the ears of everyone in the hall. He had armed her with a rune stone that would produce a horrible smell that would ward off a troll just in case Harry didn't make it. But it turned out that it wasn't necessary as Harry did go and help, just like he wanted him to. The levitation charm was a stroke of genius, using such a simple charm was an excellent way of defeating that roll.

He was glad to know that Harry was walking the right path, he was acting like a hero. That's exactly what Dumbledore needed right now, it was what the world needed right now. Voldemort would return sooner or later, Harry needed to be ready, fortunately Dumbledore had enough time to make sure that Harry became ready the right way, after all he couldn't have him gain too much power. No, that would be bad. As of the moment Harry was above average and a prodigy, not something that Dumbledore was very happy about but it was fine as long as he didn't get too powerful.

He couldn't have him getting too powerful, after all he allowed that to happen with Tom and everyone knows what happened with that. Well...they would have if they actually knew about his identity.

He was brought out of his thought by an owl arriving with the daily prophet, after thanking the owl he took the newspaper just as he sipped on his tea. He glanced at the headline and ended up having tee shooting out of his mouth. He couldn't believe what he was reading.


"Hello my lord," A voice purred just as Harry arrived in his room and closed the door. "I'm glad that you are back."

"Bella." He nodded as he removed his school robes and was now standing just in his school shirt, shoes and trousers plus his Slytherin tie. He looked at Bella who had put on some red lipstick that contrasted brilliantly against her pale face. She was currently wearing a bathroom gown that ended at her ankles.

"I really wanted to thank you for your gift, my lord." She smiled as she walked forward and removed her gown.

She allowed it to slide down to the ground and revealed herself to Harry, she was wearing some see through tights that ended at her thighs, she also wore black glove that ended past her elbow and absolutely nothing else.

"Wow." Harry said as his eyes looked her over.

"Do you like?" She grinned as she walked towards him with an extra sway in her hips.

"I'd find it hard not to." Harry admitted just as she stopped in front of him, and placed her hands on her hips.

"That's good, now I was wondering if I could tempt you with something."

"Something?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"My husband and brother-in-law are still downstairs."

"Oh, I would've thought that you would've killed them by now."

"They wish." She smirked as she placed her hand on his shoulders, they gently glided down to his tie which she delicately grabbed. "I spent my time making them suffer, I was going to end it but then I had an idea. What if in their last moments they get to see me with a real man?" She finished with glint in her eye.

"You want to do it in front of them?" Harry asked as his arms snaked around her waist and his hands rested on her butt.

"Yep!" She nodded enthusiastically.

"...Fine..." He said eventually. "...I'm willing to try it." He finished after giving her a few more squeeze. Bellatrix smiled widely before giving him a very passionate kiss, she then broke off and walked to the chamber where the two brothers were being held, pulling Harry with her by his tie.

The two Lestrange brother found themselves chained to the wall, their wrists and ankles were pained thanks to the shackles. They didn't know how they ended up there, one second they were in Azkaban and the next they were here. Earlier the bags had been lifted from their heads, light attacked their eyes and they too a few moments to get used to it before they were able to take in their surroundings. The next thing they remembered was a pair of green eyes and then everything suddenly went fuzzy before the bags were put on their heads again.

Later on the bags were removed and they had found Bellatrix standing in front of them, something that they would later find odd was how Bellatrix looked much too healthy for someone who was supposed to have been in Azkaban for the same time as them. Naturally both brothers were relieved as Bellatrix would naturally save them, after all they were her brother-in-law and husband.

They were wrong.

Oh boy they were wrong.

What followed was the worst few hour of their lives, Bellatrix was the go to torture expert for the dark lord after all. She had used a variety of pain curses, including the cruciatus curse. She used cutting curses and aimed them at spots which wouldn't cause too much damage but the cuts were still painful. She had even used a unique curse that made all of their finger and toe nails shoot out of their hands and feet. She then proceeded to force them to eat those nails.

Those weren't the only cures she used, she had also used curses like the one that had made them feel like their nipples were in a vice grip. After that she had used one that made the victim desperate to scratch the part of the body that was hit with it, she had aimed that part at their genitals which wasn't any good seeing as they couldn't reach thanks to being tied up. After leaving them under that spell for a good twenty minutes she had returned and cast a spell that made their skin very sensitive, sensitive to the point where even air was a bother, she then kept poking them in the face for ten minutes straight. And that was ten minutes of hell each.

Near the end she just decided to finish up with a kick to the balls each before leaving them in pain.

If someone decided to look at the two brothers then they would currently find two thin and sick looking people chained to a wall with ripped prison clothes, cut and bruises all over plus no hair and bags under their eyes from lack of sleep.

The two were suddenly jolted back to reality when they saw Bellatrix walk in, she was pretty much naked as well. She was pulling a boy along with her. The two brothers took a second to look at the boy, he was a Slytherin, his tie made that obvious. He was quite on the young side.

"Brother," Rabastan Lestrange spoke in a tired and rough voice. "L...look at the boy's head." Rudolph Lestrange looked to where his brother had told him and his eye widened when he saw the scar on the boy's head.

"H...Harry Potter." Rudolph said in a raspy voice. "B...Bella, you brought Harry Potter? That's...that's amazing. W...we can avenge our lord. J...just let us go and kill the brat...a...all will be forgiven Bella."

"My apologies husband." Bella said with a sugary sweet voice. "But I serve a new lord now."

"What?!" Both brothers blurted out in surprise.

"You heard me." She smirked as she pushed Harry against a wall, she slid down to her knees while her hands slid down to Harry's belt buckle.

"W...what are you doing?!" Rudolph demanded with a furious and horrified expression.

"I'm going to show you two what a real man looks like." Bellatrix said, she then turned to Harry "Would you mind silencing them so they don't interrupt?"

"Gladly." Harry said as he waved his hand and the two were suddenly silenced.

What followed was the worse hour of Rudolph Lestranges life, his tortured body was still aching and hurting all over. He then had to watch as the boy responsible for his lords downfall proceeded to use his wife like a common whore. He watched as she took him in her mouth, how they did it on the floor, how he was pressed against the wall as he took her from behind and he watched her ride him like a possessed woman. His ears were filled with her moaning and screaming in pleasure, she also had a need to remind constantly Potter how he was 'better than her own husband' and a variety of other things.

Let's just say that his ego had taken a really big hit.

At the end of the hour Bellatrix was on the floor, cross eyed as she panted, sweat all over her body.

"Well that was fun." Harry said at the end of it, his voice was more suited to someone who had just won a chess game rather than a boy who had just had sex.

"Uhh…" Bellatrix blinked, not yet fully back to reality.

"Now, do you want me to kill them now or do you want to do it later?" Harry asked her.

"You." She answered as she looked at her husband and brother-in-law.

"If you're sure." Harry said just as he aimed his hand at them.

The two brothers had screamed various thing at him, even though the silencing spell was still active. Two seconds later, in the spot where the Lestranges were supposed to be, two piles of ash were found.

"Wow!" Bellatrix blinked in surprise. "That was quick." She looked at him with shock and more than a little awe. "I barely saw that! You are amazing my lord!"

"Thank you" Harry said as he grabbed her and teleported the two back to the bedroom. "You up for another round?" He asked as he placed her on the bed.

"Yep!" She grinned as she pulled him on top of her, wrapping her arms around his neck and her leg around his waist as she smashed her lips against his.

"Harry, I think you have a guest." Isabella commentated.

"Hmm," Harry looked up from his book just as Daphne and Tracy shrieked and jumped back in surprise when Isabella showed him a familiar spider in her hand. "ah, there he is." Harry took the spider in his hand, he closed his hand.

"Did you just crush him?" Isabella frowned.

"Crushed who?" Harry asked innocently as he opened his hand and revealed there was no spider.

"Show off." Tracy rolled her eyes.

"Well in my defence I enjoy an audience." Harry smirked.

"So have you chosen which Gryffindor you're going to befriend?" Daphne asked.

"Yes, yes I have."

She was walking down the hallway, books clutched to her chest, she was just hoping to stay away from Granger. She was tired of listening to the girl talk down on her, Yes she knew that Granger was smart but that didn't mean she was dumb...did it? She was already struggling with class now that she thought about it, the only one she was remotely good at was charms and even then she wasn't anywhere near the best. She did try, she really did, but it just didn't seem to be enough.

She rather hoped her father never met Granger, between the two of them they'd probably be able to spend an hour just making her miserable as they compare notes on how they were better than her. Merlin she just wanted at least one person to stop demanding her to be better. She was a good looking girl, shoulder length brown hair and blue eyes and a pretty face. She could just go around and hope her looks will let her last long enough through life until she manages to get a husband like her father suggested.

But did she want that? No, to be honest, no she did not want that. She wanted something more, she wanted to be somebody.

She was so in thought that she didn't watch where she going, and unintentionally bumped into someone.

"Ooof!" She blurted out as she dropped her books. "Sorry!" She said as she quickly kneeled down to pick up her books, she then saw someone kneel down and help her.

"It's alright," The voice said. "are you okay?"

"Yeah," She nodded after getting all of her books. "thanks. I am..." She looked up and froze.


"F...Fay. I am Fay Dunbar." She said, struggling to speak. Her eyes and mind had become unnaturally focused on the green eyes in front of her.

"A pleasure, my name is Harry, Harry Potter."