

The Slytherin Manor, Somewhere in England

Wormtail apparated just outside the anti-apparition wards of the Dark Lord's headquarters, clad in the fearsome dark robes and stark white mask of a death eater. He went inside, trembling visibly in both fear and excitement. The guards sneered at him as he passes the door leading straight in the Dark Hall, where all war updates were reported.

He saw a jet of blood red light a second before being hit with pain. He screamed and fell to the ground,writhing in agony. Voldemort held the curse for a minute before ending it. Wormtail was panting hard.

"Speak," He hissed coldly, settling into a elaborate chair on a dais, a fitting throne.

"Master…" Wormtail rasped, his knees still quaking from the torture. "A prophecy has been made by Sybil Trelawney, a prophecy about the one who could defeat you." He recited the prophecy as Dumbledore had.

Voldemort's eyes narrowed even further. The air around him dropped several degrees.

"And who will be such?" He asked, rising from his seat, already contemplating a counter-plan.

"There are two possibilities, Master. The Potter child…or the Longbottom's…"

"And I suppose you want me to go after the Longbottoms, Wormtail? Potter was, after all, your friend was he not?" Scarlet eyes gleamed as the countenance twisted into a feral smile. "No matter, I will kill both families after the children are borne. It seems only fitting to give my equal a proper send off."

"Master, Dumbledore arranged for them to be put under Fidelius as soon as the children are born." Wormtail stuttered, his heart beating painfully.

"That, Wormtail, is where you come in…"

St. Mungo's Hospital, 1 month later

St. Mungo's Center was as busy as a hive, the air heavy with cruelty, melancholy, fear and panic. A multitude of people, both fighters and civilians, came in, reeking of blood and decay and death.

Tonight, the maternity ward was also busy. Lily Potter and Alice Longbottom were giving birth to a possible hero. Their husbands were in the hall, currently sleeping off exhaustion as they leaned on the walls. A few members of the Order, those who were off duty or being treated for injuries, were also present at Dumbledore's insistence.

It would not be below the Dark Lord to attack the hospital, no matter how riddled it was with Aurors. The first cry erupted an hour before midnight. Neville (named after Alice's father) was an arguably cute,average sized baby with a round face, black eyes and dark brown hair. Frank was wide awake by then and had tears in his eyes as he held his firstborn.

James waited patiently, pacing in agitation. Sirius Black, his best friend, put an arm around him for support.

The twins came out near simultaneously. The nurse, exhausted from treating so many injured, realizing that she did not observe which twin came first, randomly picked the one, thinking that it made no difference. She chose wrong.

Daimen Potter, an average sized baby with red hair and hazel eyes, was born at 11:59pm. He looked very healthy and very strong.Meanwhile, Hadrian Potter, that smaller of the twins, had emerald green eyes and black tuffs of hair. He looked frail and thin compared to his brother. He was born at exactly 12 midnight, when July died.

Dumbledore arrived, took a good look at the nurse's notes and the two very different babies, and picked up sleeping Daimen Potter, hope bursting in his ancient chest and leaking into his eyes. This one…

"This little one is going to save us all." He cried happily.

How very wrong he was.