
HP: Adventure & Magic

In the world of harrypotter a wizard rises to prominence with his house of conquest. With every defeat of his enemies he rightfully gets everything of the other. But as much as it is to gain its also easy to lose everything of his after his lose. Come along with the journey of the family of our protagonist as he walks through the world of both muggle and magical with storm. - Okay this might surprise you but Harry Potter is not mine. (@_@)

AkbarReads · 書籍·文学
12 Chs

Magic 3

After the first time, he performed accidental magic after awakening his memories. Did more than just face slapping his father by the door.

'hmm… remember the pull... remember the pull...' chanting the mantra in his head, Alex had his hand towards the juice can on the table. Remembering the way his magic felt and trying to manipulate it to feel the same way.

"Do you think we should show him to a doctor."

"No, I think our son has no genetic problems...it's just... I think he finally lost it." (Curtis)

"Hmm... seems to be the case."

When all the frustration he was feeling with his magic not going the way he wants, his parents judgments did Not help.

And just as he was processing those emotions he pushed his will as much as he could, and it shook... the can shook barely a little forward.

"I did it...Hahaha... I did it... in your face."

"He certainly lost it."(Mira)

"but... I..."(Alex)

"tch... tch... at such a young age."(Curtis)

"No I... Argh..." Seeing as they didn't believe me, I stomped my foot and walked out to get some fresh air.

Silence... after the door slammed shut, there was complete silence and then...

"Aaaahh... did you see... did you see... he moved the can with his magic." cried Mira in glee as she spoke to Curtis while shaking him with his shoulder's.

"I know... and that to wandless at such a young age... our boy is a genius." said Curtis with similar joy.

"We need to keep that can as a memento."

"Yes... yes totally."


Standing at the door, Alex heard his parent's loud voices of joy when he was coming back for his jacket for the cold.

"Ah... How I love this two." Said Alex with the brightest smile he could and walked away without going in again and let them have their moment.


Author thoughts:

Damn, I'm so not good at this. Life just feels so hard. I don't know if I am really just procrastinating and have no amount of strong will or I don't know, born with this crippling unproductive habit.