
HP: Adventure & Magic

In the world of harrypotter a wizard rises to prominence with his house of conquest. With every defeat of his enemies he rightfully gets everything of the other. But as much as it is to gain its also easy to lose everything of his after his lose. Come along with the journey of the family of our protagonist as he walks through the world of both muggle and magical with storm. - Okay this might surprise you but Harry Potter is not mine. (@_@)

AkbarReads · 書籍·文学
12 Chs

Enticing a bird

Curtis and the shopkeeper were both astonished with what followed the stare down between the owl and the boy.

"I will give you an option. I could let you free and even take you to a place where there aren't many things dangerous to you…" Alex proceeded with to open the cage while still having eyes locked with the owl. And even then the owl stayed on the perch in the cage, staring into the boy's heterochromia eyes.

The adults were stunned at this display of Alex. But he still had more to say.

"Or you will stay with me from now too forever. So choose, with me on a path you could never imagine or into the wild where you built your own." Alexander was now emitting an aura that making every word he said to be truth and nothing else, and nothing in between the heaven and earth would say so otherwise.

Curtis was skeptical was an understatement. He couldn't make out the situation in front of him. And the bird's next movement made him more astonished.

The owl spread its tiny wings with grace and flew out and landed on Alex shoulder and rubbed its cute little head against his cheek.

Seeing such display from his now owl, a genuine smile on his face. And seeing the smile showing pure joy on his son's face, Curtis just brushed away all his thoughts, because at the end what mattered was his son was happy.

"Hm, I guess I pay for all the books."

"Yeah… your son there is quite special, you must be proud."

"Haha, yes, he is the best thing happened to me and my wife."

After finishing paying and stuffing all the books in the extended suitcase, Curtis made his way towards his son, who was enthusiastically talking to his bird.

"So, thought of a name for him."

"She is a female." Replied Alex a little defensively. And the bird followed him by puffing her little bird chest up.

"Alright my bad." Curtis raised his hands in surrender.

"Hmm…" Hummed Alex with a little chuckle then said.

"Her name will be Athena."

(For all those that think the MC is behaving more like a child even though he awakened his memories.

1. Having memories of adulthood doesn't mean he has forgotten or thought of his current live memory any less. And its also that he feels closer to his memories now than his past life's.

2. And for those that question that he is more mature than he should be if he doesn't prioritize the past life memories. So for that, I'll say that he considers memories that way. But his behavior and habits or subconscious ticks will bleed into his current life. So, it's like two personalities mixing.

3. Memories are not what makes a child well, a child. It's also the biological and psychological activity that takes place in children to. So, there will be sugar rush for our MC. )