
HP/AC: Whispers of the Vail

Two witches, Hasel (Female Harry Potter) and her wife Hermione Potter, find themselves thrust into the heart of Victorian London after a mysterious accident in the Department of Mysteries. They stumble upon the clandestine world of the Assassins, locked in a shadowy war against the ruthless Templars. Amidst ancient artifacts and hidden blades, Hasel and Hermione must adapt to this dangerous new world, learning to fight alongside the valiant Rooks. As they face the specter of a young Tom Riddle, they are forced to confront questions about the enigmatic accident that brought them here, and whether they can ever find their way back home. **** I am sorry that the first few chapters are so short I hope that from Chapter 10 onward that there will be at least a thousand words per chapter. But my muse decides on that.

Floori2004 · 書籍·文学
12 Chs

Chapter 11: Whispers on the Wind

The escape from London was a dance with danger. Clara, utilizing the full breadth of the Rook network, orchestrated a series of misdirections and decoys. Rumors were spread of stolen Templar treasure, of false sightings of the witches in distant corners of the city. Every move was a calculated risk, a tightening of the noose around them as they prepared for one final, desperate gamble.

Their departure point was a bustling dockyard, its air thick with the stench of fish and tar. Disguised as laborers, they boarded an unassuming cargo vessel bound for Edinburgh, its hold stacked with bales of wool destined for the Scottish mills. The bone mask, heavily wrapped and hidden among the cargo, pulsed with a malevolent energy that sent shivers down Hasel's spine.

The voyage was rough. The North Sea churned with an icy fury, and the cramped quarters below deck reeked of sweat and stale air. Ellie, prone to seasickness, turned a ghastly shade of green, yet endured it all with stoic determination. The constant threat of Templar spies discovering their ruse gnawed at them, every unfamiliar face a potential enemy.

Yet, there were unexpected moments of respite. A magnificent pod of dolphins followed the ship for an afternoon, their sleek bodies slicing through the waves with playful grace. One sunrise painted the churning waters with such magnificent hues of orange and pink that Hasel briefly forgot her troubles, a sliver of her childhood wonder resurfacing.

When they finally disembarked in Edinburgh, it felt like setting foot on another planet. The Scottish air had a different bite to it, the tang of heather and peat replacing the soot and stench of London. Yet, the danger remained. Clara had contacts in the city, a small network of sympathizers, but they were few and far between, their power limited compared to the established strength of the Rooks in London.

"Starrick's reach is long," an aging Scottish blacksmith with a fiery beard warned them as he discreetly provided forged travel documents and supplies. "Best keep your heads low and shadows close, lassies."

His advice proved prescient. Twice, they narrowly avoided patrols of Templar thugs, clearly identifiable by their ruthless demeanor and the glint of the Templar cross upon their shabby clothes. Hasel and Hermione wielded their magic defensively, creating fleeting illusions to vanish down alleyways or conjure muffled sounds to lead their pursuers astray. It was a constant, exhausting exercise in vigilance.

Finally securing passage on one of the sparse rail lines heading north, they found a measure of respite. The train chugged and rattled through the rugged heart of Scotland, the bleak beauty of the Highlands unfolding in a panorama of heather-covered hills and mist-shrouded mountains. The rhythmic sway of the carriage lulled them into uneasy dozes, broken only by nightmares of shadowy Templars and the haunting power of the bone mask.

The closer they drew to Hermione's beacon, the thicker the air felt, an almost oppressive magical presence. It both drew and repelled her, promising answers yet hinting at unknown perils. Ellie, attuned to the shift, offered quiet words of support, her own fears masked by a mother's protective resolve.

As the train screeched to a halt in a remote highland village, it felt like stepping off the edge of civilization. From here on, it would be a journey of a different kind, a trek into the primal heart of ancient magic. The bone mask, reacting to the proximity of its unknown source, throbbed with increasing intensity. They were getting closer, but to what, they could only guess.

The village was little more than a cluster of stone cottages clinging to the windswept hillside. Its inhabitants, weathered and taciturn, eyed them with a mix of suspicion and curiosity. Hermione's fractured Gaelic, painstakingly gleaned from salvaged books, did little to bridge the cultural gap. Yet, they managed to secure a pair of sturdy horses and rudimentary directions towards the forbidding peaks that loomed in the distance.

The air grew thinner as they ascended, the landscape ever more stark and desolate. Ancient forests clung to the lower slopes, their skeletal branches groaning in the relentless wind. A sense of being *watched* prickled at the back of Hasel's neck, an oppressive feeling that lingered despite the wide, open sky.

"This place…" she murmured, more to herself than her companions. "It thrums with magic, but it's…not right."

Ellie, her usual practicality laced with unease, agreed. "It's like the land itself is holding its breath, waiting for something."

The journey turned increasingly arduous. Trails petered out, replaced by treacherous ravines and fields of jagged rocks. At times, they were forced to dismount and lead the horses, the air echoing with their ragged breaths and the eerie calls of unseen birds. The bone mask, secured to a saddlebag, pulsed with such intensity that Hermione feared it might somehow attract unwanted attention.

One bone-chilling night, they were forced to make camp in a shallow depression beneath a forbidding cliff face. The wind shrieked mournfully, carrying on its breath the scent of rain and something Hasel couldn't quite define – a prickling anticipation that made her skin crawl. They built a meager fire, more for the illusion of warmth than actual comfort, huddling together under rough woolen blankets.

Sleep was elusive. Hasel lay awake, staring up at the sliver of starry sky visible between the looming crags. The mask, even hidden from view, emanated a disquiet that seeped into her very being. Ellie, beside her, stirred uncomfortably, muttering a name in her sleep that Hasel didn't recognize.

Suddenly, a shrill cry pierced the night. One of the horses, tethered nearby, whinnied in terror, its eyes wide with fear. They scrambled out from under the blankets, wands clutched tight. The fire had been extinguished, plunging the camp into near-total darkness.

Then, she saw them. Twin pinpricks of malevolent green light glowed in the shadows beyond their meager shelter.

Ellie stifled a gasp. "Wolves," she breathed, her voice shaking.

But these were no ordinary wolves. Their spectral forms flickered, their eyes burning with an unnatural luminescence. They stalked closer, silent but for the click of claws on stone. Hermione instinctively raised her wand, a familiar shield Charm shimmering into existence. Yet, these creatures felt…different. Their very presence sent a jolt of dissonant magic through the ancient land, amplifying the disturbing pulse of the relic nearby.

"They're not natural," Hasel hissed, her voice barely a whisper. "Something's corrupted them."

The wolves lunged, their spectral forms passing right through the shield as if it were naught but air. Pain exploded in Hasel's arm as one materialized just long enough to sink its teeth into her flesh. Ellie cried out, a hastily formed potion vial shattering at their feet, releasing a noxious plume of smoke that temporarily disoriented the creatures.

Hermione conjured a blinding flash of light, forcing the wolves to retreat back into the darkness. They snarled and paced, their glowing eyes fixated on their prey.

Hasel cradled her bleeding arm, gasping in ragged breaths. The bite wound burned with a cold, sickly pain. Had the creature's magic somehow infected her?

They spent the rest of the night huddled together in despairing silence, their fire rekindled but offering little comfort. The wolves circled relentlessly, a constant reminder of the lurking dangers of this ancient, corrupted land. As the first streaks of dawn painted the horizon, the spectral beasts vanished as abruptly as they had appeared.

In the bleak light of morning, fear and exhaustion warred with the relentless drive to continue. Hasel's wound throbbed, a persistent reminder of the encounter. Yet, Hermione's beacon thrummed stronger, guiding them onward, into the heart of the unknown.