
HP: A Country's Dark Legacy

Heavy AU, diferent from the start, and more complex magic! After transmigrating into a very different Harry Potter, Sebastian fights to gain strength in the worldwide struggle for power, glory and domination which started through Dumbledore‘s failed ‘secret’ ritual. Accompany Sebastian on his way to dominate the world! (Sebastian uses Germany to get stronger and to develop it into his future stronghold!) As stated above, magic is more advanced and original! It will even include scientific aspects, making it more diverse and stronger! Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter or its characters, except the original characters I create. The image used is created by AI. PS: English isnt my first language and this is my first try writing a ff. Feel free to leave comments and to correct my writing and grammar.

DaoistDumbles · 書籍·文学
58 Chs

New Coven Market

Sebastian went down on his knees. He knew apparition was bad, but not this bad. He tried to open his mouth to complain but that was a mistake on his side. Instead of words, the only things that came out of his mouth were the sweets he had eaten this morning, though not looking like when he had eaten them.

The recruiter looked at him with his black eyes, waved his wand and the vomit disappeared from his lips and the ground.

"While you might already know this, this is the New Coven Market. It is located near castle Hohenzollern inside of the forest and hidden from muggles. It is also one of the first magical settlements in Germany after the ancient Celtic druid covens settled down.", the man told him.

They were at the central square of New Coven Market which had place for public floo and apparition.

The ground was covered with stone and in the centre of the square was a metallic statue of a female witch with her story written beneath. She was one of the protecters of the Coven Market and gave all her galleons to fund the reparations.

Around the square were German half-timbered houses, though they had a magical touch to them. Little floating plateaus with plants, advertisements or tables from a café were splattered above the four roads, each road in one cardinal direction.

A floating text in front of one of it said, 'Northern Street' and the others followed its example.

Sebastian and his parents were only allowed to visit Northern Street, as it only had bars, pubs, restaurants and cafés with some small shops and libraries in between.

The man looked towards Southern Street and said, "In this direction is the hospital and the bank along with several other important facilities like the German consulate or the German library. Until you are old enough you are only allowed in there if need be." He turned towards Western Street. "There are the living quarters. Only enter if you are invited or it is part of your job as they have automatic defences.", he added.

He turned again and began to walk towards Eastern Street. "This street is also restricted and only allows graduates, allowed visitors or people that accompany graduates who have the matching authority. You are allowed to come with me.", the man explained.

"In this street are all the other shops, private facilities, and headquarters of important companies. Hurry up now."

Sebastian tried to keep up and asked, "And where are we going?"

"To a special shop. Everyone can buy a wand if they are graduates, but if you aren't, you must go to a special shop managed by the Blackwald Institute.", the man answered.




A bit later they stood in front of a modern looking building. Unluckily it also looked like it was used to portray modern arts and it looked horrendous for Sebastians eyes, but maybe that's what wizards liked. It didn't have any windows, but above its entrance was a sign saying 'Blackwald Institute of the Arcane office'.

Upon entering they were in a brightly lit foyer with a few flying ghosts and a few people walking around, wearing the same robe and boots as the recruiter, but their faces and hair weren't hidden.

"Come now.", the man said and dragged Sebastian to a door at the right side of the foyer which read 'Blackwald Institute of the Arcane student management and shop'.

Behind the door was something that looked like a mix of Madam Malkin's Robes for All Occasions, Ollivander's wand shop and an office. Messy but structured.

"Hello ---------, who is this lovely lad you are bringing to me today?", a man in green robes, flip-flops, a short, red beard and a bald head said to the recruiter. He had a sigil on his robe, but his said 'T9', whatever that meant.

"This is Sebastian Roth, code 7771801, he is here for measuring, evaluation and to get his starter set.", the recruiter answered, while Sebastian thought about what he just said. 'Evaluation? I don't remember that Harry had to go through this. But it seems good that I can get everything at once. Hmm... it also has a downside. Like this I can't explore as much and see a lot of places. Well…'

"Good, good. Let's start with the measuring.", the man from the management department waved his wand and several numbers along with a glowing figure appeared in front of him. "Right-handed?", he asked.


"Good. Lets see. Hm.", the man waved his wand again an a few stacks of wood came flying towards him and began floating in front of Sebastian. "Please touch them and afterwards tell me what makes you feel the best."

Sebastian began touching them and only the 7th wood made him feel anything. After he finished the pointed at it and said, "That one."

"Good. Not so uncommon these days. Blackthorn wood. Suited for warriors and fighters.", the man murmured to himself. "Now let's continue with the core."

He waved his wand again and everything, but the blackthorn wood disappeared. With another swish, a few other things came flying. "Maybe Erkling rib? No, I don't think that fits.", the man continued in a low voice and one of the objects disappeared.

"Wampus cat hair? No, you don't seem like someone talented in the mind arts with how you cringed when you saw me.", he said and a string of hair disappeared, while Sebastian stared at the man, gaping.

"Maybe basilisk or rougarou? Let's try it."

Two objects, a hair, and a horn, came flying towards Sebastian. Surprisingly, halfway through, the hair started to wrap around the horn. Sebastian looked up, as the fusion stopped in front of him. The man from the department looked surprised.

"Well, aren't you a special one. I am Theodore Krieg, your future teacher for the defense against the dark arts. Maybe even for more. You know, I only do this job during the holidays to meet the newcomers and to relax. The 'T' on my sigil stands for 'teacher'. I think we will have an exciting time together.", Theodore stated and smiled a creepy smile that fully showcased blinding white teeth.

"It has happened a few times that materials fuse since we started making custom wands, but that one is very special. Very deadly.", Theodore said as his smile only intensified. "Good."

Suddenly his smile disappeared and he said, "Lets continue, I think --------- still has a lot to do today. Hm, I think you will get a staff, sounds nice."

The horn, hair and wood disappeared. 

"You will get it on your day before school. Here.", Theodore said and a black robe with the sigil just with an 'S1' instead of 'R' or 'T9' appeared in front of Sebastian, along with a pair of boots and a silver necklace with a silver cross and a small red ruby in its center appeared in front of Sebastian, who had long since stopped to try and understand the situation.

"This are your school robe and your school boots. You are to wear them as long as you go to school and don't have any permission to switch. But you are allowed to wear something else for special occasions and to sleep or inside your own home, so don't worry. Just don't take off the necklace. It is used to secure you in school, transport you to special events and bring you to the safe house in a few days. It is very important.", Theodore explained.

While Sebastian changed in front of them, he asked, but he had to do it there, 'Fucking perverts!', his old clothes were vanished, and Theodore gave him a book inside of an brown envelope.

"This is the only book you will get before school starts. Keep it well and don't read it in front of your parents. You will get the rest of your stuff when you are at school. Now bye, see ya.", Theodore said and disapparated from where he stood.

"What about the evaluation?", Sebastian asked into the void that once occupied Theodore.

"Already done.", answered the recruiter from the side.

Sebastian turned to the recruiter who in turn stared at him, grabbed his arm and in the next second, Sebastian stood in front of his home, alone, ready to vomit.


Remember, it's my first fanfiction.

Feel free to comment and correct my grammar and writing or to leave suggestions.