
HP| wanting to be a magic swordsman

Being a wizard is cool but........ Being a magic swordsman is way cooler Magic + swordsmanship + my handsome looks and smarts = an op magic swordsman

foodieToodie · 書籍·文学
5 Chs

Testing And Choosing

1981 July 19 7:42


Waking Up I Felt Weird? I Guess I Don't Know Why. But I Felt Something Weird Circulating Inside My Body. Kinda Like Blood Except I Can Actually, Feel It Moving Inside. Energising My Body.

Attempting To Recall Whether Or Not I Have Ever Felt This. Or I Just Awakened It Led Me To Think About What Occurred Last Night.


Just Thinking About it Is Enough To Make Anyone Queasy. Especially Someone Who Actually, Witnessed The Event. Moving My baby Hand Towards My Right Check. I Gently Caress It.

It Felt Smooth And Clean With No Blood Remaining. I Am Assuming That One Of Our Caretakers Probably Tidied Up My Appearance. Considering I Was Caked In Blood And Guts Before I Passed Out.

Suppressing The Shudders That Threatened To Envelop My Body. I Decided To Focus On The Energy Circulating Inside My Blood Stream.

I'm Not That Surprised That I Have Some Sort Of Ability. I mean I Reincarnated So I Don't Think That Having A Special Ability Is That strange. Hopefully, It's A Useful Ability.

Conducting A couple of Tests Allowed Me, To Learn One Thing. Holy Shit This Is Hard To Use! I Mean To Be Fair I Don't Have Anyone To Teach Me. So Of course, It's Going To Be Hard.

But Still! I Could Barely Make it willfully move 1 God Damn Inch Away From Its Center. (Which Is Located Near My Heart )

Almost Giving up For the Day. I Try One Last Thing.

Think Of Your Intent Check. √

Imagine What You Want The Energy To Do. √

Now Say It.

"Lofatos" I gargle Out With My Baby Mouth. While The Words Are Wrong It's Intent Is Still There And So. (A/n Lumos)



a Small And Pathetic Light Materializes from My Fingertip. Although It Only Stays For 2 seconds Before Sizzling Out.

I Stare At My Fingertip In Awe... I Did That... Fuck Yeah!! I Have Magi-

Just When I Was About To celebrate my first successful attempt at magic. My Eyes Started To Go Blurry.

Feeling The fatigue Created From My First Spell I Think 'Shit I Didn't Read Past The Chamber Of Secrets'

Was My Last though. As I Fell Into A Deep Slumber.


1981 July 19 14.21

Being Woken up By The Cries Of Babies Was Definitely Not The Most Pleasent Experience. Their Crys Felt Like Nukes Were Going Off Right Beside Me.

My Eyes Were Still Extremely Blurry. And It Was Very Hard to See What Was going Around Me. Although I Just Had What I Think To Be A 5-6 hour Sleep. Yet I Am Still As Tired As Before. Truly Shows How Taxing Magic Is To My Young Body And Mind. (although I don't think that one counts)

Feeling my magic. I Sensed That My center Is A Lot Smaller Than Before. It Seems To Be Growing Back To its Original Size. But Seeing How Slow It Refills It Will Most Likely Take A couple of Days.

But It's Weird If This Really Is Harry Potter. Then Why Haven't I Had Accidental Magic Ye-

Wait... The Baby... Did I Do That?

No no. i-I'm That Was Probably Just Another Wizard. M-Maybe Another Child Awakening? (A Lie And I Knew it)

Ignoring That I Need to Think About How I Want To Fight In The Future. A Style That Uses Magic Is None Negotiable. But At The Same Time, I Also Want To Add Some Physicality Into It.

My Inspiration? You May Ask Well. It's None Other Than The God Of Flashiness And Festivals.

Uzui Tengen.

I Mean Come On That Guy Is Badass As Hell. His Fight Vs Gyutaro Was Enough To Give Anyone An Orgasm. Okay, slight Exaggeration But You Get The Point.

Could I Possibly Combine Swordsmanship And Magic? I Mean That Would Be Pretty Op. Being Good In Both Magic And Physical combat Would Probably Put Me In A Much Better Spot Then just Magic.

I Could Probably Also Do Some dark Magic Rituals To Increase My Magical And physical capacity. Plus Something That I Have Always Wondered Is Whether Or Not Magic Strengthens Your Body. I'll Have To Test That Once My Body Has Grown A bit.

Either way, I Have Chosen!

I Am Going To Become A Magic Swordsman!



{age} = 7-months

{Physical} = 0.4/10

{Magic} = 0.3/20

{Magic Skill} = 0.1/60

{hand to hand combat} = 0/60

{Swordsmanship} = 0/60

{Killed} = 1/???

{Daily Lesson Learned} = "swordsmanship is badass"
