
How Why...

was it love ? a lust ? this is a story about teenager where adult don't understand. heart break, loving each other, lost and found. call me svea, and i tell you my story, this is the beginning

selvina_soulisa · 都市
13 Chs

Chapter 3

Merlin P.O.V

I've been friend with hani since 7th grade, so to call her my bestfriend is safe. I know hani to well how she showless emotion at home and be free oustide home, how she deal with the drama problem, i know but don't want talk about it or asking her about it if she want to talk then i just give her my ears right...

Today hani and feb going to trial for soccer team, so i join them not playing of course just watching team. As i sit at corner bench a see the judges entering stadium, they look so professional with the suite and sportshirt i thought, so maybe i should work like them to have a lot money.

During the trial i see how hani always look ad the judges, like she know someone i should ask i think maybe after trial.

Fabric / Feb P.O.V

Thank god, because i have a nice body !! that's what i think after shower so fresh and smell nice haha. Today my school have trial for soccer team because me and hani love soccer so we try to join the team and going for the trial. I know hani because we play soccer together, we have different class but we ended together by sport.

i don't really know at home all i know is hani is carefree person at school and have a avarage grade at class i mean she's not stupid but not smart either haha sorry han..

I want you to know my friend so here's a lil bit about them !! Let's read it and enjoy your time

selvina_soulisacreators' thoughts