
Vow for the Future: Everest

Masaru slowly stirred awake while feeling both his arms were feeling slightly more heavier than usual, he turns to the left seeing a beautiful sleeping face covered with strands of black wearing purple negligee he could even see that she was not wearing any lingerie at all.

Masaru swallowed his spit as softly and slowly as he could not stir her awake, when he turned to his right he saw a beautiful blonde sleeping similarly wearing a red negligee to the point it could have just slept naked.

'Honestly, I can't get tired of looking at them' Masaru thought as he turned his face towards the roof simply enjoying the sensation of the girls sleeping together with him.

Yesterday with the Adramelech was quite tiring but the fact the girls had something else planned made Masaru curious about it, he wanted to find out about it but his father was being vague while the ladies told him to just go to the party.

It was shockingly bewildering, just what is everyone planning for him? He could not wrap his head around it so he went to sleep in hopes it could calm down his mind.

"Munyu... Ma-kun, a little harder" Masaru turned towards Akeno asking himself just what in the world did he hear. 'Harder? dear lord...'

"Punish me some more...." Suddenly he felt warm vigorous energy rushing down his body, slight feeling embarrassed as if he was committing a crime listening to this but since he was curious he kept mum and listened some more.

But what he did not expect was Akeno pulling him towards her bountiful breasts squashing his face between them, the softness, elasticity especially the small hard area he felt like he could really just sleep in them.

"Morning Masaru" Akeno greeted looking down at Masaru who looks like he was eating her breasts.

"Morning Akeno" Masaru greeted her as he moved upwards and gave her a light kiss, but this movement stirred the other sleeping beautiful awake who latched around Masaru's neck kissing his cheek.

"Morning Masaru, Big sis Akeno" Stephani's voice was more cheerful compared to yesterday so Masaru and Akeno felt quite relieved that she was doing better.

"Well, there are quite a few things I need to prepare but Akeno..." Masaru turned to look at Akeno who nodded since it was time to meet her, it was a bit earlier than planned but he intends to take it up until the end.

"Masaru, come" Akeno dragged Masaru along with them into the large bathroom where the rest of the girls were already cleaning themselves although Sakura and Shirone appear to not yet be here.

"Oh Masaru, you came" Yui called out causing the surrounding girls to flinch before looking towards the boy wearing nothing but a towel in front of them, some of them blushed while some felt a bit disappointing for some reason.

Once they got washed up, the girls went off into bath together while Masaru took a shower before relaxing among them, he did not actively stared at them but secretly enjoyed peeking here and there while being among the paradise of naked women especially now that they are showing great progress in growth was worth waiting for until now.

"I would never expect you would daringly bath together with us" Everest spoke, she felt calmer than before but she was still embarrassed, Akeno who was open about these things were resting her head on Masaru's left shoulder.

"Well I never said I will not, but since we will be making a family of our own in the future this is good practice"

Just when Masaru finished what he said Sakura opened the door seeing him sitting in the bath with a towel around his waist and the girls did not bother covering themselves, she wanted to scream 'pervert!' but she was about to close the door till she was captured by Shirone who pushed her into the bathroom since she too was coming to take a bath today with Masaru and the rest.

"Big brother!" Shirone who washed quite in a fast pace came to sit on top of Masaru's lap if he did not have the towel he would never allow this little girl to sit on his lap.

'1st Commandment of the Loli bible: Can look Yes! But no touch!' He thought

"Pervert...." Sakura mumbled as she climbed into the bath together with the girls reluctantly, Masaru did not actively stare at her to allow her to feel more comfortable although she felt a bit more conflicted.

The bathing experience was quite amazing for Masaru's first time as he never imagined Akeno would suggest this to him and even say the girls were fine with it, no to mention he too want to experience it once since he knew he loved the girls and the girls loved him so it was his right to enter when invited!


"So, after breakfast, you called me here with Akeno for?" Shuri was placing a tray with three cups of tea between them as she took her seat, and in front of her was Masaru and Akeno who was next to each other facing her.

"I came to speak with mother-in-law of my intention to take Akeno's hand in marriage" Masaru and Akeno took their cups to take a sip of the tea, hearing Masaru's declaration Shuri was not surprised but she still covered her mouth feeling quite happy for her daughter.

"So it's not asked but to tell me, I suppose something happened?" Masaru scratch the back of his head before he started to explain the Kissing Prayer's side effect, Shuri who heard this felt strange but it was not out of anger but she looked at Akeno who nodded towards her to show that she naturally knew of this.

"Are you seriously prepared to take responsibility"? Masaru smiled warmly while glancing at Akeno

"I refuse to let go of the hand that reached out for me" Masaru took hold of Akeno's hand.

"I make a vow not as the heir of the Belial family... nor the son of Diehauser... I vow as me, Masaru Belial that I will look after Akeno, laugh together with her, cry together with her, and live together till the end"

Shuri was quite surprised to hear such a serious declaration but she nodded, "Very well, you have shown me your determination... I will be watching over you two" She spoke with a motherly smile. Masaru stood up to refill the tea that was made leaving Akeno and Shuri alone for a while.

"Akeno were you certain when you made that vow with him? From what I heard that spell is extremely strong" Shuri spoke to Akeno to hear her daughter's thoughts when Masaru was not around since sometimes some things are easier to be said among the same gender.

"Yes, Masaru did ask me before he kissed me after all... Mother... I don't want to live thinking there might be someone better when I already have someone like him who loves me for who and what I am, there might be someone like him or better but I chose him, for better for worse I will not regret it"

Shuri said nothing else, when Masaru came back he chatted a bit more with Shuri. Apparently Baraqiel managed to meet her a few times while he was away due to Diehauser and his team who planned it carefully which made Masaru happy.

Masaru left the mother and daughter to have their chatting time since he was off to talk with Ajuka, He used his teleportation magic to appear in his room where he started up a projection with a familiar man,


"It has been a while you, troublemaker disciple"

"Well... That was really unexpected, it was really dangerous you know Sensei"

"Well thanks to your actions we have already detected some of the remaining gates which functioned similarly to the other ones that went off so we already took actions to strengthen the seals and also the local mythologies and families were then placed in charge of keeping them closed"

Masaru felt relieved since the problems with the Creatures has been dealt with he could finally relax. So he asked Ajuka whether he should come to further his training but Ajuka told him to relax since he was currently busy helping Sirzech deal with some things not mentioned.

Masaru knew this vacation he would mostly be free but when he was about to leave the Manor to walk around the town he noticed Everest who was sitting on a bench staring at the skies, he went over to take his seat next to her.

"Masaru..." Everest looked at Masaru who sits next to her,

"Something the matter?" Everest shook her head,

"No, I am only enjoying the peace and quiet"

"Well I guess this kind of peaceful times are quite precious after all" Masaru looked into the skies.

"Now then.." Masaru relaxed his arms around Everest's neck causing her to blush not daring to look at him, it has been since the start of their high school that Masaru began starting having such skinship with Everest to have her feel less embarrassed.

He was not certain but he still remembered that Tannin once said although it was not applicable to all dragons but there is some who are stronger or has extremely great potential the purer their personalities is which was why he was extremely protective over Everest at the start.

"Masaru... why would you not initiate the kissing prayer with the rest of us?" Masaru cares her hair,

"Because I cherish you girls, this prayer is really something that needs to be thought of carefully" But Everest shook her head, "I am a dragon, such amount of time will mean nothing for me since I already chose you as my mate"

Masaru did not stop caressing her hair, he knows of this and realized he would have to ask these girls... Since he realized the kissing prayer placed a sort of pressure on the rest who did not use it yet like Akeno, Ichika and Stephani.

"You do know when you and I die... We will meet again and again each time we rebirth and die with new identities you will only be able to love me as a man. You won't be able to meet someone new or different" Masaru looked at Everest who had teary eyes that threatened to spill out, Masaru only felt a ting bit of guilt asking these things but he too did not want to force this upon them either.

He gently touched the tip of Everest's chin before he leaned over kissing her deeply, what the two of them were not noticing were farmers who were working on the fields nearby was currently watching over them with warm nostalgia smiles.

When Everest felt the ribbon bond between her and Masaru the insecurities she still held all vanished away from her heart, She leaned closer on Masaru feeling that it would not be bad if time were to stop and remain like this forever. "I will always love you in this life and in the next... Forever"

Masaru spoke softly, this was his vow and feelings.

"How nice to be young"

"Yep, it sure reminds me when I once kissed my wife like that"

Hearing the elder people talk the two of them blushed a bit since it was a surprise and a bit embarrassing how the elders were talking so heatedly about their kiss.

The two of them relaxed a bit more while ignoring the elder's talks about them staring at the skies for a while longer before Masaru gently kissed Everest's forehead since it was about time he had to contact that girl

'I still wonder why everyone is hiding something from me and even got me to ask Sona out on an escort' Masaru thought while he was walking past the farms while a magic circle formed next to his ear which connected with Sona Sitri,

"Afternoon Kaichou"

"It's a school holiday so call me Sona, Masaru-kun"

"You know it actually sounds cool, Sona Kaichou... Well jokes aside, do you have an escort for the Noble Party tonight?"

"No, since I broke off my engagement and don't have any partners I intended to head alone, why? You're not thinking of going with me are you?"

"Well, you see the girls are busy with something and no one wants to tell me. So I thought maybe I can simply go together with my childhood friend no?"

"Well since that is the case... But why me?"

"You want me to go with Rias? I could do that too but I doubt I will be able to keep my hands from lingering towards forbidden territories in search of treasures. For safety's sake, I rather have a nice conversation with your sister than the other siscon and a firebird"

"Pffftttt! Hehehe, fine your reasons are reasonable... Pick me up at ...."

"See you later, Magical Girl So-tan!"


The communication was cut off by Masaru since he only intended to tease her a bit and see the fruits of his actions later, Masaru saw a elder man was currently struggling to carry a bag filled with potatoes so he went over to help him.

"Thank you young man" Masaru smiled while carrying the bag on his back following the elderly man.

"It's a pleasure grandpa, why are you struggling alone?" The old man looked at the fields with a happy expression.

"Because I love farming, but currently my son went out for a job today so I had to do the harvest" the old man explained feeling proud of his son.

"Allow me to help you" Masaru offered his help to the old man when the surrounding farmers saw the young master of Belial was actually helping a random farmer harvesting his crops they were all surprised but felt quite proud thinking that this was their future ruler.

"It's quite an amazing amount you have grandpa, how did you create this soil to be so rich in nourishment?" Masaru asked the old man since if he could help the rest of the farms then the production would increase even further.

"Well you see we have a technique that allows us to...." The old man began to explain the process of making fertilizers but there were ingredients required which were not available on earth that is processed differently compared to the technique humans used.

"Grandpa, may I share this technique with the other farmers?" The old man looked at the young boy with surprise but smile

"You may even these old bones had shared them but the people were a bit too proud you see. If you can share them then this old man will feel happy" Masaru felt this elder was truly magnanimous, he too could understand that the races called Devils have pride etched within their bones even the low-class ones so he decided to speak with his father about this.

Shortly afterwards, a young man approached the farm seeing Masaru sitting together with his father enjoying a drink, he was shocked, he was not sure how he should act, did his father cause trouble? He moved faster towards them.

"Father I'm back!" The old man became even livelier as he greeted his son, seeing that the son arrived Masaru stood up. He noticed that his presence made the son misunderstand and he did not want to expose his identity to this kind old man, he wanted to remain a mysterious kind young man in his eyes.

"Thank you for the drink, Grandpa, I will surely spread the techniques you taught me under your name" Masaru bowed towards the old man greeted the young man and left, the young man was simply too shocked even his father noticed this

"You're being rude to our guest! Look at your face it's like when you accidentally peeped on your wife when she bathed when you were younger" The young man blushed feeling embarrassed at his father's scolding but then he could not hold it,

"Father, that boy was the young master of Belial"

"Belial? Do you mean that Wonder child? To think he is such a respectful boy, not overbearing and even treating his elders this kindly... Hoho, it appears our lands will become prosperous under his rule" The old man was surprised but he was happier to know the current Heir of the Belial family was several times better compared to some he heard about.

The young man who saw his father being happy did not spoil it and smiled, he too felt surprised but relieved at the same time.

Keeping his promise Masaru immediately called his father while sending a letter with the technique, Diehause opened the letter to see the technique feeling quite shocked as the ingredients used for the fertilizers were all local ingredients they could procure and even cultivate themselves.

He really wanted to go smack himself and his father including grandfather for not discovering this amazing thing,

"Good work Masaru! With this many things can go forward" Masaru could hear his father's incredible exciting voice, more things meant more jobs so the Slums in some towns in their areas will slowly be converted since more jobs will become available.

It will be later known that the Old Man Sebastian who was once a butler gave a fertilizer technique which helped the lands grow even more prosperous labelling him as an unsung hero by the citizens of the Belial Territory.

"Masaru you're late!" Diana who was already dressed for the party scolded Masaru, he did not complain and went up to get washed and dressed since he did indeed take his time to get back.

When he came down he noticed the Limousine was already here with his parents and grandparents already inside so he moved a bit faster entering the limo, "Seems you did quite a few things today, feeling better?"

Calfa spoke as she pulled Masaru to sit next to her, "Well it was really relaxing, compared to the running around and fighting back in Kyoto"

Diehauser who heard this had a bitter smile thinking his son really is plagued with trouble. "Son, where did you meet the man who gave you the technique you sent me?"

Masaru thought of the peaceful old man who simply enjoyed his farming, "His name is Sebastian, he was an old farmer I saw struggling to carry a bag so I helped him a bit around the farm. His farm was quite rich in nourishment, the soil was different from others so I asked him and he told me"

Dominic could already foresee how much value this technique will have on the future of Belial Territory since they no longer require to buy their fertilizers from other territories anymore.

"Well, it really was well done" Dominic tapped Masaru shoulder feeling quite happy, although this grandson can make him worried in so many ways he still makes him proud in the end.

'Hmph I wonder what those old bones going to brag against this with me' He thought.

After a while of travelling they arrived in front of the Sitri Family, Masaru climbed out of the car saying his goodbyes to his family since he will be riding the other limo together with the Sitri family.

"Good evening, Lord and Madam Sitri the two of you look like the moon and stars both fitting for one another like it's truly a miracle" Masaru greeted Lord Sitri and his wife while politely bowed to them.

"Good Evening Masaru-kun, it has been a while we last met huh?"

"Evening Ma-kun, I see your sweet talk has improved quite a bit as well"

Masaru chuckled while chatting with the two leisurely while waiting for Sona who arrived wearing a navy blue one-piece dress while holding a blue purse in her hands, at the one side the dress was slit open revealing her leg which was quite sexy for the serious Sona to wear.

"You look very beautiful tonight" Masaru smiled while giving a compliment to Sona who returned his smile with her own,

"Thank you Masaru, you look rather dashingly yourself"

After the lip service the four of them entered the limo which took them to the party, Masaru was quite occupied talking with Lord Sitri who spoke with him especially about the recent recovery of Misla Bael.

Apparently they have moved her to a safe house in the Sitri clan to monitor her health for a few more days before Sairaorg will be taking her to the Belial Family territory where Diehauser already prepared a house for her to live in.

There were occasions where Madam Sitri tried to hint if Masaru was interested in Sona however since he was now skilled in deducing these kinds of probes he dodged them all efficiently by drawing a line called friends.

The reason for this was although he knew Sona for a long time, the time they interact was minimal and he already was having a relationship with his peerage so he was not certain how Sona feels about it so he rather plays it safe.

Not to mention, marriage between heirs of different families, was problematic.

Tonight's party was organized and held by the Gremory Family so it surely will be held in their main city, the number of limos moving in a line stop and go each time high ranking nobles were climbing out of the cars while journalists were snapping their shots, girls screaming for their idols and boys whistling at the women.

When it was the time for the Sitri to climb out of the limo the people were going on about their things till Masaru came out of the Sitri Clan's limo, Masaru held out his hand and assisted Sona to climb out of the limo.

There is a quote that says: "Imagination is more important than knowledge. For knowledge is limited, whereas imagination embraces the entire world"

This quote was true to this situation as the amount of scenarios that went through the heads of the Journalists could not even begin to be counted, Masaru naturally knew this would happen which was why he was reluctant of this but he already formulated a move so he stopped at the section where the Journalists were the most crowed.

"Young master Masaru! Could you tell us why you are here tonight as Sona Sitri's escort?"

"Could it be the two families has arranged a new engagement?"

Masaru raised his hands indicating for them to calm down, one by one he started answering the questions and even joked with the journalists providing them with enough information that would sell more money than a made-up story so Masaru was able to avoid seeing scandals of him or Sona on the newspaper.

'Guess they should be satisfied with this...' Masaru thought as he continued to walk on the pathway made for them to tread upon, Sona was waiting for him at the door before entering together with him.

Sona said, "It seems you already prepared to handle the journalists"

Masaru laughed as he felt a bit pleasant for what he just did, he explained to Sona "Well the best way to deal with them is to give them information that is more appealing than a small-time scandal that might even get them in trouble instead"

Sona giggled as she found it funny but also sly of Masaru to do this. "What information did you provide them with?"

Masaru smiled bitterly and spoke vaguely, "I revealed some information... yes... some information"

When Masaru and Sona looked at their surrounding it was truly decorated extravagantly with candle lights attached to the walls and roof, the tables were covered with a white cloth, silver tableware, a single red rose in a vase in the middle.

And the dance floor was prepared in the middle with the tables set up surrounding it. There was even instrumental music being played in the background which gave the surrounding quite a serene feeling.

"Let's go greet the people so we can look for Rias" Sona spoke since she did not see her best friend at the start of the Vacation she want to at least confirm if her friend had really changed.

Masaru approved of this so he followed her greeting the nobles and the way they kept complimenting the two of them as a couple was quite unbearable since Masaru could handle Journalist easily but nobles would not spot flattering in hopes for benefits which was quite annoying.

After experiencing this he naturally felt greeting them now and be done would be good so he moved with Sona a bit faster to finish this up till they were finally free where Sona was sitting next to Rias who actually came alone.

"Sona, why have you come together with him?" Rias was quite surprised to see her two childhood friends coming together making her feel slightly jealous, she almost misunderstood them like the rest due to how friendly Masaru and Sona were towards each other.

Sona luckily corrected her. "Well, he is without a partner and I want to avoid confrontations with my ex-fiance, so it worked for both sides"

Rias looked at Masaru sternly, "You're not targetting my friend with your poison claws, are you? Demon King"

Masaru almost choked on his drink causing Rias to laugh at her teasing managed to work against Masaru, "Sona is beautiful but I am currently happy with the way things are right now, besides I am not capable in fighting the magical girl"

Hearing this Sona blushed while feeling a tad bit embarrassed.

"It seems you finally regained your little spunk and matured" Masaru commented as he took another sip of his drink.

Rias looked at him with a complicated gaze since she originally planned to use him to shield Riser but after being scolded by Sona she changed her ways. "I am training hard including my peerage. I am intending to become the Champion of Rating Games"

Masaru said nothing only smiling, seeing that he was saying nothing Rias asked something instead "How did the investigation of the Kyoto Assault go?" Rias thought for a moment and remembered this incident.

"It's now under the control of Ajuka and the others... As for how things are going, I have no information as you should know I may be Ajuka's direct subordinate I am still a younger generation as well" Masaru explained while evading the topic entirely.

"I see, everything was happening so fast I could not even participate" Rias felt it was a regret indeed she could not fight since Masaru immediately took control over the situation before she could act.

"Well it was an emergency, those were crazy people after all. It's normal you could not react fast enough because it was a real life and death fight back then" Masaru took a bite of the food and felt it was quite delicious.

"Have you already planned for the upcoming Holloween and School festival?" Sona asked randomly to change the subject from a heavy to a light one.

"Yeah, we intend to have a haunted room for the students to enter and scare them towards Hades" Masaru answered nonchalantly but Sona had a serious expression as she once dealt with Rias who done such a thing.

"You're not allowed to use Real ghosts!" Masaru looked at Sona with a facial expression as if he never has done anything wrong.

"You know I never planned to use ghosts at all, I am a professional when it comes to things like this" Masaru answered vaguely but Sona felt relieved that he would not be using real ghosts.

"What about you?" Masaru looked at Rias who smiled wryly

"Well since our previous Horror Mansion ended up in a failure we thought of running a cafe instead for this year"

Masaru nodded thinking that such a thing would definitely work if Rias is the waiter, "Is the water free?"

Rias felt like spitting out her drink when she heard this, "You're not coming just to drink water right?"

Masaru looked at her wondering why would she say that, "Is it wrong?"

Rias shook her head but pointed her finger at him with a stern expression "No, but you're not allowed in if you're not buying a drink at least... I will add this as a rule thanks to you"

"Such a shame" Masaru felt like faking his lamentation but the two girls knew he was only teasing them.

"You really have not changed one bit all these years, even now you enjoy teasing me and angering me like you always do" Hearing Rias's question Masaru was not bothered at all so he answered her,

"It's not my fault your reaction each and every time is simply to masterful, makes me want to tease you even more. However, now you even want to seduce me with your two pair of deadly weapons!?" Masaru said while glancing at her breasts, seeing this Rias blushed as she covered her cleavage glaring at him.

"Hmph! these are for the one I love, you are not allowed to touch them!"

Masaru looked at her with widened eyes, "So I can look!?"

"Look all you want, I don't care," Rias said nonchalantly.

"Tsk, I miss the naive pure Rias who would blush at the faint mention of breasts" Masaru muttered as if he lost something causing Sona and Rias to almost choke in their drinks.

But Masaru's thought was different 'You are correct that they belong to another person, I really want to meet him. The one who made you appear half-naked in public blasting beams from your nipples. I swear I never heard of such a thing, even my grimoire does not have it'

"I have grown up! So naturally, I will no longer be ashamed by such remarks anymore" Masaru looked at her and asked a question.

"Well I guess the good old times really have ended, anyway have you finally stopped wallowing in your regrets and made some progress to deal with you engagement problem?" Masaru asked in a tone of voice that only she and Sona could hear, this made her eyes become stern whenever she thinks of Riser. She nodded

"I have been practising together with my peerage and investigated his peerage, although I am not confident yet, I will be in one year when the time will come." She said with a confident tone filled with a fighting spirit, she still remembered what Sona told her back then.

She always believed someone had advised Sona as Sona would never do such a thing. When Masaru asked that question she finally understood who was the one who helped her without her noticing it.

"Good Evening Rias-sama, Sona-sama and Wonder child-sama" Masaru did not turn to look as he knew the twin blonde drill girl was here, only she would call him by that nickname so he chose to ignore her but she still took her seat next to him.

"Evening Ravel, how are you?" Sona spoke with Ravel while Rias joined in but Masaru enjoyed his food, he had no intentions to join their conversations. He knew this girl next to him has been investigating his abilities including his peerage, he was confident that she could not believe half the report since it was ridiculous to accept a younger generation with such achievements.

"Wonder--" Masaru interrupted Ravel as he felt fed up with his title that he could not seem to get rid of.

"Masaru, my name is Masaru Belial" Ravel noticed Masaru was not too keen on his title so she changed her way of addressing.

"Masaru-sama, could you perhaps tell me about the battle in Kyoto? Many information has been blocked"

Masaru smiled as he expected this girl really does not know when to give up. "Like my and my peerage abilities?"

Ravel was quite honest so she nodded, "Our abilities are no different from your brother's team, the only difference is they train their body and not only their magical abilities"

Masaru gave a tiny bit of information that was useless information to feed this curious bird so she will stop pestering him about it.

"If that is the case, who is stronger you or Sairaorg's peerage?" Hearing Ravel's question Masaru thought seriously.

"That is a difficult question your asking, just like us Sairaorg's peerage trains excessively hard which is why I truly respect him as a brother and his peerage. Since we never truly released everything and used everything I can't tell. No one can tell because our statuses do not allow us to truly go at each other without holding back, you should understand"

"So there is the possibility?" Masaru laughed at this girl's slyness to prompt him to say what she wants to hear, so he gave an answer which included Rias in the scenario.

"Facing a Brute Force, the best method would be to use technique and strategies... Since those who rely too much on pure power tend to fall prey on the technique's trap. Even absolute strength has a weakness"

Ravel felt like Masaru dodged her trap quite effectively and even turned the discussion in a general Power vs Technique type battle.

'No matter how hard I investigate him the information about his abilities is too vague and some rumours are simply too unbelievable....' She thought

"How envious! You surround yourself with women, as usual, Huh Masaru" Sairaorg took the seat on another side of Masaru while laughing

"It's good to see you as well Sairaorg" Masaru greeted his friend back

"Sairaorg" Rias greeted Sairaorg who returned her greeting as well, the two of them chatted a bit while Kuisha took a seat next to

Sairaorg. Even Masaru had to say the way she got herself dressed is attractive and quite a noble feeling, even the colours were matching Sairaorg. "Good evening Kuisha, how has it been so far?"

Kuisha did not expect Masaru to ignore the still curious young miss Phenex and instead spoke with her, "It's going well, it appears our training went a level higher since our King here became a tad bit too excited these days"

Masaru laughed with Kuisha, Masaru knew this girl loved Sairaorg very much which is why she is patiently waiting for him to confess to her.

"Well that I can imagine, but this fool of a friend really will be quite excited. I can only apologize in his stead" Masaru pretended to bow forward causing Sairaorg to feel a bit embarrassed but Masaru laughed at him.

The atmosphere around the table was livelier compared to other tables whose atmosphere were too fake full of flatteries and businesses, even Ravel forgot her objective listening in the topics everyone was chatting about. It could be said that this was one of the most enjoyable noble parties Masaru went to.

No mobs looking for trouble and friends to chat with...

07/08/2020 - changes made

CompleteNoobcreators' thoughts