
How to run from a ghost if it's me

My first life was a lie. While my second life... It is summed up as complete stupidity. When I wanted, he ran away. When he wanted, I ran. When we were both tired, we fell in love...

CorujaSOS · 都市
8 Chs

A pleasant moment to calm the resentful heart

Just like the flapping of a butterfly's wings, I had died in that burning shed.

Knowing that the person who killed him would be living a pleasant life with his death, left my spirit resentful.

A lot of accumulated resentments.

Anger that others hurt me.

Frustration at never having noticed that the world went on without me being present.

Like the flames that burned my body, I decided to burn everything that had destroyed my path as a living human being.

However, the world was still small for me. Unknown, I continued to present unpleasant facts - which clearly demonstrate my naivete.

The shameful situation happened the instant I arrived in front of my killer.

[Revenge is not allowed]

I who had come into the shadows of darkness.

I who had been completing the plan to curse the man who killed me until his death.

I was stopped with a single sentence by an unknown man.

Like the deceased wife of the man she wanted to kill, she knew what gave this man the most distress. I polished my knife and for nights I made his darkest nightmares stimulate his subconscious. It simulated the death of his family in several ways ... run over, drowned ... and mainly burned.

He did not allow peace to come to him.

Nightmare by nightmare, I was in them. Every time, an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.

However, an obstacle arose in my plans. As an unpleasant fact that allowed my maturation to be possible.

Not as a normal path of life, but as a reminder that the world continued to revolve - regardless of my will.


"Believe me, revenge is not allowed here"

In a class A apartment in downtown Moreira, a man was watching the landscape below. Observing the tiny spots that people seemed from this distance, the man continued to speak calmly, ignoring the darkness that the apartment circulated - preventing sunlight from entering.

The owner of the building was lying in bed at 11 am. Unusual for a meticulous man like that.

Living alone in this apartment, no one came to this place without their permission. He had stipulated a period of mourning to hide his illness.

He hadn't been able to sleep since he completed his revenge plan.

He killed the last person on his list and, out of his calculations, started having nightmares about his late wife. She was always killing her family in her dreams, again and again ... Unable to sleep more than two hours a day, her health started to decline.

As today, he remained in bed, still under the influence of sleeping pills and antidepressants. Pale and malnourished, the man did not notice the visitors at his home. This man had no spiritual eyes; without them, the man was able to ignore the cause of the disease and unwanted visitors to his home.

He was so depressed by the nightmares that he began to think he was mourning the death of Fernanda, his late wife.

If your late wife heard your concerns, she would scoff. It was not an indirect cause, it was completely the main agent of his illness.

Their presence in the apartment caused the manifestations of nightmares and made the place uninhabitable for living people.

Unfortunately, to the ghost's unhappiness, a second visitor appeared in the apartment.

[I do not know him]

For the ghost, the visitor spoiled the meticulous environment he had prepared.

[Are you conscious? What a surprise! My job will be easy after we reach a friendly agreement]

The ghost, dressed in black clothes and skin burned by flames, discovered that he would not be able to talk to the intruder. The frequency was not the same. In conclusion, the dark smoke produced by his resentments became thick and threatened to follow the intruder, envelop him and shoot down the window. The height was adequate to eliminate annoyances.

[Not friendly at all… when I saw her conscious, I hoped for rehabilitation…]

[I don't know what you're talking about and I don't even want to know!]

[Oh ~~~ Very powerful! However, it is not enough to harm me]

The man was beaming, his long white hair swaying in a gentle breeze. Clapping his hands, as thanks at the end of the presentation of the ghost's strength, he eliminates and expels the darkness from the apartment and makes the smoke of resentment that surrounded the apartment's rooms recede.

[As a wandering soul born recently, I will forgive your lack of manners]

Startled, the female ghost watches the man slowly clap his hands on his suit, brushing off imaginary dust.

[Put the presentations aside, let's change the location]

With a snap of the fingers, the female ghost and the man were transferred to an abandoned church.

With absent banks, the rest were in a precarious situation.

With nowhere to sit, the man lamented.

[I always forget the little details ... Anyway, I'll be simple and straightforward to get out of here]

Fernanda's resentful ghost, now without all the smoke, seemed much easier to see. Looking pleasantly at the ghost, who was still angry and still trembling from the exposure of part of his divine aura. The man begins to declare his purpose.

[I have a job that I have to do. Regardless of the time and place, I am disturbed and unable to escape my duties. So, I don't have time for holidays or my usual rest… it's a real horror]

[So far, I don't see where my involvement is expected]

Without fearing the man, the ghost became impatient. He had his own unfinished duties. The man's interests were not his responsibility.

[The unknown is a gift to you, your ignorant ghost. Don't look offended. You are very talented, for this one reason, I will forgive you again for your ignorance]

[I don't want to hear anything about your kindness! I don't need it!]

[Wow, we are agreeing on this one aspect! I will not forgive you because I am kind. I will forgive you, as we will make an employment contract! Since you have nothing to do, besides exhausting useless resentments and what I want most in the world is an effective employee, we have an agreement!]

Trying to calm her temper, Fernanda continued to ignore the danger warnings.

[I don't want to work for a bastard like you!]

The ghost's shrill scream was sharp and defiant. The man's features remained the same, cheerful and amused by the sight of the angry ghost.

[Let me tell you a secret. When a being, of any kind or form, comes into my hands - not the escape. So when I say it will work for me, it will do exactly what I say. Or your final destination is death]

Approaching his body to the ghost, the man holds the chin of the face of his new toy. Without the strength to escape the grip, Fernanda freezes as she stares into the man's animated eyes.

[My name is Sumé. I am your employer and through your efficiency in meeting my expectations, you will have your freedom guaranteed. Don't be sorry, I'm really kind too, you know? You will not work for free, at the end of your tasks, you will be entitled to a wish]

Not believing what was said, the ghost awaits explanation. It looks too good to be true. Fernanda was a resentful ghost, as such, she had many unfinished things.


Ironic, Sumé says calmly:

[Yes, a single wish. That's why you should think very carefully about which one to choose]

Thinking for a brief moment, Fernanda replies:

[If you have the ability to make my wish come true, I will follow your commands. And it is not necessary to think calmly. Since I died, I have resentment, and nothing I do has lessened my anger. Following this way, there is only one wish left for someone as bad as me]

[Interesting. And what would be your wish?]

In silence, the ghost remains on fire.

Flames that Sumé finds really satisfying.