
Polar Opposites

I had somewhat expected Diana to sit in her original seat from the novel because our friendship was still a thing we'd been keeping a secret.

So I was somewhat surprised when she sat down next to me.

I guess it's no longer a secret then.

...Whatever. What's done is done. More things like this will happen in the future. I'll just have to adapt.

After getting them to agree to stop this fake "friendly" conversation they were having, I shook my head and told them, "Thank you."

Despite occasional evil gazes and snarky remarks, they mostly kept their word and stopped bickering.

Diana and Ichiko were polar opposites. One, a lava-spitting samurai, the other an ice-wielding vampire. They were bound by nature to not mesh but still, I couldn't believe how much they clashed.

Excusing myself in the middle of class, I entered the bathroom, about to unzip my pants when I felt a presence suddenly appear behind me.

"What the..."
