
Safe class SCPs

For the main part, safe class SCPs are usually harmless, like SCP 999, but keep in mind that class does not define danger. It defines how hard an SCP is to contain, with safe being easy, with near zero chance of a containment breach, meanwhile keter means very hard to contain and containment breaches are happening on a regular basis. In fact, a keter SCP can be absolutely harmless. An example would be an anomalous cat that randomly swaps with any other cat in the world, while a button that could summon the scarlet king himself could be considered safe class, if not for the dozens of cults that want to summon him and destroy reality. How ever, accasonally an Scp ranking will be partially determined by how dangerous it is, in the rare cases of appollyon, archon and ticonderoga, and in a way thaumial. Now, normally just don't care about it. Odds are it's won't hurt you, or not hurt you as long as uninteracted with.

for the record, archon class anomalies are SCPs that can be contained theoretically, b it are chosen to be left uncontained for whatever reason, while ticonderoga is like archon, yet physically are unable to be contained by the foundation with its current resources and knowledge, and apollyon means that they are not only unontainable, and also are a large threat to humanity. Thaumiel means that they are used to contain other SCPs.

Wacko_Zacko_88creators' thoughts