
How to Get the Queen Married in 30 Days?

[MEDIEVAL][DUKE][KNIGHTS][CLEVER MC]My name is Susan. One month ago, I was a 20-year-old fashion-design rookie living in the 21st century. Now, my soul has switched into the body of a skinny 18-year-old girl living in an alternative medieval world, struggling to fill my stomach. What's the most exciting thing about me, you ask? Emmm, they order me to marry off the Queen in a month. Does it count?

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49 Chs

Chapter 48 A Speed Dating Party

  The dance party began, and well-dressed ladies and personable gentlemen danced on the dance floor. Although they couldn't hold each other's hands and squeeze their bodies together like in later generations. But they can flirt with each other with their eyes and express their interest in each other with body language. 

  Susan watched from the side for a while and realized that this was not a dance party and this was simply a speed dating party for a one-night stand. It doesn't matter if those people were married or unmarried or were already mothers or fathers. At this dance, they are just an attractive man or woman. 

  In this desire-fulfilled dance, husbands and wives will even dance together in the same time but separately, looking for their prey. In the brief seconds of exchanging dance partners, they can whisper, determine where they can go to cheat at the end of a dance or arrange a secret date.