
How to Get the Queen Married in 30 Days?

[MEDIEVAL][DUKE][KNIGHTS][CLEVER MC]My name is Susan. One month ago, I was a 20-year-old fashion-design rookie living in the 21st century. Now, my soul has switched into the body of a skinny 18-year-old girl living in an alternative medieval world, struggling to fill my stomach. What's the most exciting thing about me, you ask? Emmm, they order me to marry off the Queen in a month. Does it count?

Tmlc · 歴史
49 Chs

Chapter 43 A Mystery Lover

  So Susan stood up, turned to Lady Weber, and made a standard curtsy. 

  "Ma'am, I appreciate everything you've done for me, but I'm sure I'm not up to your expectations." 

  My Expectations? Lady Weber stared at Susan and said in a strange tone. "what are my expectations ?" 

  "I don't know, Susan replied honestly, "All I know is I'm just a regular girl with a little seamstress skill, and that's all. I am neither clever nor beautiful nor intelligent. I am not a good choice if you are looking for a helper at court." 

  "A helper?" 

  "Or let me put it more bluntly if you have any plan that you need me to carry out, I refuse." 

  "A plan? Refuse? Lady Weber's voice lifted in surprise."