
How to Get the Queen Married in 30 Days?

[MEDIEVAL][DUKE][KNIGHTS][CLEVER MC]My name is Susan. One month ago, I was a 20-year-old fashion-design rookie living in the 21st century. Now, my soul has switched into the body of a skinny 18-year-old girl living in an alternative medieval world, struggling to fill my stomach. What's the most exciting thing about me, you ask? Emmm, they order me to marry off the Queen in a month. Does it count?

Tmlc · 歴史
49 Chs

Chapter 28 The Queen Prefers to Be Naked

Freya went to the door and listened for a moment, then nodded contentedly at Susan and said, "Take me to the road you came today before the servants who went to lunches come back."

Susan felt a little strange. Freya seemed to have been asking about the road Susan came from the moment she saw her. Why was Freya so interested in that road?

However, Susan didn't even have time to ask questions. Freya had already pulled Susan, like a gust of wind, through several halls and corridors and back to the place where she and Susan first met.

"You know this place so well." Susan said sincerely, "I still can't remember the paths I just walked."

Freya smiled. "It doesn't matter. I'll take you to the Queen's tea room next time."

"No More," Susan said quickly. "If the Chief sees me again, I will definitely be sent to prison."

Freya looked at Susan and smiled but said nothing. She took Susan's hand and let her show her the way while she hurried down the corridor.