
How To Be The Empress Of Arrow's?

DaoistsLWnnQ · ファンタジー
24 Chs

Chapter 17

" How many matches do I have to do again? " I asked ling and looked at the people below.

" None, You just need to watch them " Ling said and drank some wine.

" This is just a one on one fight's right? " I asked and glared at the people.

" Yeah " He said and smiled at me.

" Alright then " I said to Ling.

" Are you exited? The world event is about to start " He said and smiled at me suspisoudly.

" Yeah " I said as I shook my wine glass.

" A new era, Huh! " He said with a bored tone.

" Let's just wait if humanity can still survive " I said as I smiled and closed my eye's.

" I hope we do " Ling said and looked at the people below us.

This was the second tournament and only 10 people are going to survive. The remaining 10 people will have the right to go to the Forest of Sand. The forest has alot of B-rank to A-rank monster's and is strickly forbidden for anyone to enter if they do not have an escort of at least 8th-rank. They can enter anytime they wan't, But if you do not have a person as strong as a city protector then consider yourself dead.

They can also possibly find a special material in the Forest of Sand and they can even tame a monster there. They can have the material, egg or monster's that they get without any help from there escort. Some woud take this as a one in a life time's chance as they coud possibly find something really rare in the forest. Some are really rich and can just buy off an escort, But the people on the tournament are national level people and that give's them more reasurance.


" Give a round of applause to the remaining contestant's " I said and all the people started to cheer at the contestant's.

" 3rd rank the conqueror of sea's Sabrine Marcos from Philippines " I said as the people watching started to scream.

" 2nd rank, The blood moon Manny Maroq from Veitnam " I said and almost all of them cheared, But not all of them.

" 1st rank of the world wide national tournament " I said and intense music started to play.

" Nurhaya Maraho from Malaysia " I said and all of the people cheared.

" I officialy end the 2nd tournament " I said and all of the contestant's looked at me.

" The exit are in the left and right side of the arena, Please do not run " I said and most of them lisned and was calm. Some did not lisn and just ran out.

" Dear contestant's, We will be leaving at the military port, 6 : P.M. sharp, Please do not be late " I said and all of saluted at me and said " Yes mam ".


( At the port )

" This is also part of the test, You must have you'r own riding familiar to get to the Forest of Sand " I said and all of them summoned there own familiar.

" Do all of you have a riding familiar? " I asked and all of them.

" Yes mam " They all siad at the same time.

" Ok then, We will be leaving now " I said and summoned Gwen.

I rode onte Gwen and all of them copied me and we were going to leave. All of them has there own bag's for there thing's own thing's to cary. My job is to save there life's, Not babby sit them the entire flight.

" Let's go " I said and Gwen flew up in the sky.


( Forest of Sand )

The forest of sand was full of sand and tree's at the same time. Instead of dirt we were standing on sand abd tree's were growing on the sand like a forest that's how the name was created.

" All of you must stay together with me and are there any quistion's? " I asked them so that there woud not be any trouble for the rest of the jurney.

A guy raised his right hand " Manny, right? what is it? " I aske him and he put his hand down.

" Good evening mam, are you the only person here that's going to protect us? " He asked and all of them started to muter to them self.

" Yes, You don't have to be so formal, Call me Qing Qing " I said and smiled at all of them.

" Ok then Qing Qing, How are we even safe by just a single persn? " He asked and all of them looked at us.

" I might not look it, But I fought a S-rank monster once and I also have 1 A-rank monster as my familiar " I said and smiled at them as there face's was going from shook.

" You already saw my B-rank familiar right? " I asked them as I smiled.

" Y-yes " Sabrine said and looked at me.

" Well, I acrually am not a familiar based hunter, But a bow type " I said and there face's went to shook mode.

It might be easy for other rich people to obtain an A-rank monster, But training them is much more harder. Some even gave up training martial art's to focus on there familiar's strength. My familiar was at A-rank and B-rank telling them this is like hitting there own pride.

" I will protect you'r life's, But I will not save you unless it is life threatning " I said and they all nodded at me.

" Follow me " I said and jumped to a tree.

" If you can't keep up then tell me " I said and jumped to another tree.

They all followed me without any delay to there movement's. They were prodigious from there own countries and was trained to be one. Mere jumping into tree to tree is nothing to them.

' They are actualy quite good ' I thought as I smiled at them.

I stoped on a tree and all of them stoped from behind me. " We shoud make camping site's here on top of tree's " I said and all of them looked at each other.

" Do you not know how to do it? " I asked them and they all nodded at me. ' I take back what I said ' I thought as I felt displeasure from what i just said earlier.

" Make you'r regular tent, But put a rope on top of you'r tent and tie it on a branch then use mana to strengthen you'r tent's " I said and they all followed my instruction's.

" Hide you'r tent's using illusion magic or leave's what ever you use " I said and they all nodded.

" There must be two student's on watch every 2 hour's " I said and went inside my tent.

" Don't make a fire, It will atract the monster's " I said and closed my tent.

( Other student's )

" Miss Qing Qing, is so smart " Sabrine said while finishing her tent.

" I don't like to praise people that much, But miss Qing Qing is strong, I can feel it " Manny said and looked at her fist's.

" This is only the begining, Hell will come later " I said and all of them got chill's on there back.