
How To Be A Villainess ♡

**On Hiatus** "Once upon a time there was a gate that connected this two worlds together." Meet Rity an ordinary 18 year old girl who's mostly obsessed with myths, occult, crystals and ofcourse fantasy romance novels and comic. But what will happen if this ordinary girl transmigrates into the body of a notoriously powerful and beautiful Villainess? She thought she could survive because as a villainess she hasn't started to do anything evil to protoganists yet but what will she do if both world's in danger because of her transmigration? Will she manage to go back to her real world ?

hobocollector · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Chapter-9- The Original Villainess

Rity's mind raced as she instantly recognized the voice echoing inside her head. It was the owner of the body she now possessed - Laritza, The Villainess.

How did she end up in this world?

How did she possess The Villainess?

She had no answers.

A pang of sadness and longing washed over her . Yes, she yearned to return to her original world, to the life she once knew. But deep down, she knew that her original body was gone, lost forever.

Convinced that there was no way back, Rity tried to fit herself into the role of Laritza. But can she live her life while constantly hearing this woman?

Tears streamed down her face as she whispered, "I never wanted to steal your body."

Laritza glared at her with contempt, releasing a frustrated sigh.

"That cunning little winged rat deceived me! He promised to rewind time if I ....."

Rity couldn't make out Laritza's final words, but Laritza's anger was evident in her fluctuating voice, shifting between loud yelling, cursing, and exasperated sighs

Laritza regained her composure, exuding an air of elegance as she disdainfully commanded, "Tell me, you lowborn, when did you take over my body and count the days since then."

Rity, her voice hoarse from crying and still in shock, timidly responded, "Today is the 10th of September, the 627th year by the imperial calendar. I'm sorry, I can't recall the exact day I arrived, but it has been less than two months since I entered this world."

Laritza condescendingly scrutinized Rity before continuing, "Oh, my goodness, I just recalled! That means the Grand ball is nearly upon us. And with you in control of my body, I have genuine concerns that you'll disgrace me with your lack of elegance. As a candidate for Empress, this is absolutely unacceptable. It's painfully obvious that you lack the refined qualities expected of a noble lady. The mere thought of you embarrassing me in front of those vultures in nobility who are eagerly eyeing my throne is utterly unbearable. Pray tell, have you even bothered to check the invitation for the grand ball on September 15th? Have you even arranged for an escort? I can already visualize you tarnishing my image with your lowliness."

At first Rity was feeling guilty for inhabiting Laritza's body so she tried her best to keep her emotions under control, taking a moment to compose herself and approach Laritza with understanding. However, as Laritza's tone became increasingly annoying, Rity found it difficult to maintain her composure. Eventually, her anger boiled over, and explode :

"I am definitely not a lowborn or your servant. Just so you know, where I come from, the whole class system thing is ancient history.

And if you keep asking me in that condescending tone, I won't ever answer you again. It's no surprise nobody had your back in the comic!

I mean, with your lousy attitude, even those you paid and expected loyalty from would turn their backs and stab you in the back when you least expected it. You had everything, yet you managed to ruin not only your own life but also your entire dukedom, you absolute idiot!"

Laritza furrowed her brows;

"Huh? What is a comic?"

She looked at Rity irritated but her demeanor was radiating urgency ;

"Oh no! You've nearly depleted all your mana. Hurry up and inform me about the state of the dukedom!

That conniving little winged rat conveniently kept me in the dark about all this! "

Rity, in a panic, couldn't summarize her knowledge about her future or her dukedom. Laritza interrupted her as she was about to open her mouth.

"You pathetic lowborn fool, it seems you can't even handle such a meager amount of mana!

Let's put an end to this conversation for today and drop the necklace immediately. The well-being of my body is at stake here."

Rity's hand instinctively threw the necklace to the ground. When she opened her eyes, she realized she was still inside the cramped compartment of the dressing room. Her body felt drained, and her legs lacked strength.

As she slowly lost consciousness, her eyes were gazing at the necklace, attempting to process the recent events, but she couldn't win against the drowsiness.


When the maids entered Rity's chambers to prepare her for breakfast, Anne took the lead. However, upon entering the room, they were met with an unsettling sight-the bed remained untouched and empty.

Growing concerned, Anne turned to Bethanie and asked, "Bethanie, have you seen the lady today? Did she mention anything before she disappeared?"

Bethanie shook her head, her voice filled with worry. "No, Anne. I haven't seen her since last night. She didn't leave her chambers, I'm certain of it. If she had, one of us would have noticed. We were just next door in the maid rooms."

Realizing the urgency of the situation, the maids began a frantic search for their lady. They hurriedly checked the bathroom, calling out her name with polite desperation, hoping for a response. But there was only silence.

With each passing moment, their hearts grew heavier. They turned their attention to the lady's personal dressing room, scanning the room for any signs of her presence. It was then that their eyes fell upon a small compartment nestled among the dressings.

Bethanie's breath caught in her throat as she approached the compartment. "Anne, look over here. Could she be inside?"

Anne's eyes widened as she hurriedly rushed over where she pointed at her feelings were filled with a mix of hope and fear.

With trembling hands, they opened the compartment door, revealing a heartbreaking sight. Their lady lay unconscious, her body still amidst the shadows.

Fear gripped their hearts as they called out to her, their voices filled with desperate concern. But Rity remained unresponsive, lost in the depths of unconsciousness. Determined to help her, they carefully carried her back to her bed, their faces stained with tears.

As Bethanie wept over their lady's unconscious form, the others rushed to call for a doctor and inform her parents.

First Duke Samuel entered the room, his face etched with deep concern. "What happened here? Why is my daughter unconscious?"

Anne quickly explained the situation, her voice trembling. "Your Grace, we found her ladyship unconscious this morning in the dressing room. We've been trying to wake her up, but she hasn't responded."

The doctor arrived swiftly, conducting a thorough examination. However, to their dismay, no physical ailment was found. Restlessness consumed the family, their worry escalating. Frustration and thoughts of dismissing the doctor as a fraud lingered in their minds.

Just as Duke Samuel's anger reached its peak and his hand rose to strike the doctor, Rity's eyes fluttered open. Confusion mixed with relief as she tried to comprehend the scene before her.

"What... What happened?" Her weak voice barely broke through the tension in the room.

Duchess Reina hurried to her side, her voice filled with a mix of relief and concern. "Oh, my dear Laritza, you had us all so worried. You were unconscious, and we couldn't wake you up no matter how hard we tried. We thought we had lost you."

As Rity furrowed her brow, memories of the previous night slowly resurfaced.

The Duchess, her eyes brimming with tears, spoke up. "My Pumpkin, they found you lying there. After everything that happened, we were so scared. Please, never frighten us like this again."

Duke Samuel's worry deepened as he approached Rity's bed. Gently touching her hand, he asked, "What were you doing in a place like that? You still haven't fully recovered. Can you explain what happened?"

Rity took a deep breath, gathering her thoughts. She recalled the events of the previous night and real Laritza. With timidity, she decided to tell the truth this time and answered, "I... I pushed myself too far. During training, I used all my mana, but I lost control, and it drained me completely."