
How To Be A Villainess ♡

**On Hiatus** "Once upon a time there was a gate that connected this two worlds together." Meet Rity an ordinary 18 year old girl who's mostly obsessed with myths, occult, crystals and ofcourse fantasy romance novels and comic. But what will happen if this ordinary girl transmigrates into the body of a notoriously powerful and beautiful Villainess? She thought she could survive because as a villainess she hasn't started to do anything evil to protoganists yet but what will she do if both world's in danger because of her transmigration? Will she manage to go back to her real world ?

hobocollector · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Chapter-8- Whisk of Magic

Finally, Lucas arrived after leaving to mage towers to learn more about mana blockage. Rity greeted him at the gates once again, but this time, she was feeling particularly impatient. They hastily arrived at her office, and she signalled Anne to guard the corridors, ensuring their conversation would be secretive.

"Lady Laritza, your maids don't need to guard every time I arrive. I already have an enchantment scroll on me, so our conversations won't be heard by anyone, even the maids," Lucas confessed suddenly.

Surprised by his sudden revelation, Rity put on a smile and replied, "Thank you, Lord Flaurel."

"Don't mention it. Well, the mana blockage wasn't as complicated as I thought it would be," Lucas said.

Upon hearing this, Rity felt a big relief and let out a small sigh. "I am glad to learn that."

"Well, would you like to start now, Lady Laritza? Actually, I would prefer if we start after drinking the tea you brewed yourself," Lucas suggested.

Observing his behaviour, Rity couldn't help but think, "Oh, he is starting to show his true colours. What a player."

"I am sorry, Lord Flaurel, but can we begin now, I will brew your tea after we finish,"

Lucas scoffed "hahaha, it is amusing to see this side of you,Lady Laritza .

Well then, I will attempt to absorb the mana from your body and then gradually release it back into you. This process aims to clear any blockages in your mana channels. Imagine it as if you are breathing, not just with your nose, but with your entire body. Visualize the energy within you, focusing on the flow of energy throughout."

Rity nodded, her heart racing as she tried to calm herself. While she had heard of similar techniques , it sounded similar to meditation, but the idea of someone taking something from her and returning it was somewhat intimidating, leaving her feeling anxious.

Lucas continued, reassuringly, "Throughout the process, it's important for you to relax and surrender yourself to the energy. I will guide you through each step, assisting you in visualizing the flow and release of mana. Initially, it may feel unfamiliar or even uncomfortable, but remember that it is a necessary part of the process."

Rity took a deep breath, attempting to steady herself. She understood that opening her mana blockage would require patience and determination. Regardless of the challenges that may arise, she was prepared to embark on this journey.

Lucas gently placed his hands on Rity's shoulders, his touch emanating warmth and reassurance. "Are you ready, my lady?"

Once again, Rity nodded, her eyes meeting his with a mixture of excitement and apprehension. "Yes, I am ready."

With a soft smile, Lucas initiated the process, guiding Rity through the intricate steps of channelling and releasing mana. As Rity closed her eyes and focused on her breath, she could sense Lucas's presence blending with her energy. The room became filled with an overwhelming yet invigorating energy that enveloped her, both suffocating and refreshing at the same time.

After the process was done, Lucas looked at Rity in the eyes with a hint of confusion. " There is something a bit peculiar. Well, I can't really put my finger on it."

Concerned about the potential for Lucas to sense her true identity, Rity was nervous, so She decided to change the subject and asked, "Lord Flaurel, what kind of tea would you like to have today?"

He again gazed into her eyes and playfully asked, "Oh, what a delightful and gracious lady you are. Would you be so kind as to serve me a cup of Oolong tea if it wouldn't be too much trouble? I'm truly eager to savour your expertise."

As anxiety consumed her, Rity's hands trembled slightly as she meticulously prepared the Oolong tea. In an unfortunate moment, a small mistake slipped from her grasp, igniting a flicker of frustration within her. Haunted by Nancy's scolding voice in her mind, criticizing her lack of grace, she resolved to push those thoughts aside and present a smile as she served Lucas Flaurel.

Rity attempted to sound as polite as possible. "I hope it meets your expectations, Lord Flaurel."

Leaning back in his seat, a playful glimmer danced in Lucas' eyes, accompanied by a charming smile. He spoke, expressing his confidence. "I have no doubt it will be a delight for the senses, Lady Laritza. I am honoured to partake in this offering."

Taking a sip of the tea, Lucas' smile widened. "Ah, exquisite! Your talent for brewing tea shines through Lady Laritza."

Internally, Rity couldn't help but mull over the change she noticed in Lucas. She vividly remembered him as a sweet and gentlemanly person when they first met. However, she swiftly dismissed these thoughts, refusing to dwell on them.

Rity responded with a smile of gratitude. "Your words are too kind, Lord Flaurel."

Leaning in slightly, Lucas made a request. "Oh, by the way, I would prefer if you called me Lucas, Lady Laritza. 'Lord Flaurel' refers to my eldest brother."

Rity was taken aback by his remark but nodded in agreement, complying with his preference. She responded respectfully, "Sure, Lord Lucas, if you prefer so."

Lucas sported a mischievous smirk. "Lady Laritza, there are various techniques and methods when it comes to controlling and releasing mana. So, I've decided to assign you a homework task."

Rity felt a twinge of annoyance but quickly suppressed it. After all, Lucas was there to teach her about mana and magic. She pressed her lips together and inquired, "Oh, I see. What type of homework do you have in mind?"

Leaning back, his eyes glinting with mischief, Lucas explained, "Try to focus your mana in a specific part of your body and hold it for as long as you can. If it becomes too challenging, attempt to control it throughout your entire body. However, be aware that after releasing the mana, it becomes increasingly difficult to gather it all back within yourself. These are my notes for you. I hope you find them useful."

Observing his behaviour, Rity began to question her decision to choose him as her tutor. She wondered if things would have escalated differently had she chosen the other option. Suspicions arose within her, suggesting that he may be teasing her, testing her patience.

Forced to maintain her smile, Rity expressed her determination. "Your dedication to teaching is truly admirable, Lord Lucas. I will endeavour to meet your expectations."

Lucas continued to wear his asymmetrical smile as he observed her. In a teasing tone, he remarked, "I have high hopes for your progress, Lady Laritza. I expect you to excel in your homework."

Once again, Rity forced herself to keep her smile intact, her thoughts racing. "I hope I can meet your expectations, Master." She heard a scoffing sound, but when she glanced at Lucas, he concealed his face. He then shifted the conversation, adopting a more serious tone.

"Speaking of expectations, I've been hearing about your absence from exclusive social functions, particularly the gatherings of young aristocratic ladies. My sister, who happens to be a member of the book club of which you are the president, has mentioned that she's missing your presence there."

Rity locked eyes with him, her smile fading as she cautiously replied, "As you're aware, I've been grappling with memory loss and have chosen to keep it a secret until I recover. Attending social events without my memories poses a risk of embarrassment for both myself and my family. While I am actively taking classes to regain my knowledge, I am not currently well-informed enough to engage in gatherings. This is especially true if my memories never return."

Lucas's expression softened with compassion. "I understand. My sister, being perceptive and compassionate, would never breach someone's trust. Should you decide to confide in her, she could offer support. However, the decision rests entirely with you."

"Thank you. I will carefully consider your suggestion," Rity responded, her voice devoid of any discernible emotion.


After Lucas departed, Rity found herself contemplating his words. She briefly considered meeting with Camellia but ultimately dismissed the idea due to her lack of memories. If Camellia was a character in the comic, Rity believed she would remember someone with pink hair, as it would be quite eye-catching.

Rity harboured a sense of guilt when it came to meeting people close to Laritza. The thought of stealing someone dear to them weighed heavily on her conscience.

She had developed a few theories about how she ended up possessing this body .

One of these theories was, after countless attempts at spells or using crystals, she had accidentally made some kind of deal with a demon.

The fear of her soul being consumed by some demon haunted her.

In an effort to silence her anxieties, she resolved to ignore her inner monologue and whispered, "I wish there was music."

Following dinner, Rity made a decision to actually complete the assignment Lucas had given her. She began with breathing exercises, chuckling to herself as she attempted to collect mana in her fingertips. Witnessing magic in real life was truly magnificent, and it filled her with ecstatic joy.

Suddenly, a smoke resembles a black rope appeared before her eyes, seemingly controlling her actions and beckoning her to follow.

Rity's mind found amusement and fascination in this extraordinary occurrence.

Jumping from her bed, she eagerly pursued the smoke, which led her to her own dressing room. Astonished, she exclaimed, "Oh, a secret door! How could I have never thought of discovering the hidden rooms and tunnels in this estate? I can't believe myself."

She pushed a hanger, revealing a small, neatly organized room. It contained a few books, notebooks, and boxes. However, the smoke directed her attention to a tiny box. With curiosity piqued, she opened it, discovering a necklace adorned with a black gem-a Vonsenite. The gem exhibited a myriad of hues but predominantly appeared black. Intrigued, Rity picked up the gem for closer inspection and accidentally inhaled a small puff of smoke. As she fell deeper and deeper, the sensation resembled that of falling in a dream.

As the sensation of falling came to an end, she sensed a beckoning presence, as if someone were calling out to her. Struggling to regain her senses, her hearing seemed muffled, akin to being submerged underwater. Amidst the distortion, she caught the piercing tone of a woman's voice.

"You despicable low-born bitch! How dare you?" The words reverberated with a mix of anger and disdain, cutting through the haze and reaching Rity's ears.


The words she heard left her bewildered. "What?" Rity exclaimed, her voice filled with confusion and a hint of disbelief.

-"You stealing wench! Stop pretending you don't know I'm talking to you! How dare you steal my body! I'll make you suffer for generations!"

"I did?" Rity's voice quivered with confusion and disorientation. She felt a wave of dizziness wash over her, leaving her feeling lost and saddened. "I never intended to steal your body, it was an accident!" Tears welled up in her eyes, reflecting her genuine remorse.