

Ender grinned as Hermes had to leave me and Ender together to find himself a seat.

''I love my element,'' he said.

''How did you get here before us? The last time I saw you, you didn't even have underwear. You can't have dressed and teleported here in such a short time,'' I asked as I gazed at the new faces around the table.

Most of them were strangers, nearly everyone in military uniforms. Nobody paid attention more than two seconds to see who we are. Everyone was chatting in small groups.

''I can instantly teleport to places where I left traces before. I always have spare clothes for emergencies in my space pockets.''

Wondering how often he encounters emergencies that require clothing so that he made a habit of having spare clothes, I nodded.

''Oo, hottie looks better,'' the fox said. It had taken only a few minutes and an almost two meters long blacksmith to get rid of the fox's glum face.

''Kall looks better,'' I said. He was next to Cleric Roen and was talking about something serious judging by their expressions. ''It looks like he received actual medical care.''

Ender smiled guiltily, or maybe the guilty part was my imagination. ''He did,'' Ender said. ''Are you still injured from the fight?''

I stopped before answering his question to examine my body. ''No. I feel okay. A little tired but not injured.''

''Consuming life energy from two people must have made it faster to recover,'' the fox said. ''Ask him which element affinity hottie has?''

I turned to Ender. ''Why is Kall here?''

''Hmm...'' he patted his chin. ''Something related to fire. It might be magma. Element users and affinities are top secret info since there is another group that collecting them. Fae can try to kidnap or kill the user if they already have someone for the same element.''

I was shocked but glad that he easily shared secret information. Maybe it was too late since we're already here. Maybe he was thinking I'm trustworthy and a sincere partner.

Leaning back in his chair, ''I know that he refused when they asked him at first. Their trait is a genetic inheritance so his daughter was the second candidate. She gladly accepted to join when she learned that the guild leader is coming. Kall had to take her place to stop her from coming,'' he said.

''I think everyone but Kall, Roen, Hermes, you, and me is a part of the military. It is?''

''Ahh,'' he tilted his head as if he was in deep think. ''There is also the witch.''

I felt his leg under mine and his hand on my leg under the table. Her touch gave me a little relief and a flow of strength so I let him be. The feeling wasn't bad. He pulled my leg into his lap, seeing I wasn't resisting.

''Witch?'' I asked as I gasp. Spreading legs in public when there is still cum dripping from my holes was ... so embarrassing that words weren't enough to explain.

I was sure I was blushing with the warmth in my cheeks. Thankfully, the tablecloth was long enough to hide everything.

Ender caressed my thigh without making a bold move. ''Yes, witch. The time with. I'm wondering was she's up to or where she is right now.''

I remembered the beautiful black woman who I ran into in the town. It must be her.

''Ah,'' Ender perked up. ''There he is.''

I was going to ask who he is but nearly everyone in the military clothes stood up at the same time to salute. I was thankful Ender didn't. It wouldn't be a nice first impression to fall with legs open for everyone to see.

''Let's skip the formalities,'' said the grey haired man. ''We are already late.''

''Yes, sir.'' The simultaneous movements of the crowd were impressive.

''He is the captain,'' Ender whispered leaning to my ear.

Captain was carrying his rank on him with the medals on his chest and a scar covering half of his face. Having such a scar on someone of his rank meant that he was either too badly injured or too proud to have it fixed.

''Now we have all the elements we need with the ice fairy in our prison. The only thing left is to proceed,'' Captain said.

The person in uniform on the other side of me stood up to speak. I didn't remember that they stood up to greet Captain. ''We agreed to get help from the fellow humans since the reinforcement from another troop will take so long...''

Ender's breath was on my neck. ''The real reason is that they want all the credit for themselves.''

''...but there is no way a fairy will help us,'' the soldier said.

''If it's the only chance of survival, there is no species that wouldn't agree...'' Captain was answering when Ender whispered again.

''Also, the cleric. Haven't you ever wondered what a gifted cleric with two elements is doing in this abandoned place?''

As a matter of fact, I have but I couldn't speak afraid of someone else can hear.

''A cleric who jumps through the ranks with talent and hard work, while being the target of envious glances. Poor him. While devoting himself to the good, he made the mistake of ignoring the politics inside the temple. He was exiled here, by claiming that possessing the element of darkness is a sign of evil.''

I blinked in surprise. So that was the why.

''Now he's here to gain allies in the army and reclaim what he's lost. Plain, but not a bad plan if I have to say. Well, and your archer. Do you know why he's helping the army?''

Frankly, I never thought about this. Because he's a good person and didn't want fairies and demons to occupy territory and a dungeon close to the town?

Ender's hot breath brushed my neck. ''Because Hermes hates the demon race, who killed his family and village. He hates them to the guts.''