
How To be A Demon King

Red, a shut-in nerd obsessed with playing RPG games, spent a fortune creating demonic and non-human NPCs that were overpowered. One day, while immersed in the game, he suddenly finds himself transported into it as Lazarus, his character. To his shock, all the NPCs he created are now alive, no longer mere pixels. As he grapples with the challenge of ruling over them, a looming threat emerges in the game world, raising questions about his ability to maintain control and the survival of both himself and his creations

HermesRed · ファンタジー
11 Chs

The Gathering of Pillars: Pledges of Allegiance

Lazarus heard a knock on the door.

"Father, are you there?" a voice asked. Lazarus recognized it as Adam's, the only one who referred to him as father. It still felt strange to Lazarus, considering he was just a single man who had never experienced intimacy or had a girlfriend before.

"Yes, Adam, what is it?" Lazarus replied.

"May I come in?" Adam asked.

"Yes, you may come in" Lazarus said.

Adam entered the room and spoke with a bow, not showing his eyes, which seemed to be forming tears. "Father, I've noticed that something is bothering you. All the other gods have left for unknown reasons one by one, and you're the only one who remains. Are you planning on leaving too, father?"

Lazarus remained silent. He had logged in seeking a peaceful moment, contemplating leaving the game for good. He lacked the courage to admit that Adam might be right.

Adam's silence only deepened his concern. He spoke, his voice laden with sorrow.

"So, you are really leaving us, Father. I apologize for not being the good servant our lord wishes to keep. But please, listen to my desire, Father. If you want, you can take my life, just stay for a moment, and don't leave suddenly. I know they will be sad, but having a final moment to see you is enough. Sorry for this selfish desire," Adam said, tears streaming down his eyes.

Lazarus reached out, placing a reassuring hand on Adam's shoulder. "Adam, I'm not leaving right now. And the reason why my friends left is not your fault or that of any other NPC. You and the others are the prize of me and my friends, the result of countless adventures. I remember the time when DeadlyNoob and I were planning to form a guild, and it was one of the most cherished memories I hold."

"Adam, right now, we are facing a problem that could endanger everything that we, my friends, and I have built. I need your help, and the assistance of the other NPCs as well."

"Father, you don't need to ask. We will gladly lay down our lives to protect what you, DeadlyNoob, and the others have built. We assure you that we will use all the force of the Castle of Babel to defend it," Adam declared, his conviction clear.

"Adam, don't say such things. You're still my creation, and seeing you perish is the last thing I want to witness," Lazarus responded, his tone carrying a paternal concern.

Adam felt the warmth in his creator's voice, akin to a father embracing his son.

"As for the report and the pillars," Lazarus continued, "have there been any missing individuals? And regarding the pillars, they can use a portal this time. I permit you to use your power, Adam, as it is more efficient."

"Thank you, Father. I will make sure everything is in order. We won't let any harm come to what you cherish," Adam affirmed, bowing respectfully before leaving to carry out the orders.

"I need to get ready too," Lazarus said to himself, then grabbed the mask and wore it.

Continuing, he revealed a touch of vulnerability, "Ugh, I wish I don't mess things up. Seeing monsters in real life makes me want to pee, but I still need to act as they see me. I hope my friends programmed them to be loyal."

He reassured himself, "Good thing this goat mask is part of my character build. They won't be in shock seeing their lord wearing something like this," Lazarus mused, acknowledging the importance of maintaining an image that his followers were accustomed to.

[Teleportation to the throne]

Lazarus found himself in the transformed throne room.

"Ugh, I need to sit like a lord too. That would be badass," Lazarus said to himself, letting his inner child go wild. He took his seat, one hand on the throne's armrest, the other on his chin, giving himself a villainous appearance. The room's atmosphere, coupled with his commanding presence, created an aura that hinted at both power and mystery.

All of a sudden, a portal appeared with a mix of black and violet, like some kind of crack in the air.

One after another, creatures from different pillars showed up. The Castle of Babel had 10 floors and 1 basement. Each floor had a guardian representing the 9 circles of hell, and the 10th floor had the throne room.

As these beings came through the portal, the room's lights flickered a bit, giving a mysterious vibe to their arrival.

They all bowed to their lord, one by one. It looked like a synchronized bowing dance, showing how much they respected and followed their leader. Anyone seeing this would be amazed at how loyal these generals of the demon king were.

The room felt different now, like everyone there really looked up to their leader and would do anything for him.

"We've encountered a major problem, and I need each of you to declare your loyalty," Lazarus stated with unwavering authority, his gaze scanning the room for the commitment of every being present.

The first pillar began to speak.

"Ozul Erebus Revon, the Pillar of the Shadow World, is a striking figure among the Shadowborn. His bleach skin, almost luminescent in its paleness, is a stark contrast to his ash-colored hair that falls like a cascade of shadows around his shoulders. His ability to conceal his presence is an art, allowing him to seamlessly blend into the tapestry of shadows and darkness.

Ozul's humanoid visage takes an eerie turn with eyes completely consumed by darkness, as if they are portals to the heart of the shadow realm. His mouth, adorned with razor-sharp teeth reminiscent of a shark, adds a predatory aspect to his appearance. Draped in a flowing black robe, its ends swirling like tendrils of black smoke, Ozul moves with an otherworldly grace. When he speaks, the air resonates with the haunting symphony of a thousand demons, each word dripping with the essence of the shadows."

"Pillar of Shadows, Umbral Limina, bow to thy lord," says Erebus, then bows its head.

The second pillar followed.

"Lilith is a stunning woman with ethereal features. Her light Lilac hair cascades gracefully around her shoulders, complementing her radiant light purple skin. Although she appears naked, her body is adorned with obsidian or black rocky formations that strategically cover her chest and private parts. The same mysterious substance extends to her forehead, shaping into two majestic horns that add an air of otherworldly power to her mesmerizing presence.

"Pillar of Lust and the Mother of All Monsters, bow to the most beautiful being," Lilith says while smiling and bowing.

The third pillar came forward.

"This immense, 54-foot creature has a plump, humanoid body. It wears only torn clothes between its legs, leaving the rest exposed. The unsettling sight continues with a massive mouth in its stomach, housing a giant eye, while it clutches eyeballs in its hands. Countless smaller eyes dot its body, and creepy tentacles sprout from its back. With minimal clothing and eerie features, this ancient giant emanates a spooky and magical aura."

"ZaaR eht rerutrot dna rallip fo ynottulg wob nwod ot ym drol (Raaz the torturer and Pillar of Gluttony bow down to my lord)," says Raaz and bows. Raaz speaks in the language of their kind, but all the pillars and Lazarus somehow already understand it, as if they know the language.

The fourth pillar spoke with more pride.

Gojira is a Dragon Knight, is an imposing figure with an unmatched presence. Wearing armor crafted from fallen dragons, he stands tall, showing off his resilience. His tail, once majestic, now shows signs of decay, a sign of his enduring nature even in death."

"Lord of the fourth floor holder of the title Exulight the Greed and the only guardian of the treasury, bows to no one but you," Gojira declared proudly, his voice echoing through the chamber, and he bowed his head with regal confidence.

"Iraeferus, in its normal state, has a stern, humanoid visage with gray skin, black hair, and a blank expression. The Lord of the fourth floor is topless, revealing a muscular physique, and wears tattered pants. It bears four horns and three robust, capable arms."

"Lord of the fifth floor, bow to the most powerful being there is," the fifth pillar said respectfully, bowing its head.

The sixth pillar spoke.

A woman with otherworldly features, her pale skin and white hair creating a striking contrast, and her expression resembling that of a goddess, emanating purity and grace. Draped in a white dress reminiscent of the Victorian era, she carried an air of timeless elegance. Despite her delicate appearance, there was an underlying strength, and in her hands, she wielded a scythe with a blade as white as her attire.

"I bow to the giver of life, ruler of pillars, creator of all, the one of a true thirteen gods. I, Amara, Inquisitor of the Heresy and ruler of the sixth floor, bow to you, my lord," said Amara with utmost loyalty, then bowed her head. The sincerity in her voice echoed through the room, showing her unwavering devotion to the one she acknowledged as the pillar's creator.