

Somewhere off-site from the city...

This is far enough for this. I first began pulling their unconscious bodies to an abandoned warehouse then I begin the torture procedure. First disable their comms so they can't report anything back to the Organization. Second tie their hands and hang them by the meat hooks forcing them to stand up. Third inject them with a drug that forces them to wake up and a minute later inject them with the drug that forces them to speak out what I need a specialty of Maestro.

Now we wait until the drug gets marinated in their bodies then we remove the sack on their heads to begin the interrogation. Start with the first guy put earmuffs on the left guy we'll talk with his buddy first.

"Hey there buddy you doing fine?" As I wave my hand near his face as he palpitates over the side effects of the drug that I injected into him.

"Wh-where am I?"

"Oh good you're awake now Mr. Larry. I was just about to wake you up myself but since we're here let's get down to business shall we?" As I grab one of my tools of communication for him to give me the details of their operation.

"Tell me your plans why are you trying to catch me?" For a professional soldier he yelps a lot.

"Plans? What fucking plans?!" I kicked the Larry's knees and that made him scream and squeal quite hard.

"Fooling around I see you know that will cost you something if you mess with me so just tell me your plans and I'll be on my way no harm done for both of you. I'm a patient man but patience isn't free so you have a few minutes until I lose that bit of patience I gave you." As I looked at him while sitting on a folding chair palpitating due to the side-effects kicking in hard.

"We- we're just trying to search for a man named Dealer... Command hasn't told us anymore than that I- I Swear!?" I grabbed his cheek hard made him look at me.

"Oh I know you know more than that. You're part of the special division I know more about the Organization than you think. Don't lie to me you bastard or a finger gets remove each time you give me bullshit." As I snap one of his left fingers. The man started shouting in pain and agony.

"Guess I have to increase the dosage for you." As I inject him with another dose of the drug I used for interrogation. As the soldier starts to shake vigorously having a convulsion. I slapped the soldier trying to snap him out and to prevent him from passing out.

"Hey, don't you die in front of me we still have a few hours of talking here. Snap out of it will ya?" As I inject him with a healthy dose of drugs for suppressing pain. He snaps out of it but he's still spasming out.

"The orders of command was just track down Dealer and execute him with no hesitation. While we're at it try to track down the last position Killjoy was spotted and also kill him onsite. That's all I know!" As he desperately moves and wiggles around I tend to his bleeding left hand as 4 of his digits we're removed. While I was preparing the injection to put him to sleep for now.

"Hey, do you know obedience? Did you know you could hardwire obedience onto a person where saying No will lead you to death? A man used to tell me that when I was a child. I know you're a young kind man you were just unfortunate to be enemies against me right now so sorry about this. This might sting a bit, there we go." As the man's head looks down as he passes out from the sleeping drug.

After 10 minutes I woke up the other bastard...

"Hey wake up sunshine you have questions to answer for me will you cooperate trust me you'll live if you do answer it." As I injected the man with the drugs for him to answer me. He also was a screamer like damn they scream a lot never knew injections would get them this weak. I thought the Special Division was like the very best of men in the Organization.

I'm deeply disappointing that they cannot follow their predecessor's success. The special division is a special group of soldiers conditioned to be killing machines how did these two survived selection. The Organization cutting corners huh too bad for them I guess.

I looked at the second guy credentials his name is Jeb huh. Simple name for a guy, as long as I extract all the data I wanted they'll be fine right? Well depends how I will react with the data I get from this next guy. As I remove the sack over his head and his earmuffs.

"Hello? You there Mr. Jeb? Ah, look alive there sunshine I have questions for you. Since you are a higher ranked member of the two of you can I ask about the Organization's plans?" As I shake the face of the man trying to put some sense into him making him talk for me.

"We were tasked to get rid of a man named Dealer and try to extract info from him about Killjoy if he was involved in the Dealer's business. We're just instructed to question people as police asking civilians if they know the person." As he struggles to breathe as he was easier to break than the other guy. Well probably because of the drug.

"I see you were easier than your friend I guess the drug had it better effect to you than him. Don't worry he's alive." As I was wrapping up the torture devices kinda disappointed that they didn't resist enough.

"Who the fuck are you?" Finally he questioned me.

"Me? Let's just say the man who are 5 steps ahead of you and the Organization. I'm actually the guy you were searching for. The problem is I got to you before you got to me, that would be your problem not mine. But my time with you two is finished and Command would be concern for your sudden disappearance especially you two are not dead... Yet."

I placed the other guy next to him as I grab my AK47 the guy started screaming and shouting for help and struggling before their end.

"Sorry for this but I need to clean you two up from any evidence don't worry I'm well aware of your tracking system when you die. I'll just make sure you die like you were killed by a firing squad." As a spew of lead and death came through there way the Jeb who was awake felt the pain while his friend Larry over there died without waking up. How sad really but let's not get gruesome parts let's get to business and try out the suit.

Vaughn got his results from the interrogation and yet it was the most underwhelming he did it was unusual for him to see how the Special Division is being treated after he left the Organization. Did you like the new chapter? A review or comment is appreciated.

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