
How the Stars bring us Together

A story originally set within a castle of the Medieval Era, though it's like paradise on Earth(and in slight ruins), the Zodiacs find themselves caught up in trouble when Ophiuchus starts to stir it. They seem to part ways, although the God of Stars seems to think otherwise. The lot are soon sent to recreate their relationships in modern times, whether this plan seems to play or not is another matter... Having already been reincarnated into the thirteen respective Zodiac signs, you can imagine how confusing yet another time period would be. To most of them, at least. A cautionary reminder that this book shall contain some graphic, mature scenes. Viewer discretion is advised. There is also alot of profound language, such as swearing.

markiee · ファンタジー
26 Chs

Chapter 1.

•Third POV•

"Damn it! Who the hell took my hummus?!" Taurus bellowed, at around 3am, from the kitchen within the ruined castle.

The castle was upon a hill, with a rocky path leading up. Nobody really comes to visit, because well.. They don't want to disturb these so-called "saviours". Although, these "saviours" really aren't like that, instead just Zodiacs who want to live a life - except for Cancer, who seems to enjoy the attention from the public.

The ruined castle had moss growing upon the stone walls, although many would consider it in unfit living conditions, the Zodiacs called it home. Each of them had their own living space(unless of course, they chose to live in the same living space), and that's all they needed to be comfortable.

Everyone, apart from Libra, had awoken to the Bull's bellowing and many grunts and groans of denial were heard. Taurus then let out another roar,"Someone better own up, or I'm ripping this place apart!"

"Everyone already knows who ate it."

Virgo answered, and came down the broad staircase, already fully dressed and ready for the day ahead. Her gaze slowly shifted to Cancer - who was sluggishly following behind, placing the blame upon him. Despite Cancer's love for food, he gained nearly no weight and composed his muscular build.

Cancer then noticed Virgo's gaze fixed upon him, and groaned. "Damn it, Virgo! I don't even like hummus!" Cancer tried to knock the blame on someone else, although neither Virgo nor Taurus were buying it. Their faces were full of disbelief, and as if they were saying, 'How convenient.'

Cancer opened his mouth to try to reassure them, although Gemini soon came tumbling down the stairs and bursted into giggles as he landed at the bottom, by Cancer's feet. Cancer groaned in annoyance and stepped over him.

About ten minutes later~

Everyone except for the Snake Bearer and the Zodiac of Balance had arrived to hear about Taurus' traumatic experience. All of the Zodiacs - except Taurus - found it a waste of time, as they continuously began pinning the blame on each other. Aquarius then cleared her throat and sighed in annoyance as she stated what should've been the obvious.

"Seeing as nobody is owning up to it, either the Snake or Libra ate it." Aquarius made her judgement, and there were soon nods of agreement around the dining table. "And seeing as the Snake doesn't eat anything besides meat.." Her words drifted off as she noticed Cancer's face of disbelief.

Tension slowly built in the room, as Cancer's annoyance was seething out like an aura. "Are you guys seriously blaming Libra? She wouldn't have done this, she isn't that selfish-"

Cancer stopped himself, as everyone's heads turned to the creaky stairs. Libra was stood there, with a spoon and eating the hummus with it.

"Hi guys!" Libra smiled, though hadn't noticed Taurus' twitching face.

Aquarius seemed to raise an eyebrow at Cancer, as if to say, 'I told you so.'

"Yay! Libra has arrived!" Gemini's smile had widened further then it already was, as he ran over to her and hugged her tightly, making a gentle squeeze as he did. Libra hugged back, just as enthusiastically.

Cancer was just stood there, completely bewildered.

"Can we go back to sleep now?" Scorpio yawned, as there were mumbles of agreement from the others.

"You.. You.. You bitch..!" Taurus yelled, with shaking clenched fists. Cancer's head snapped towards him, gritting his teeth. Taurus' eyes were drilling holes into Libra's head, full of annoyance and hatred.

Taurus and Libra didn't have the best relationship to begin wtih, so this only inconvenienced the relationship further.

Cancer was about to charge at him from the opposite side of the table, although Leo swiftly slid infront of him.

"What Taurus meant to say is.. That Libra should apologise and shouldn't have taken the humm--" Leo was cut off by Sagittarius' grunts, as he held Taurus back from charging.

Libra was slightly dazed from the situation, before Cancer then turned fully and stomped up the stairs, grabbing Libra's shoulder as he did.