

Anne was happily humming heading home when she saw a familiar shadow appears behind her face lights up as she turned to hug the person behind her.

"Bin!" She happily greeted while hugging him. Bin laughed and hugged her back. "When did you arrive? You should have texted me so I can prepare some food."

"Around 2:00 PM. I already bought the ingredients. We just need to cook it." Bin answered and raised the plastic bag. Anne giggled and they both chatted on the way home.

"I can't believe you picked Bangkok as your last destination in your tour." She spoke. Bin drank some water before answering.

"Well, my precious friend is here. You also said that we could do some fun activities tomorrow before my flight so here I am." He replied.

"When is your flight?" She asked.

"Tomorrow 10:00 PM" He answered. Bin saw Anne's sad face. "Hey, cheer up. We can always see each other if we wanted to." He then laughed. Anne rolled her eyes and checked if the food is ready.

"Let's eat. Prepare the table please." She politely ordered.


They both are currently at the food area where Bin had ate too much of street foods.

"Anne, I can't eat anymore." He whined. Anne just laughed and she suggested that they should visit some tourist attractions and take a selfie there for memories.

"YAH!" Bin enjoyed every moment with Anne. At that time, he wished that he could have this kind of freedom and peace.

"Hey Anne. Thank you for letting me be myself today." He sincerely said. Anne smiled.

"Well, you're my precious friend, we will always support and care for each other like siblings. Although Sua might disagree." She then stretched her arms. And looks at her watch.

"It's 8:00 PM, let's go to the airport now, the ride will take a while because of traffic jam. We got to move." Anne hurried Bin.


When San and Bin has 30 minutes before departing, Anne also waits for them to come on board the Plane

"When I visit to South Korea, will you give me a tour?" She asks.

"Of course, I'll also bring Sua, she misses you so much." Bin replied. He hugged her. "I'll miss you, visit me soon okay?"

"Of course! Next time, I'll bring my other light sticks so you can see me dancing to your songs." She joked. They both laughed. After about an hour. Bin's plane has left and Anne was outside the airport.

'I never felt this alone until he visited me.' She sadly thought.


A beep on Anne's phone which made her took a notice into it. She saw that Bin had messaged her.

'Anne, check out this flower. It's like the ones that we saw on the flower field.'

'It's a Dandelion.'

'I know, It looks like a moon but when I blow it, it floats around like a star in a night sky.' This quote made Anne smile.

'well, if that's the case, that flower also had a saying of rebirth.'

'Ohh… Let me post this flower then.'

Anne was called to the office so she didn't reply. At night, she just remembered to reply and sleep.

One night, she dreamt of Bin inside a coffin. She immediately woke up sweating, she puts her hand on her forehead and went her way into the kitchen to grab some water. When she opened her socials, a tragedy faced her.

'K-Idol, Bin had reportedly found dead in his apartment.' Her body stopped functioning. Her ears rang in the silence when she dropped her phone, her tears swelling up and her knees became weak. She lost her balance and luckily threw herself on the chair, sitting. She cannot process what she had read. She picks up her phone and dialed Sua. Sua picked up.

"S-Sua, it's not true right.?" She sobs. She can hear Sua crying.

"Un-Unnie… Oppa is gone." Sua announced and Anne felt that a bomb dropped into her heart.

"N-no, no, no it's not real, no." Anne denied. Sua is crying on the other line. They both cried. None of them talked. They both just comforted each other with their cries until Sua spoke.

"U-Unnie, c-can you-u, c-come her-re? Please." Sua's voice broke.

"L-let me-e grab my thing-gs." She then told Sua where Bin is and her flight details.

ANNE Arrived at South Korea. She texted Sua and sends her location. She booked a cab and sent the driver the location. She shortly arrived at the Area. Bin's members are also there. Mourning. She slowly approached the coffin. As she walked, tears started falling through her face. When she arrived and saw his face. She covered her mouth and cried loudly. Sua hugged and comforted her.

'No, Bin, Why?' She asked through her mind.

"Unnie, he's gone, I- I" Sua can't finish what she was saying because her mind was filled with his brother's departure. Anne understood and just hugs her.

Anne hid at the side, sitting and hugging her knees. Eun, Bin's member and best friend sat beside her.

"Hey. You're Anne, right? I heard you from Bin all the time. I'm Eun." He introduced himself. But Anne only nodded, staring at Bin's flowers. Eun talked to keep himself from thinking of Bin while Anne just listens but is spacing out. She suddenly excused herself to get some fresh air. She went to the rooftop of the hospital and saw the Moon.

"You were really serious of being a moon." She whispered and chuckled then sighed. "I miss you, Bin." The wind suddenly brushed upon her shoulders she looked up and saw a star, shining brightly next to the moon. She sadly smiled as tears ran down through her face.

"Rest well, my other half. Look out for us there, alright? We'll take care of each other here. So, rest assured that we will always remember you. I'm sorry I couldn't save you from what you are feeling, I really do. I wish I could have talked to you more. Let you hug me all the time." She whispered as her voice broke. "There are many unsaid things I wanted to say, but I can't pick a right sentence, I hope you can understand what I am saying to you."

The wind gently brushed up her cheeks. She knew that it was Bin, comforting her and telling her it's okay. She broke down and cried her heart out.

Until we meet again, Bin.


Anne is now at the verge cycle of the afterlife. She reminisced the past years of how she spent time with his members and sister, how she purchased a field of Dandelions and built a small house in the countryside and lived there when she was old. She smiled at her memories. She looked at the Dandelions and thought of him. His last social media post was a dandelion. She felt that the time had come and just closed her eyes.


"Anne" A familiar voice called out to her. She opened her eyes and saw Bin.

"Bin." she uttered. And smiled softly.

"You've grown old." He commented.

"And you're still the same." She replied. Bin chuckled. "I lived well, right?" She boasted.

"Yes, now, do you want to come with me?" He asked. She looked confused.

"Go where?"

"Where I went when I suddenly departed." Anne's question had answered.

"It's time, right?" He nodded and offered his hand. Anne eagerly accepted and she went into a young lady again. They smiled at each other and hugged. The wind breeze carried the dandelions and circling on both of them.

"You really did take care of the dandelions." He whispered with a proud tone. Anne nodded and just let herself be comfortable with his embrace. They broke out of the hug and walked side by side heading towards the night sky.

A person looked up into the sky and saw two bright stars shining beside each other, with the moonlight shining through them.

“This short story is dedicated to the person who is a moon that became one of the stars. AROHA’s might find comfort in the Dandelions. Rest in Peace my dear, AROHA’s will always be with ASTRO. We Love You.”

SugarPlumFairycreators' thoughts