
How long would you love me for

Su Yi An is a young CEO of SuYi group and Yu Yang is a handsomeCEO of Yun industry even though they had failed in their love in the past , can they solve their own love mystery and save the love they had miss in the past ,with a child. Find what happened in the past and how are they gonna save their love .

calista_gooi · 若者
3 Chs

Six Years Ago :Their first meeting

It a hot afternoon , Su Yi Yan was walking angrily back to her house ,she had no thought that when her mother ask her sister Yi An to enroll in Yunan University ,in her reluctance ,she enroll Yi Yan in to that university now Yi Yan has to study in her sister's name .Well she is from no ordinary family ,she is from the prestigious Su family ,the had been in the fashion business since their great - grandparents are successful .

In she had thought why can Yi Lan take over the family business ,she and Yi Yan would not need to study hard neither in fashion nor business .

Yi Lan is the youngest and illegitimate child of the Su family he as a son can at least take 2%of the family business and no more no less , as Yi An is oldest ,she will have to take over the business as president of Su Yi Group ,from 20 she would take over the business after her grandfather retirement.

"Sister An ,tomorrow there will be a party to celebrate the start of the fashion festival the old-one is asking you to attend it under his name!" Yi Lan scream to his sister as she left the apartment in hurry . She quickly ran to the life forcefully pressing the lift button in a hurry , even the tiniest of bells in her Su Yi branded ear-ring are sensing the hurry and moving in her every move .The fact that she was going to be late for class and the fact that was going to be late rush her ."Bang !"Yi Aan came crashing on to the floor there was a man around 20 and 1.92m tall. As Yi An stood up rubbing her head she scolded "Is there something wrong with your eyes " But without much talking she look down on her watch ,she about to be late. She could not stop to talk to the person that she had knock into and quickly headed fo the stairs .