
How I Slayed A Dragon

A dragon, one of the strongest species in Artania with insane magic and incredible physical might that can wipe out a city with ease. This is the monster that Anthony, a mere soldier, was given the task to defeat. He is nearly killed by one, and by sheer luck he accidentally gains the powers of a dragon, now he trains to control it and he must grab his destiny by the balls and slay dragons, overcoming betrayals and emotional traumas. This is the story, of how Anthony slayed a dragon and many others. Posted  on: - Webnovel - Wattpad - patreon (slimeinspace) - royalroad

SlimeInSpace · ファンタジー
107 Chs

Chapter 6

(April 7)

This evening, my wife had sent a letter back to me.

The letter wrote that I should do what my heart tells me to do and that she would support me. She said that I should take as long as I like, she would always be waiting for me at village as it was her home and she didn't want to move to the city. She would keep our house nice and cozy so that I would always have a home to return to....

My wife is the best!

Thank you for the support, I will do my best and return home with pride.

I've decided that I will become a solder for the people, I will make sure no one experience what I did. And I get a nice pay too; William promised a lot of gold even while I'm still training.

Now I need to train myself and learn to control my powers.

As I am now, I won't be able to do anything.

(April 10)

Oh god...

These last couple days were horrible, I'm starting to think I'm not suited for this....

On the first day, Briggs made me do pushups while he was sitting on top of me and didn't let me stop until I did 50. I'm by no means a weak guy, I'd even say I was above average, but this is still way too much.

Briggs said to train one's mind and inner self, one must have a strong body to become one with your body and become one with yourself!

Only then can you truly use your body to it's full potential and become stronger.

And then he flexed so hard his clothing exploded off to reveal a tank top.

We spent that entire day working out and my body was dead. I couldn't move for a couple hour and even now it hurts to write.

The next day, I was still very tired, but I was practicing with the sword along with many other solders and knights, Brian was there as well!

Briggs was the instructor and he was the leader of the knights, an A rank.

I didn't realize he was such a high ranked knight, I just thought he was a friendly buff dude...

And he made us run 10 laps around a field.

Then he made us hit a wooden dummy with wooden sticks for a couple hours and my hands got a ton of blisters and was red as a tomato.

Brian told me to get used to this since Briggs was a workout and training maniac.

And this morning, I was glad when William told me to come to his lab with him.

William told me although dragons were physically strong, it's because of their dragon essence that they are as strong as they are, so William was going to have me train my dragon essence within me and learn to utilize and control it properly.

He made me cross my legs and meditate.

I visualized the energy in my body and I tried sensing it, however, meditating is harder then you'd think. Sitting there doing nothing is boring.

William told me to be patient and eventually I would be able to sense the dragon essence, he instructed me to take deep breaths in and out and just listen to my breathing.







Then I suddenly felt a warm fuzzy feeling in my chest, right before a jolt shot up my back causing me to shout out and jump into the air.

I started scrambling around and scratched myself all over.

Thinking back to it was embarrassing. William's face as he stared at me like I was a crazy mental patient....

When I looked down at my body, it was filled with scales all over and my entire body was heating up.


William shouted and I did exactly as he told me to.

I quickly sat back down and visualized myself in my mind. At that moment. all my senses cut out. It was pitch black and it was kind of scary. but I was focused and I could feel a warm squishy energy within me.

But then everything reverted back to normal as the energy I felt disappeared.

I was sweating like crazy and was exhausted.

William grinned at me and said good job on sensing dragon essence for the first time.

And like that he sent me home (after doing collecting more of my scales for experimentation).

(April 21)

I feel like I've gotten used to this, working out with Briggs is still tiring but it's become so much easier.

I can slightly sense dragon essence, although not well, I can still feel it.

Today, I tried using dragon essence in battle against goblins outside the city in a nearby forest.

Goblins are weak, about the size and strength of children and it makes me feel bad killing them since they look and remind me of humans. However, monsters are monsters. They would attack and kill humans if given the chance.

By focusing on my fist, I could make a couple scales grow on my knuckles making them harder and with that I was able to bash in the skull of a goblin quite easily.

Also, by using dragon essence I can recover my stamina when I'm tired which is useful.

By the time I returned, I was covered in blood and a couple people gave me weird looks like I was a psycho murderer or something, which made me embarrassed and I rushed home.

Oh yea, William also taught me magic as well. Dragon can shoot fire and use magic, right? So it would make sense for me to use magic too.

He taught me the basics of magic and its foundations.

Magic is the output of one's inner energy.

It didn't matter if you have Mana, Chi or Chakra, you can potentially use magic.

By releasing our energy, we transform the molecular formation of our energy to turn it into magic and produce spells. But it takes time to transform the energy into magic, so that's why most mages and wizards chant to focus on the process of turning energy into magic.

At first, I was sort of confused since this was complicated, but William explained it like this: if you think of Mana, Chakra and Chi like water in its gas state, then water and ice is the equivalent of magic.

The steam given enough coldness will turn into ice or water.

So like that, if our energy is like the steam, we control it to turn it into magic.

He said I didn't really don't need to fully understand it, just need a small basic understanding of that.

William was an ice magician that uses ice magic, and it was his favourite of all the elements but I was different; I was very bad with ice. In fact, I could barely even make an ice cube while exhausting all my energy.

After a bit of testing, I found out I was bad with all of the elements, except fire.


A dragon that wields fire, how cliche.

I wasn't good at fire magic, but at least I was able to make a tiny spark on my fingertip.

Since then, I've rotating everyday between working and training my physical body with Briggs and meditating/controlling my dragon essence and learning magic with William.

William and Briggs are cool guys, I admire them. I wish I could be smart like William and strong like Briggs.

A couple days ago, I was able to use my first magic spell: Flare shot.

Flare shot is a spell that heats up the air and shoots a tiny spark at a fast speed. My talent was non-existent and this was the most basic of basic spells, but I was proud. William even laughed at how proud I was for learning such a basic spell.

And after that I managed to wound Briggs on his face in our sparring match, although he did wipe the floor with me and totally crushed me. He was proud of me for being able to wound him.

I have a long way to go, and I'm both excited and scared for what the future holds for me.