
How I saved the world singing my ass off!

An idol finds herself reincarnated as part of a nomadic kobold tribe. As war between Kobolds and goblins breaks out, she finds her unique talents allow her to forge a new path of peace between the races. Will She save the world and become a world renowned idol or perish singing her ass off?

NeighBadger · ファンタジー
12 Chs

Chapter 6: A night in Town

The three of us now took regular walks to the surface so Lida could train her wings. This allowed me to learn a bit about the ecosystem and population. Kobolds and Goblins mainly live in caves but there are sometimes settlements above. Both tribes use old human ruins and built small towns around them. These sun dwellers rarely mix with us cave people and seem to look down on us. Pesky townspeople and their multiple languages and sunburned scales…

However, they aren't without conflict either as food and water are harder to find in the savannah and towns regularly fight over resources. Garon told me, that sometimes they even raid caves to get food and women from us. So basically, they traded the safety and abundance of the caves for sunlight and trading with humans. Bad deal if you ask me.

Speaking of humans, Lida and I recently saw some walk around the cave entrance. As a storyteller, I learned the common tongue spoken by most humanoids so I knew these guys weren't run-of-the-mill adventurers but bona fide slave traders. If it wasn't for our stealth skills we'd probably be sold as a rarity somewhere. We warned Garon and the trap smiths who bolstered our defenses.

To sum it up the surface is a very dangerous place, so much for living it up as a celebrity in the big city. I'm going to need a plan on how to survive if I ever want to leave the caves. But that wasn't going to stop me. The first step into fame: Spend a night in a surface town!

I packed my bag as best as I could. Food, water and items I could trade for shelter and goodies. I had some wolf teeth from the one I managed to kill and a part of the pelt that might be valuable. Also, some mushrooms you could use for, let's call them recreational activities. I told Garon where I was so he would come looking for me if I didn't return by morning. I knew he would not stop me because he knew I'd napalm his chances with Lida if he snitched. I made my way up through the caves and made my way to the closest Kobold township.

The "town" was mostly old human ruins the kobold refurbished with wood, clay and some tent materials. There was a marketplace where people haggled for fruit, eggs and dried meats, a well where everyone got some water and something like a tavern. I say something like this because it was mainly an open stove and a few benches under a tent roof. But it was a public place where travelers like me could get food and water.

I noticed a few things while walking around town.

First, surface Kobolds are taller but less bulky than cave Kobolds. Since I haven't seen any larger monsters around I guess there's more need for tactics and traps than brawn. Second, there are not just kobolds in town! I've seen larger lizard people, some smooth and beautiful others coarser and more stinky. I wonder if they are related or if this world just has several lizard humanoids. Then there's Caravans of Bunny people. They look so cute! From what I saw they trade metal wares for fresh fruit and produce. Third, the economy was pretty buzzing and the markets had a large variety of meats and veggies. That definitely beats roots, weevils and mushrooms. I could get used to townlife but then again, the caves are not as hot and cozier. The occasional dire wolf is less annoying than marauding goblins or orcs.

I traded my wolf pelt for some fruit and a bag of dried meat strips and traded the teeth for a bowl of stew and herbal tea. I did not dare to offer the mushrooms because you never know who's a cop. Do kobolds have cops? Well, we had guards but no one really went criminal enough that the idea of cops was created. Probably surface life had more crime and capital, so I bet some kind of policing is a thing here.

I looked at the nightlife for a bit. People drinking and playing dice, women walking around in fancy bone jewelry and beaded skirts. And even live music! Some Kobolds created some very basic percussion, horn and string instruments and played music. People rewarded them with drinks, food and applause. The beat was pretty catchy and before I knew it my feet were tapping in rhythm and I was humming along. I wonder if people heard me.

That's a lot of people staring at me…. people definitely heard me. Damn, so much for keeping a low profile. The band leader looks at me and just goes "Wanna join? Even split of all tips." I look around and people a hackling and cheering me to join the band. What should I do, this is so embarrassing and when people notice I'm from the caves they might get angry at me...

The cheering got louder and rowdier so I had no choice but to join the bands. Just one song, just some notes without any words until I can get to the Inn room I already paid for with some of my bartered fruits. Stood up and joined the band on the makeshift center stage. I started with a few Notes "La, le, la la" until the band improvised with me and I made a solid jazz performance. The crowd cheered and clapped in rhythm, put food and trinkets in the band's basket and wholeheartedly enjoyed the show. The drinking and clapping intensified and before I knew it everyone was drunk and stormed the free space for dancing. I never saw so many different kinds of species dance with each other. The slick lizardfolk moves slowly like hypnotized snakes. The coarse lizards jumped and stomped and threw their fists in the air. The bunny people hopped around in a circle holding each other. It was a full-on party at this point.

Then I heard something break. Looks like one of the big lizards jumped on a kobolds foot who in turn shrieked and broke a cup with his tail. The pieces flew like shrapnel, hurting another slick lizard who bled profusely from their right arm. Angry they drew a small dagger ready to start a fight while I felt the kobolds preparing for a spell. Damn, this could end badly. I need to calm everyone down.

I took a deep breath and signalled the band to slow down. "Let's play something slow to calm the mood.", I said.

There's no need to argue over this.

We have so much fun, so why hit and run?

Let's enjoy the night and end this fight.

There's no need to argue, no need to argue anymore.

I sang solemnly and calmly and the band joined me in tune. Soon everyone looked at us. The dancing stopped and a few of the people ready to throw hands just a minute ago hugged each other and apologized. Some even cried. I looked around and… ran. This was definitely more attention than I wanted. As I ran I heard voices behind me, I didn't stop or care who it was until I reached the cave entrance again. Screw the town or the comfy bed in the inn. I'm not to be sold as a songbird! Once inside the cave, I made sure no one could follow me around the traps. From an alcove, I took a good look at who was following after all. It was the band!

"Darn she ran into the caves.", one of them said. "And just when we thought to have a singer. Look at how much we got tonight, that's double the usual tips!", said another.

"Ah well, no way we can follow her inside, those cave traps are made to kill iron spiders, we'd be dead before we even saw the cave village.", said the guitarist. A tall brown Kobold with a straw hat and a feather necklace. "If she ever returns to town we'll ask her to join us. For now, let's go home."

I watched them leave before I snuck back into the caves. A band, my band…