
How I ruined me

This is about Jamie, a teenager from a troubled and abusive home she has a history of sexual assault and also has an undiagnosed mental health condition things started heading south when she fell in love with Kenneth Kenneth is a drug addict and came from an abusive home who lost his mum Jamie tried her best to love him, but love wasn't enough, and he took everything away from her, including her identity, which she never recovers from

Tomilola_Onasanya · 若者
1 Chs


It was a chilly day Monday, to be precise. I was up early. My parents were at it again they should have been divorced a long time ago, hence why I was up early . I waited for the voices to subside before I cracked open my door and peeped across the hallway

There was no one in sight. I intended to sneak across the hallway only to run into my mum as I stared back at her. I couldn't help but notice her appearance

My mum was beautiful she still is but over the past few years I've watched her age faster I knew my father was taking a toll on her but poor woman couldn't leave because of her children however I'm not picking sides because I've seen the way they both treat each other

She had a cloth tied around her waist and her eyes she had puffy eye bags her hair was all over doing its own thing, the eyes bags i am used to because i grew up seeing them my Mum is a doctor and she's pretty good at what she does she still managed to smile back at me as she muttered "goodmorning I'm sure you slept well, will you be going to school today?

In my mind I was like we both know I didn't sleep well it was quite the opposite actually I replied and said yes mum I slept well and yes I'm going to school I just need to get some chores done downstairs and I'll be on my way

And she said, "Alright, I packed your lunch already it's downstairs and left some change for you to take to school

I turned and said thank you as I watched her disappear into the dark hallway

I should introduce myself I'm Jamie I have 3 older siblings but they are all in college leaving just my parents and I most of the time it's just me and my mum home dad comes home every 3 weeks he works pretty far away from home but still makes it back to spend the weekends

I'm still in high school in my final year though and I can't wait to be done so I can leave the house as well , my school is about 15 minutes away from my house if I walk and 10 if I run I prefer walking really slow though it takes about 25 minutes. It's the only time I get to put my thoughts together and also to polish my act of pretending to be who I'm not in school

I got to school a bit late so I had to hurry to my class I was praying the teacher wasn't in the class yet ,as I entered I caught a glimpse of my bestfriend she was talking to some guy by the corner of the class. I had my sit and was trying to get adjusted to my environment when the teacher entered, It was my favourite teacher in Mr Brown he takes biology and I've always had a thing for biology since I was in preschool I happen to be his favourite student as well and yes I'm pretty smart too.

Ella, my best friend was done talking to the guys and came to sit next to me and said "a guy I have a thing for is coming to see me when the school is done for the day".

and I replied," I'm not surprised you always have boys all over you." To be honest, we were opposite

my best friend, she literally looks like she got torn out of a cover girl magazine. she always attracted boys, lots of them, and then there's me the socially awkward one with the nerdy glasses still grieving a relationship that should have been over a long time ago even with My glasses I still couldn't see that he was a ranging blistering red flag.

so what's his name ?


Kenneth? hmm, sounds familiar

yes, your ex he is one of his friends

oh wow

you should have seen him before

Of course I have

Well, he wants to see me, so he's coming, and I'd like you to follow me to go meet him



that's absurd moreover Its going to be a weird interaction. Imagine seeing your guys, ex. I don't think I'm down for that

please, "she begged." it wouldn't take that long. I just don't want to be alone

it's not like he's going to abduct you. Is he?

haha, that's very funny

if you didn't want to be alone with him, you shouldn't have asked him to come see you here

are you seriously going to scold me right when I need you?

fine. I'll go with you on one condition,I'll be somewhere close not too far away

fair enough, thank you.

you two stand up!

it was Mr. Brown

he must have seen us talking from across the classroom

now, Ella, you move over there. I don't want you distracting Jamie

I smiled back at Mr Brown, He does this every class, so we were quite used to it by now