
How I Met My Future Husband

A girl named Wan Yu, her family had to move to a new place because her dad got a new job. A few years later she enters high school she really hates the popular boys and the mean girls but as she going to her classes she realizes that all of her classes are with a popular boy named Xaing. One day as she was going home she got a call that her mom that their house was on fire. Her dad got a call from his long, lost best friend who is willing to let the Wan family live with his family, when they got there Yu realizes that she will be living with the person she hates the most, it's Xiang. How will her life be like? How is she supposed to live with the person she hates the most? Wan Yu (the main character) Chen Xaing (the main character) Wen Ming (support character) Wang sun (support character) Chen Jing (support character) Wan Li (support character) Min Zhe (support character) Qing Lai (support character) I hope you enjoy my story, this is my first ever story so sorry if I make any mistakes.

Angela_Xiong · ファンタジー
120 Chs


The next day while Xaing still sleeping, Yu check if Xaing's fever is gone and his fever is completely gone. Yu was glad that his fever is gone now, she got up to the bathroom. 20 minutes later, Yu got out of the bathroom, she went to see if the soup was still good to eat but it wasn't, so she went to cook rice porridge. While Yu was cooking the rice porridge, Xaing woke up, Xaing asks "What are you doing?"

Yu said "Oh I'm just making rice porridge because the soup wasn't good to eat anymore" Xaing just said "Oh ok" then he walked to the bathroom. While they were watching TV, Xaing was looking at his rice porridge and Yu's rice porridge, he saw that he has chicken in it but Yu's doesn't any chicken. Xaing asks her "Yu, why does mine have chicken and yours doesn't have any?"

Yu said, "Oh because I didn't want you to eat something plain."

Xaing said, "Babe I don't mind eating something plain with you."

Yu said, "Awwww, thanks but it's fine," so they kept eating their food. Later that day Yu got a phone call from her mom, her mom said, "Yu hurry, your dad just had a stroke!" in a very frantic tone, Yu said "Ok, ok." then hung up. Xaing asks what happened, Yu said "My dad just had a stroke! We have to hurry to the hospital." Xaing and Yu got ready and run to Xaing's car.

When Yu and Xaing got to the hospital, Yu saw her mom and Xaing's parents at the emergency room. Yu and Xaing ran to them, Yu said, "What happened to my dad?"

Her mom said, "He was just sitting in the living room, and then he just had a stroke." While they were waiting outside of the emergency room, the doctor came and said "He's doing fine now, the reason he had a stroke is that he has diabetes. You guys can visit him in room 123, I have to go now."

Her mom said, "Oh no, how could this happen." in a sad tone. While they were watching her dad, Xaing's parents said, " You guys, we are going to leave, Aunt Wan do you want to go back?"

Yu's mom shook her head no. Xaing's parents said, "Well take care" they left.

After 30 minutes, Yu said, "Well mom it's getting late, are you sure that you don't want to go home, if you don't want to go home, you can go to our apartment." Her mom just shook her head no. Yu said, "Ok, well take care and don't stress yourself," Yu's mom, "...ok, drive safe" so Xaing and Yu left.

When Yu and Xaing got home it was already 11 pm, Yu said, "I really hope my dad wake up tomorrow." Xaing just hugged Yu and said, "Yu, I know your dad is going to be okay, we can go visit him tomorrow." Yu nodded.

Xaing said, "Yu, it's getting late, we should get ready for bed." Yu just nodded and then they both went to do their night routine. While they were just, Yu couldn't sleep but Xaing was already asleep but she didn't want to wake him up, so she just laid in Xaing's arms. While she was just laying there Xaing woke up, he saw that she still awake, so he asks "Why are you still awake?"

Yu said, "Well I can't sleep." Xaing took his phone, put on something calming music, and said, "here listen to this and see if it'll make go to sleep." She said, "ok." While She was listening to the calming music, she notices that Xaing was awake too, so she asks "Xaing, why are still awake?"

Xaing said, "Well I'm not going to sleep until you go to sleep." After a few minutes, Yu finally fell asleep and Xaing whisper "Yu, I know you're dad is going to be okay. Goodnight" he gave her a goodnight kiss, then he went to sleep too.