
How I Met My Future Husband

A girl named Wan Yu, her family had to move to a new place because her dad got a new job. A few years later she enters high school she really hates the popular boys and the mean girls but as she going to her classes she realizes that all of her classes are with a popular boy named Xaing. One day as she was going home she got a call that her mom that their house was on fire. Her dad got a call from his long, lost best friend who is willing to let the Wan family live with his family, when they got there Yu realizes that she will be living with the person she hates the most, it's Xiang. How will her life be like? How is she supposed to live with the person she hates the most? Wan Yu (the main character) Chen Xaing (the main character) Wen Ming (support character) Wang sun (support character) Chen Jing (support character) Wan Li (support character) Min Zhe (support character) Qing Lai (support character) I hope you enjoy my story, this is my first ever story so sorry if I make any mistakes.

Angela_Xiong · ファンタジー
120 Chs

(ch. 47)

Xaing tries to wake Yu up but she wouldn't budge but the only thing she did was groan, so he got up and try to clean up a little bit. Not even 5 minutes later, there was a knock at the door so Xaing went to open the door but as he was opening the door, Yu was walking to Xaing to see who is at the door. When Xaing opens the door to his and Yu's parents, they were surprised to see that Yu is just a sweatshirt but they didn't see Yu's shorts, Yu was so surprised to see her and Xaing's parents.

His dad asks "Can we come in?" in an awkward tone then Xaing nodded, so the parents came in.

Yu whisper to Xaing "Why didn't you wake me up," in an upset tone

Xaing said, "I tried to but you won't wake up."

Yu's mom asks "What's are you guys arguing about?"

Yu said "Nothing."

Her dad added "Then come sit down," in a calm tone so Xaing and Yu went to sit. The parents ask some questions and Yu and Xaing answer them, then the parents begin to look at all of the rooms. Xaing's mom said, "Wow all of these rooms look so good...but why do you guys have three rooms," in a curious voice as she made a confused face.

Yu said, "Oh because two rooms are for guests," in a calm tone.

Her mom asks "Can we spend the night here," in a curious tone as she gave Xaing and Yu a big smile.

Xaing uttered, "Yeah sure but you guys don't have your stuff."

His mom answered, "Xaing, it's fine, we brought somethings from our house, and plus we're only spending the night."

Yu asks "So do you guys want to eat inside or do you guys want to eat at a restaurant?"

Xaing's mom said, "Well we haven't taste your cooking before, so we'll stay inside and have you cook for us," in a friendly tone.

"Oh ok, so what do you want to eat," Yu asked in a soft tone.

Xaing's mom said, "Anything you want to cook and if you need help cutting things then call us."

Yu said, "It's okay, I'll just have Xaing help me." The parents just went to watch TV and Xaing stayed to help Yu cook. She decided to cook sweet and sour pork and some dumplings with rice and some vegetables. Xaing cut everything and then Yu will start to cook things. Yu made the dumplings first and Xaing helped her make dumplings.

After they made dumplings they put them in the steamer to steam them, then Yu start to make the sweet and sour pork. When Yu was done cooking the sweet and sour pork, she checks if the dumplings were ready and they were ready. Yu and Xaing begin to plate the food, then Yu went to tell the parents to come eat. The parents begin to taste the food Yu cooked, Yu asks "Is the food good?" The moms begin to make a face so Yu begins to worry that she did something wrong. She asks "What's wrong? Does it taste that bad?" in a worry tone.