
The Prey And The Predator

Lilliana, accompanied by several maids, was getting cleaned up. After a few days without maids, she finally realised how truly fortunate she was to have them to help her.

"Lady Lilliana, it's good to know that you are safe."

"Thank you, Viola."

Lilliana recognised most of the servants since she had stayed in the capital a few times. But she remembers Viola fondly.

Viola was a beautiful brunette woman around the age of twenty-six with a delicate-looking body. However, Viola was beyond capable as a maid, and over the years, she was promoted to head maid. Her skills were top class; however, there was one problem. The one problem that caused several other households to fire her.

"May I ask something, my lady?" requested Viola.

"Yes, you may?" allowed Lilliana.

"Thank you; I wanted to know who was the young boy that accompanied you?"

"Oh, Masato? he was the one who rescued me," Lilliana replied, "Do make sure that everyone treats him as if you would treat me."

"Understood. Is he a noble as well?."

"No, he's not yet; however, we need to make sure that we don't offend him in any sort of way. He has powers that can rival even the top strongest people in the kingdom."

"Surely you jest, my lady."

"No, I am not. And I'm making it clear to make sure that he feels welcome and that all of his needs are taken care of."

"All of his needs?"

"Yes, all of his needs."

"I understand; please excuse me; I will relay your words to the other servants. I will have Noela here take over."

"Sure, that's fine," responded Lilliana

"Noel, take care of the lady."

"Understood Viola(-sama)."

Viola immediately dashed out of the room and headed in the direction of where Masato was currently taking a bath. She approached a group of female servants who were standing outside.

"Is there any luck?"

"No, Viola-sama, every time we try to enter, he notices us and tells us to leave."

"Huh, that's truly a problem. Fine, when he goes to sleep tonight, sneak into his room tonight. As Lady Lilliana says, we need to fulfil his every need."

This was the problem with Viola. She was into young boys, and where ever she went, she would cause trouble for the household. The biggest problem was that the other maids would, for some reason, follow her special interests.

Since being fired from her last place, no household with young male heirs would hire her. However, Duke Lucera, who had no idea about such dark history, decided to hire her. Viola was ecstatic to work again; however, she felt disappointed when she found out that Duke Lucera only had a daughter.

It didn't mean that Viola hated Lady Lilliana, just that she was into younger boys. Since there was nowhere else to go, she decided to stay working here.

Now that there was a new prey insight, Viola couldn't hold off the desires that had built up. This was her only chance. Or so she thought.

♦  ♦  ♦

"What the hell is wrong with this house." I sighed as I dropped down with my back against the wardrobe.

Before I went to sleep, I asked Guardian to warm me if anyone tried to come into my room during the night. It was the right decision; however, with the frequency of alerts, most would go insane.

After the twentieth time, I was fed up. I tried locking the door. However, it would seem that they had a key. I tried to block the door with a small drawer, but it did not hold for very long.

Finally, I moved the wooden wardrobe in front of the door, which seemed to work; again, it would just be a matter of time before it gets knocked down. I felt like I was in some zombie survival movie.

After some time, the attempts stopped, and the voices were gone; I opened [Radar] to ensure they were all gone. And yes, they were.

I stood up and slumped onto the bed. The trauma was still there. Hopefully, it will go away in the morning, and I can make a complaint to Lilliana. But at last, there was peac-

[Intruder Alert]

"Wait, what?"

I jumped back up, looking at the door; the wardrobe was still there, but where was the Intruder?

"Finally, we're in!" A voice spoke out behind me. I suddenly realised where it came from—the windows.

I slowly turned around and saw several women dressed up all in black, like ninjas. A brunette ninja licked her lips and approached me.

"Don't worry, just relax and let it happen, but it's been such a long time it might hurt a little bit," she said with a smile.

There was only one way out of here. I used [Warp Point] to get out of the room.