


Jonas fetches me ice as I examine my side. A bruise is already blooming on my hip like some deadly flower. I poke at it and feel the subtle waves of pain. I take the ice pack from him and press it against my skin, laying on the couch in my swimsuit.

The front door swings open and Brandon rushes inside. Jonas hurries to him, explaining, /"I heard her yell and when I went outside he was holding her, grabbing her face and—/"

Avoiding eye contact, I stare at my hip even though I know he's watching me, waiting for me to look. He walks around the couch and crouches beside me. /"Emma—/" He starts, but knowing myself, I can never just sit and listen.

/"I'm fine. You didn't have to come. It's not like he punched me in the face or broke my arm./" I still stay fixated on the icepack.

/"She's acting crazy. I don't know what's wrong with her, Brandon./"