
How Can You Call Me a Cheater?

Foo, a bright young man that happens to be a computer genius, who excels in life by taking shortcuts when possible. If life was a game, he would definitely pick the easiest mode. Exams in school? Just read all the books once, and make sure you don’t forget the contents. Looking for a job? Make sure everyone around the boss knows just how perfect you are for the job. Having others bragging about your excellence is more trustworthy and gives plausible deniability. Quiz time? Let me just start my special search engine's voice recognition. Competing in soccer? Aw, how unfortunate, the opposing team 'somehow' got their clothes filled with itch-inducing powder, leading to a walkover. Playing a FPS game? Well, lets just have my own mouse driver software get some headshots while I watch a movie. It’s perfectly legit, as it just speeds up the response time so that it clicks before I even get to the computer. Gambling sites and online casinos? Data-mining, number-crunching and image recognition! By utilizing computer knowledge, solving problems is easy! Some might get jealous, but hey! Just be like me, and use your brains for once! However, in the modern era, the gangsters and other shady businesses are moving their turfs towards the internet and gaming circles. What happens when they realize that Foo was a threat to their profits? Well, no suspense here, they killed him. That’s the end of story... if you are to believe the god that greets him after his death. However, can this story get a fresh new start when Foo somehow ends up in a game-like medieval fantasy world? Or will the lack of modern tools, like his beloved computers or other modern conveniences, cut his story short yet again? ------------------------------ Also, thanks to SageDrunkKitty and Remteldanmarkius for proofreading the synopsis! Any errors still there are their fault! The fact that I might not have listened on them does not automatically make it my fault, okay?

ZombieSpy · ゲーム
92 Chs

Lucifer Makes His Move

Leaving other thoughts aside, Foo decided to get to work.

"Is all residences this bad?" Foo questioned the group.

"This bad? This is the area with the better residences. The areas further away is much worse." the receptionist answered.

"That bad?" Foo absentmindedly replied while massaging his temples. It was even worse than he thought. How could the houses deteriorate so much? They was part of the once glorious `Magical Warrior` section... The building materials and techniques should not be that bad...

It was almost as if the other two sections had trained anti-house combat there...

But then Foo realized... that might actually be the case! From the interaction and descriptions that he had heard about them, it was not unlikely at all...

They would do anything to suppress the third section in order to elevate their own position. And it would give them an excuse to look for hidden stashes to loot...

"Hey. Lucifer! Do you understand the structure of the houses here?"

He was an experienced spirit after all. He might be familiar with how to repair such buildings.

"You call those things buildings?" Lucifer scoffed. "Not even when they were whole could they be considered anything more than toys!"

"Even the other buildings in the other sections are crap!"

"As such, you should be able to construct proper buildings, yes?" Foo inquired. He was also a bit disappointed at the buildings. From what he saw, they were quite cool. But they could indeed only be called toys...

"Ah! And they can't follow the designs from your place. They should be more suited for this world, not suspicious or evil..." Foo quickly added. Can't have houses made of flesh and bones here. How would that fit a saint as Foo?

"Eh? What a bummer!" Lucifer lamented. But he then continued with a proud voice, "There is no great empire that I have not in some way crushed! I have great knowledge about the buildings that have been used in even the most advanced cities!"

"Once, I waged a war against the race with the most advanced technology in history! It was a great—"

Coughing loudly, Foo interrupted, "Get to the point! Do you know how to build proper, not evil, houses?"

"Anyway, I erased them from the existence... And yes! I am definitely the most knowledgeable in this area! There is no secure palace that I have not infiltrated! Actually, once I—"

"That is good! Then can I leave it to you to rebuild this section?"

Realizing that he might have dug a hole for himself when he was bragging, Lucifer started to try to find excuses so that he did not have to work.

"Impossible! Don't you know how weak I am now, thanks to you? It is—"

"Ah, I do not mean that you should do it yourself. You should have means to gather plenty of spirits that can do the work for you, right?"

"Well, that is true... But—" Lucifer hesitatingly answered, still wanting to skip out of working at all.

"Would it not be fun to have lots of subordinates to boss around? To build the most magnificent academy in the entire world? To show the ones that diss your own design taste that even if you follow theirs, you can still make something that would be leagues better than their best attempts?"

Completely convinced by Foo's words, Lucifer's eyes started to glow of excitement. He had so far only been called trash, and he have also heard the women mutter `cute!` behind his back.

That was unforgivable! How could a magnificent evil spirit such as him sink so low? But now he had a chance to take out his anger on some poor spirits while showing of his immense capabilities!

"Ah, you should gather wicked spirits, as they should not mind if you were a bit... abusive..." Foo added.

Now grinning even wider, Lucifer could barely hold himself back.

"Leave it to me! There is no one better than me for this job!"

Giving off a bright smile, Foo then responded, "Great! I knew that I could count on you! You are the most loyal companion that I have!"

Having an unfamiliar feeling of warmth, as there was someone that valued him highly, and because he was called companion for the first time in a very very long time, his spirits were the highest they had ever been.

And the fact that Foo referred to him as companion and was even kindly urging him, was truly touching. Due to the earlier circumstances he was but a slave after all...

The feelings that were new to him surged in his body. Energizing him in a way that he had never felt before.

"Hehe! I will go right away! I'l be right back!"

While departing to gather some poor spirits, he thought about Foo, ``It might not be that bad to have been trapped by Foo! He is really agreeable! Great minds thinks alike!``

However, if Foo had heard his thoughts, he might have coughed blood. `What the heck do you mean thinks alike! I'm a saint!`