
Unwanted Attention

Chloe slept in on Sunday. It was the only day she got to rest because even on Saturdays, she was still working. After she left her family house with Jeremy, she had told him she had a business meeting, but that was a lie. She had gone shopping and for a spa treatment, gone for professional waxing and also styled her hair, making it wavier. She had spent the rest of the evening standing in front of the mirror, changing into the different underwear she had gotten to see the one that looked sexier.

Seriously, she couldn't believe she was doing it either. She was a strong, independent, arrogant workaholic. Yet, she was like that all because of a younger guy! If someone had told her a year ago that she would be putting in all this effort just for a man to think she was 'sexy' she would have slapped the person. Really!

She didn't regret it. She would do anything for him. The idiot managed to worm his way into her heart and had made no plans to leave, and she was not going to chase him out.

Sleep didn't come early on Saturday night because she was anxious about what would happen today. They were finally going to do it today! She kept imagining what he had planned for them and how everything was going to pan out until 5 a.m before sleep enveloped her.

So she groaned when she heard her doorbell ring and disturbed her sleep. She grumbled, wondering who was bothering her sleep this morning until she opened her eyes and the first thing she realized was the fact that she had fallen asleep on the couch in her living room. She checked the clock and realised it was almost 8:30 a.m.

She stood up from the couch and stretched, hearing her muscles pop as she went to check who was at the door. She rarely received visitors unless it was Mia who came like once in 2 months, Jeremy or sometimes, Jeremy and Ellie. Louis had only visited once, and she hadn't told her parents where she lived. Although, she knew they were aware.

A frown formed on her face when she saw the strange face standing outside. He looked kind of familiar, but she couldn't remember where she knew him from. She opened the door and saw him standing with a small tray in hand, a piece of foil paper covering whatever was on the tray.

She noticed how the look in his eyes changed briefly before he gave her a friendly smile.

"I am sorry for just waking you up. I didn't know you were asleep."

Chloe used a hand to unconsciously smoothen her hair and continued to look at him curiously.

"You... don't remember me?" He asked, a little taken aback.

"Am I supposed to?"

"Oh!" He sounded embarrassed. "We met yesterday. I'm Will. Your new neighbor." He gestured at the apartment directly across hers.

Recognition flashed in Chloe's eyes. He was the boy that delayed her from getting outside before Jeremy arrived!

"What do you need?" She asked, sounding less rude than she usually was to strangers but she still sounded rude.

He seemed taken aback by her rudeness and stretched his hand. "As my neighbor," he offered the tray to her. "I did some baking."

She looked at his hand and up at his face. "I don't take things from strangers."

"Uhm... we are neighbours. And... well... we can start somewhere." He sounded a little flustered.

"I don't like pies." She said.

"These are cookies." He corrected her while looking at the tray in his hands.

"I don't like whatever it is."

Chloe turned to return inside, but he stopped her desperately.

"Wait! So... what do you like?" He asked.

She turned around to look at him, annoyance clearly evident on her face.

"I'd like it if you stopped bothering me." She said this coldly before entering and shutting the door in his face.

She knew his type. If she gave him any form of encouragement, he may have started flirting with her. She had experienced it countless times and that was why she was like that.

She suddenly remembered something as she walked towards her room.

Had she been like that to Jeremy?

Yes, she had been rude to him.

Had she ignored him? Yes.

Had she given him her number the first time he asked? Yes.

He had made it obvious from the first day she took note of him that he liked her. He hadn't bothered to hide it from her or pretend like he wanted to be friends like most guys did. He had outrightly offered to be her shopping assistant in her mall and asked for her number!

She didn't know why she had given him the number, but she had told him not to expect much.

But look at them now!

As she went to the mirror to check she didn't look too awful today, her jaw dropped and her eyes bulged out when she noticed that the first four bottoms of her pyjama top were undone and her black bra was on full display.

She looked down at herself just to be sure the mirror wasn't deceiving her, and found the same thing.

She remembered how Will had looked so flustered and kept trying to keep his eyes on her face.

"What the– Son of a bitch!" She yelled in embarrassment and anger.





Does Will smell trouble? Or Nah?

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