
The interview

James and Mira looked at Mia, waiting for her to answer their questions.


"I have spoken with Leo," she informed them. In fact, Leo had been the first to ask her if she was planning to take Zee with her before she even thought about it.

"He is just worried about how I am going to handle everything," she explained gently. 


Mira hissed and stood up abruptly. 

"This is a serious issue, Mia! You can't just give up your life to raise a baby. A child that isn't even yours–"


"Calm down," James told her, but Mira flared up. 

"Calm down? Why the hell should I calm down in this kind of situation?" She asked angrily. 


"You have every right to be angry. But what else would you suggest I do? Give me a better suggestion and I will take it," Mia said reasonably to Mira, who kept a displeased look on her face before she sat down. 

Of course, she didn't have any better suggestions.