
For the four of us

"Give me three weeks. Three weeks, Jer. I'll settle all that needs to be settled here and move in with you. If you want, of course."




"No?" She asked, flustered. 


"Three weeks is too long. I won't be able to do anything knowing that you are here all alone. I cannot wait that long." He said in a desperate plea to convince her.


"I know what you mean, Jer, but it won't do either of us any good right now," Chloe said in a defeated tone. This was the reason she hadn't wanted to mention it to him early because she knew he wouldn't agree. But she hoped that he would eventually understand what she was saying and agree to it. 


Jeremy shook his head stubbornly. 

"It will do us good, Chloe. Do not try to force me. Unless you do not want me here."


"You know that's not true." She said, frowning. "I want you here, but that's not the point right now."