
College party

"BOYS!" Rachel's yell startled the two boys playing video games, causing them to throw their gamepads to the floor.

"JEEZ! You are so loud!" Noah complained as he touched his ears, looking for blood because he was certain she had damaged his eardrum. 



"Thank you. Because I also didn't want to stay with you guys. And if you had paid attention to me when I first called for your attention, maybe I wouldn't have yelled." She rolled her eyes. 


A loud "GAME OVER" echoed in the room, making the two boys sigh. 


"You've been here for only three hours, and is already causing trouble." Peter complained. He had been surprised to see Rachel move her things this morning. I mean, they had just been talking about it last night! How did she even get her things packed? 


"Tell me, how do I look?" She asked, turning around. 


"Why are you asking us? Can't you go check the mirror?" Peter complained. 


"I would be attending a party in the next 5 hours and I need to be sure that I look okay. Since you two are guys, you can give me an honest opinion. Imagine I'm some other girl right now."

She said and waited patiently when the two boys began to look her up and down.  


"You look great," Noah said. She was almost smiling before he completed his sentence, "...if you were going to a chapel, that is. You look like a choir mistress." 


Peter doubled over in laughter while Rachel glared at Noah. "Can you be nice for once in your life, asshole?" She hissed at him but received a smile in return. 


She looked down at herself. Her hair was in a ponytail so nothing was on her shoulders. She wore a green dress with long sleeves which ended just after her knees, coupled with a pair of sneakers. 


"Where did your sense of fashion go, Rachel? You really did turn into a nerd. Poor you." Peter continued to laugh at her. 


"Which party are you going to by the way?" Noah inquired curiously. 


Her dull mood was instantly lifted as she answered, "It's my party. Someone is throwing a party for me." Her eyes lit up.


The two boys looked confused. 

"A party for you? Who?" Peter asked first. 


"This guy named Tristan. He is in the swimming team. We have been friends on Facebook since last month. He promised to throw me a party if I joined the school. We'll be meeting for the first time today." She spoke happily. 


"Tristan? Tristan Donovan?" Noah asked. 


"You know him?" She asked excitedly. "He's a

uper cute, right? Sooo my type." She drawled and giggled before twirling around. 


"I know every athlete in the school." He replied smugly causing her to scoff. 


"You know a lot of decent people yet you're still so... you." She said before pointing her phone at the two like it was a weapon she was wielding "Don't think about stopping me." She said in a warning tone. 



"We won't stop you." Noah answered before Peter added, 

"Doesn't mean there is no curfew. Be back by 9 pm." 


"Are you fucking kidding me!" She yelled, startling the two. 


"Come on, cut her some slack. She is a big girl after all. Twelve is fine. And Tristan has to bring her back here."


Rachel narrowed her eyes suspiciously at Noah. Why was he being so supportive right now? 


"That good?" Noah asked Peter who shrugged.

"He's picking you up?" Peter asked her. 




"We'll let him know he has to bring you back in one piece." 


"There you go, Rachel. You should have fun tonight and wear something nicer. Summon the previous Rachel." He raised a fist as if saying 'you can do it.' 


"It's creepy when you are so nice." She shuddered and turned to leave while hopping. She looked excited and it seemed she was more excited to hang out with Tristan than attending the party itself. 


"I bet she'll get stood up again." Peter said and chuckled. 


Noah laughed, "Don't be mean."


"Let's continue with the game?" 


"Game on!" Noah cheered as the two boys returned to what they had both been doing before she interrupted. 



Thanks to all those who added. I saw you all *smiles*

However, there are still a lot of you who haven't done so. Therefore, I am uploading a short chapter for now.

Please, add up our new book.