
Chloe goes berserk

It was safe to say that the king's residence was in tumult. There were screams everywhere, with everyone yelling and quarreling with each other. The outsiders felt it was the best time to call it a night and sneak out before someone took out their anger on them, or before a fight started and they were pulled into it. So, one after the other, the other guests began to leave. 


The only guests still present were the Vines, Tracy and her family, and Amara, who was looking everywhere for Chloe.


"Madam..." A charwoman hurried towards them, panicking. 


Regardless of her presence, the family continued to throw insults at each other until Mrs. King could no longer take the girl's interference and snapped at her, "WHAT IS IT?" 


The girl flinched, but she recovered and pointed at the main house. "Miss... Chloe..." she said while trembling. 


Everyone looked at each other and immediately began to run towards the house.