
A motherly sister

Even though the guilt was still eating Andrew up, he decided to return home. He had been sleeping over at a friend's place since the incident happened. He didn't know how to face his sister, and honestly, it hadn't been easy for him. His friend was very accommodating and lent him his clothes and even fed him, but he wasn't used to this. Even though he didn't like to spend a lot of time in their shared house but preferred visiting Noah and Peter, he still missed going to the apartment he shared with Debby. He missed her cooking and the way she arranged the house. She was more than his elder sister. She was like his mother in school. So, knowing how much hurt she was facing made him hate himself and Peter even more. 


As soon as he opened the door and entered inside, he saw his sister standing up from the small dining table where she was having dinner, with hope in her eyes. When she saw him, she sighed in relief and just stood there, staring at him.