
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · テレビ
75 Chs


'Holy shit, they really call it that?' 


"Thank you for this opportunity, now if you excuse me I have a lot on my mind. Gentlemen, thank you for having me over, I will show myself out." 


They give me their goodbyes and I turn to leave, Giuseppe puts a hand on my shoulder. 


"What has happened in this room must stay in this room Seth." 


"I know the importance of secrecy." 


"Good, I will inform the rest of the families that you have come to join us. We will add your name to the books and I'll have a servant fetch you when we have our next meeting." 


Nodding I go back into the main house and leave through the doors. Focusing my hearing while I waited for my carriage, I listened in on what the brothers were doing. Stefan and Damon were talking quietly in Stefan's room. 


"Look brother, I'm saying that father is up to something." 


"Damon," a book snaps shut. "Let's just leave it alone." 


"Aren't you at least curious to what he and the Gilbert's are doing? Seth even went with them." 


I heard Stefan push Damon out of his room and closed the door. There was the sound of another book being opened. Damon said something that caught my attention.


"At least show some interest when fathers guest shows up." 


I opened my eyes again just as my carriage came around. Giving instructions to take me home the driver nodded before pulling away from the Salvatore estate. I went back to what Damon had said. 


'Their father having a guest over? It's still too soon to be Kathrine. My being in this world has changed things. First Lillian still being around, my place didn't exist before I'm pretty sure, and now an unexpected guest? I'll have to keep an eye on things.' 


When we arrive at my home I dismiss the staff and go straight to my study. I took out a book where I had listed down the plot of the entire series as I remembered them. I flipped through a segment labeled 1864/Moonstone incident, scanning through what I had written I found no listing of a guest coming to the Salvatore home before Kathrine in 1864. 


"Maybe she visited earlier and stayed with them for a while and the show just didn't go into detail?" 


Taking out loud often let me decide if a plan or idea was too stupid to put to action. The more I thought about it the more sense it made. Two years to corrupt two decent guys into a broody stalker and a sarcastic prick. Kathrine had plenty of time within one year, but two seemed like the perfect amount of time judging by how much drama she had caused Damon and Stefan in the show. 


I sighed and closed my eyes, taking a deep breath and focusing my hearing on the house. I was alone, replacing my guide book. I went to the cellar and took a glass of bottled blood. Sipping the blood I felt it rejuvenate me, downing the rest I went to the vault I had set up. I had been moving the treasure buried with Silas to this vault since I got the house, first storing the gold in an empty room before moving everything to the vault once it was completed. I went out of the house and sped to the cave on the island to fetch the last barrel of gold and gems. I opened the sarcophagus and looked at the dozen white oak stakes I had. 


I pocketed half and returned to my estate to store the rest of my money. Opening the door to the vault, I looked around the room. The barrels of gold stacked in one corner a smaller pile towards the back. The gems locked in a safe with the sword I had been given my first day in this world in a display case over it. I set the barrel of gold down next to the others and placed five of the six white oak stakes I had on me in my safe. Taking the remaining stake I tested it on myself by dragging it hard on the palm of my hand. The wood broke the skin, then it healed just like normal. 


"So white oak can't kill me either. If Morgana wasn't lying and I can only die if she dies, then I just might be the strongest fucking vampire in this world at the moment." 


The thought made me slightly nervous, witches used vampires like toys in this world. I still didn't know if magic would affect me. I had my suspicions for a while about who Morgana was, and if I was right then maybe magic would affect me. She did send me to this world after all. I went back to my study after securing the vault. Throwing the stake into a drawer I took a piece of paper and listed down the powers vampires had in this world so I could compare them to my own. 


Enhanced speed and senses seem to be a given with pretty much all kinds of vampires so I listed a bunch of individual powers like weather control and animal possession. 


'I know I can't Jedi mind trick someone, maybe weather control?' 


I walked over to my window and looked outside at the clear night sky. I closed my eyes and focused on what I wanted, scrunching my face in concentration. I let out the breath I was holding and opened my eyes. The sky was still devoid of clouds. 


'No to weather control. What about flight?' 


I willed myself to levitate off the ground, nothing. I even flapped my arms and jumped. Feeling silly I sat back down on my chair and went to scratch out the powers I didn't have. When I couldn't find the pen on my desk I looked at the floor. It must have fallen when I was doing my best at emulating a bird while trying to fly. I reached out to grab it, but before I could reach it the pen shot straight into my hand. Blinking, I looked at the pen and dropped it on the ground again. I reached out and focused, the pen lifted itself off the ground hovering slowly towards my hand before lowering itself onto my waiting palm. 


"Fuck yeah! I have the fucking force!"


My hand snapped over my mouth as a dog started to bark, having been awoken by my shout. I set the pen on my desk and ran back to my vault. Inside I focused my senses, a new sensation emerged in my mind. I could feel all the stray coins scattered on the floor. Lifting my arms hundreds of gold coins levitated about eye level. I began to wonder if this was the extent of this power. I condensed all the coins into a loose ball and neatly piled them into a corner before levitating one coin into my hand. Focusing on what I wanted to do I levitated the coin in my palm and willed it to shoot forward. A crack in the air stung my ears as the coin shot into the wall breaking the sound barrier as it did. 


"Holy. Fucking. Shit. This power is broken as fuck." 


I looked at the wall where the coin had impacted, there was a neat little slot where the coin had passed through. I peeked out of the slot and looked outside. There on the wall a dozen or so feet from my home was a glowing mess of molten gold. The coin had been moving so fast that it melted before it could go through the other wall. 


"This power is so fucked" I laughed to myself. "Fuck a gun, I can splatter someone with a pebble." 


Cackling like a madman I left my vault, I stepped out into the night still amused. A thought popped into my mind, quickly focusing on the power again until I felt what I wanted. Using the power I levitated myself a foot off the ground before I lost focus and fell flat on my face. Groaning, I sat up as I felt my nose heal. 


"Come on Seth, if those asshole kids in that movie could do it then so can you." 


I focused on myself again and started to float, I lifted myself higher until I was well above the clouds. Silently praying that no one had seen me I let out a whoop of joy. 


"Fuck, okay now how do I move?" 


I willed myself to fly forward and nearly pissed myself as I rocketed towards a cloud. I closed my eyes and hovered in place for a moment. Opening them again I flew around the clouds carefully so as to not push too much power into it and vaporize myself in the atmosphere. Immortal as I was, I was not willing to test if I could come back from being vaporized. I flew for a few more hours getting used to the feeling before descending back to my home and retreating to my room. I took off my clothes, depositing them on the hamper and promptly collapsed in bed. I closed my eyes and let sleep come over me.